'undiagnosable' abdominal pain.
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Hi there,
I've had right severe abdominal pain, just below my rib line, It's a constant pain and i've experienced it for about 4 months now. At first I didn't really pay attention to it, it then became too painful to ignore at all. I would find myself waking up at night, or having to sit/lay down at work clutching my side. One day at work it became so painful I collapsed, and began having heart palpitations, after calling an ambulance I was sat inside it for 30 minutes or so hooked up to an ecg, my heart beat averaged about 125. I've seen about 10 doctors, 4 of my local GP's, and had 3 trips to AnE. The palpitations proceeded the severe pain a total of 3 times so far, It'd feel as if something in my right side had almost burst and spread across my body becoming numb and having severe chest pain - and I honestly thought I was having a heart attack because of the pain and the feeling of my heart pumping through my chest.
I guess the best thing will be to answer every question they've asked me..
I'm a healthy 19 year old male, I've eaten healthy, exercised often, i'm 10 stone 8, and i'm 5ft 8. I am not a drug user, although I am partial to the occasional binge drink (Like most teenagers).
I do not lift heavy objects, I work in a bar and don't lift any barrels/trays of glasses. I have been a smoker for a year now, and have been cutting down since the pain started, although giving it up entirely is quite hard as i'm finding it the only thing that has relaxed me. I've had no blood in my urine/feces/vomit. I have only vomited once during the 4 months. I do not have a temperature, I do not have a fever, the pain is not increased when pressure is applied. It is not relieved by warm/cold packs etc. The doctors are adamant I do not have appendicitis, i've had 3 ultrasounds which show no stones in my kidneys or galbladder and everything is as of normal size.
When I was admitted into AnE and asked to spend 2 more nights in the hospital I became so bad I had to have someone to hold me up while I walk, I couldn't sit up due to the pain and I would be so tired that I couldn't get out of bed. They had asked me to stay because of one blood test that showed my liver functions spiking high (I think it was billirubin? - and no I had not had a heavy night of drinking or anything the night before It was taken) They released me because they said being an outpatient would be faster (Which, it isn't, as the specialist i've been referred to will not be able to see me until december, when it's september now.)
Through all the doctors i've seen, i've stuck with one who has been incredibley helpful throughout this all, although completely clueless to what is going on with me.
Whilst in the hospital I've had a doctor tell nurses to stop giving me any pain killers because Im probably just a drug addict, and other doctors tell me it's complete anxiety, and others take one look at me and say it's a mucle inflammation under my rib.
It's got to the point where I can't work, my relationships are suffering incredibly because I can hardly do anything. I Can't drink without having incredibly bad hang overs which last for days or throwing up after the first couple of pints, some days I will wake up and sit on the floor because it's too painful to lie down or stand up. My relationship with my partner is suffering, as it is most of the time too painful to be intimate. This is ruining my life, and all the doctors are telling me 'come back if it gets worse, but there's nothing wrong with you'.
But as I said, 3 ultra sounds, 2 x-rays, 15 blood tests (Including one for hepatitus).
And nothing except one liver function spike, the once. My blood sugars are normal, there's nothing abnormal in my urine.
What i've told every doctor i've seen;
I've had severe right abdominal pain. Just below my rib. So severe I can not walk etc. I've had constipation for 4 months a long with the pain, which every now and then seems to just disappear. It seems to become more severe every other week, and on 3 occasions so painful I have collapsed and either thought I was having a heart attack or my appendix had burst due to the pain.
Please, any help is incredibly appreciated, I just want my life back!
Thank you, Alex.
8 likes, 127 replies
CraigRanch Alexandermunday
WeRylands CraigRanch
Did the ERCP help relieve your son's pain? My husband, who never takes even Tylenol, is BEGGING for pain meds because he is in so much pain!! Has been in the hospital for weeks and the various specialists, who have done every test under the sun on him and all have come back COMPLETELY NORMAL, can find nothing wrong with him!! He's afraid he will lose his job!
Please tell me the ERCP helped!!
eli92043 Alexandermunday
Did u ever find anything wrong with you? I have the same exact symptoms!Everyone thinks i'm exaggerating or lying. I have also had tests done and nothing. I started out with right abdominal pain. Then it spread to the rest of my tummy. Then i had chest pain. And today i got a weird rash all over my chest. I'm freaking out. Nobody knows how to help me. Im a very active person and i lately havent been able to keep up with my life. My grandma worked in healthcare. And she says i might have parasites. Those Dont show up on ultrasounds. But that doesnt explain the rest of my symptoms. Please help.
amy769 eli92043
amy769 Alexandermunday
I was just wondering if they ever got to the cause of your pain??
loved79153 Alexandermunday
unknown83252 Alexandermunday
PS before I leave I know they sat exciersize helps bit in my case it does not
jay68400 Alexandermunday
ou will find a doctor that really cares
taylor54933 Alexandermunday
joseph61679 Alexandermunday
maureen19008 Alexandermunday
RainbowUnicorn Alexandermunday
I (28 y/o f) have been struggling with with upper right abdominal pain under the ribs, sometimes stabbing pain, passed out on 2 occasions, but mostly aching pain, nausea, rotating diarrhea/constipation, Headaches, and on and on. This went on for 3+ years. Multiple blood work ups, Abdominal exams, MRI's, CT's, Ultrasounds, Endoscopy, Laparoscopic exploratory surgery. No answers. I went in for allergy testing as one of the last ditch efforts trying to find something. I reacted very strongly to a few things I was eating ALL the time, including things that were part of a LOW-FODMAPS/ Autioimmune/Paleo diet (which didn't help me by the way as there were things I was allergic to on this strict diet protocol). I had been allergy tested 5 years ago and these things were negative. I stopped eating those things immediately, and have had very little pain since (and only when I ate something I wasn't supposed to).
I know it sounds far fetched but it really helped me.
ron96918 Alexandermunday
I have had the same exact symptoms for 6+ years, with the difference that my symptoms are mostly on the left side, not all, but most. I am a 56 year old male, and the symptoms all started after a trip to China. After 3 years of all the same tests I had a Eastern European Dr. who found Yersinia Enterolitica in my feces. He claimed this was a very damaging bacteria, (he never eats pork because of this bacteria) and I began taking antibiotics for a full year. Sincce then I am clear of the bacteria, but my condition has remained the same, but it did not worsen.
I am now testing electrical stim for pain with mixed, results. I am still pursuing this technology, and will comment if I have significant improvement.
Like others; I have lost my job (of 28 years), and put a tremendous amount of pressure on my poor, but very supportive wife.
I see that the work with the ERCP had some positive results, but I don't see a follow up.
I too wwould like my life back.
Best to all.
Bruins8477 Alexandermunday
Hey Alex,
Please excuse the pun, but I feel your pain. I'm 48 yrs old, but I've had numerous abdominal pain at different times throughout my life. But, back in Jan of 2014 I was in the hospital with an episode. All my test came back as normal as well along with a colonoscopy. They sent me home saying it's probably a bout of Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS). In May of 2014 I was back in the hospital with the same type of pain. All test (negative) except they gave me a Hydascan this time & found out my gallbladder was only functioning at 4 percent. I have sarcoidosis and to a lot of Drs known as "The Mimic Disease". It's called this, because it can attack any organ and affects your immune system. I suggest you read up on this and maybe getting a Dr to see about it. It usually attacks the lungs & rarely fatal, but it's a frustrating disease, because it makes life difficult when you know your in pain, but nobody can find anything wrong.
trevor1sg Alexandermunday