[Warts And Verrucas] VINEGAR, VINEGAR AND MORE VINEGAR!!! You don't need to p...

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VINEGAR, VINEGAR AND MORE VINEGAR!!! You don't need to pay money to get rid of these things!! Listen up people, if you want to see quicker results just use vinegar to get rid of your awful warts or veruca/s!! Get either white wine vinear or apple cider vinegar, cotton wool balls and some duck tape. Break the cotton wool into smaller pieces (slightly larger than the veruca or wart itself) Soak these cotton wool pieces in vinegar and place directly over the veruca/s. Secure in place over night with plenty of duck tape. Do this every night. In the morning, remove the tape and shower as usual. Let the area dry up during the day and leave alone. After only a few days you will feel slight tenderness in the veruca area and you will notice that it changes colour, becoming darker. I think that this is because the veruca has absorbed the vinegar and the flesh is decaying and drying up. This is the only thing that has helped me with mine. Don't waste money on over the counter products-its a waste!! Don't have them cut out or frozen or lazered-off until youhave tried this for at least 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure this will be the most effective thing you've tried! And easy and natural and cheap. Try it!! Good luck!!! xoxox :ok:

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    I also joined to say a massive thankyou

    This forum has helped me rid my 6yld daughters warts..but I did something a little different..

    After reading all the comments I thought it must be the vinegar getting into the blood stream that is doing the cleaning.!!!

    I just couldn't bear the thought of wapping her fingers every night and her not pulling them off in her sleep..Soooo

    I filled a small dish with white vinegar and put on her favorite TV show and told her to put one hand in the vinegar while she watched the show..10 mins a night. Just one hand and I didn't care which one.

    and she had them on both hands and her knees..

    As she was getting teased at school she started to remember to do it herself because we saw results after afew days..they were getting softer...

    After two weeks all but one big wart where gone..so i let her have a few days off and see what happened..that wart dissapeared a few

    days later..even though we stopped doing the hand in solution..

    As I type it's now 3 months and still no sign of them coming back..

    Such a great solution to a ugly problem thankyou to all who have contributed great work guys and girls..


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    I have suscessfully treated my mosaic verruca with a slice of garlic taped on all morning and then apple cider vinegar in the afternoon, the evening and night I have nothing on it to let it dry out, the sescret is to not file it for two weeks, no picking or scraping just leave it to go hard and crusty, just keep up with the garlic and vinegar morning and afternoon, I found just vinegar didn't work, make sure the sliver of garlic doesn't touch normal skin as it will burn only the verucca. Even when you think it's gone after the black falls out leave a day for hole to heal cover with kitchen roll to void infection. Then in Aday or two continue till no sign, this works even if it looks worse for the two weeks of leaving it, do not file everyday you will only make it sore just keep up the programme 
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    Interesting....my son has several warts on his hands. Will try this, as we have had no joy with over the counter stuff.
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    Mrmudchecker is spot on with the white vinegar in your bloodsteam point he made.. As I reported earlier, I had a large wart on the back of my hand & my finger which I'd followed the soak 'n' strap method for.. But I'd also got a couple on my fingertips of my left hand.. They were flat & looked like a lot of dry skin.. But they've also gone now & I didn't even bother to try to treat them.. they were obviously killed off by the white vinegar that was in my blood.. :-)
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    Sorry for the long post, but I found other comments helpful and want to share mine...

    I had a wart appear in the corner of my mouth, it came after the corner of my mouth cracked in winter, at first I thought it was taking a while to heal then thought it was a spot.

    when I realised it was a wart I bought a freeze kit, I know it says not to use on the face, but was prepared to risk it, anyway after many attempts it didn't work. I had used one of these kits on my hand 5 years ago with success.

    other failed treatments include:

    cold sore cream prescribed by doctor

    tea tree oil

    hand sanitiser gel

    duct tape (difficult to keep it on in that location)

    i was so self conscious and had started a new job when I got this wart which spread, having several small but noticeable ones in the corner of my mouth as well as a small white dot in my lower lip and small one near my ear. 

    Fast forward to july, I kept reading about acv, I was nervous as it was my face but eventually gave it a go out of desperation. I only had malt vinegar in the house at the time and gave that a go, all I did was use a cotton bud soaked in it and held it against the wart with some pressure for approx 20mins once or twice for a few evenings. It went black the first night and peeled away in a few days. 

    Then i stopped but looked like it was the main one was coming back so I bought some acv this time and tried again for a couple of nights. It went black again and after a few days peeled off and left a very small hole where that one was which heeled over a few days later. All gone now and so happy!

    i didn't treat the small one in my lower lip or near my ear as my priority was the ones in the corner of my mouth but they went away too. A week or two before vinegar treatment I started taking zinc tablets too as I read they can help the immune system. The vinegar didn't cause me any pain except some stinging when applying.

    hope my story helps


  • Posted

    Apple Cider Vinegar worked but it took me quite a bit longer than some of the other stories on this forum. Please note that I'm from the states so my verbage might be a bit different.

    I noticed the first of many in the middle of my right sole 3 years ago. I had had one as a child and it had cleared in a month after being prescribed a yellowish fluid that was painted on daily. A google search for "yellow wart liquid" yielded nothing. Surprise surprise. So I went with the next best thing: Over the counter wart freeze. As some of you may know, this was unsuccessful. Another google search said that these warts may clear in nine months to one year if you just wait it out. Well I waited. And waited. And waited. After about four months, the wart had brought some of its cousins to the party on the bottom of my foot.

    It was time to get rid of these things for good. Another round of wart freeze, the strongest salicylic acid pads you could get without a prescription, and a pumice stone strictly for the warts. After a couple weeks of the acid, the pain was so bad I couldn't walk without a limp. I was using the pumice stone to a point where my foot was bleeding. And the wart was surviving while the rest of my foot got scorched and shredded.

    It was time to see a doctor. He recommended alternating podofilox and duct tape for 4 weeks. I was vigilant about the therapy. The warts shrugged it off. So it was strict duct tape from then on. For 6 months, the warts were slowly spreading.

    By the time a friend recommended Apple Cider Vinegar, I had 8 little colonies of probably 12+ warts. The original one in the middle of my foot had a couple friends. There were 2 colonies at the base of 3 toes, on the pads of 2 toes, one toe had warts on 3 sides, two warts by themselves on the side of my foot, and the original one right in the middle. Disgusting!

    Internet research led to this forum and now it's time to share my success story.

    Here's what I did. I would do all of my work after taking my daily shower and an inspection of my clean foot. First, I would scrape down the warts while the skin was soft. Next, I would dip cotton wool into a high quality Apple Cider Vinegar (I Used Bragg's). I would squeeze out maybe 90% of the vinegar and place the cotton wool over the wart. The solitary warts had cotton wool the size of a pea, while the colonies had cotton wool about the size of my thumb. Just enough to cover all of them. Also, 10mL of vinegar was more than enough to treat all of them in one day.

    I would hold the wool in place with a bandaid and cover the bandaid on all sides with waterproof athletic tape. Then a regular sock would go on to keep the edges of the tape from catching. Yes, my foot was covered with a sock for 23 hours a day. When it was time for my next shower, everything would come off. All told it would take me about 30 min a night. Every night. No time off for good behavior. 

    After the first two weeks, the pain from the scraping compounded with the vinegar was waking me up at night. I switched to scraping every 3 or 4 days and that helped.

    I continued to treat my foot until I felt satisfied that they were gone. There was some scarring after stopping treatment so I checked my foot every night but did not resume the vinegar. All told, I treated my foot for TWO FULL CALENDAR MONTHS. That may have been overdoing it, but it's been over six weeks without any new outbreaks. I still check my foot every night. I'll take months of treatment over years of infection.

    Thank you to every one for contributing their success stories. For those who aren't quite rid of them yet, keep it up. It won't be easy but it will be worth it when you're done.

    Summary: Treating is easiest after soaking your foot in warm water (or showering). Scrape the wart down every 3 or 4 days. Cover the wart with cotton wool that has been dipped in Apple Cider Vinegar. The wool should be wet but not dripping. Hold the wool in place with a bandaid. Cover the bandaid with waterproof athletic tape. Try to keep the wart covered for as long as possible. Change your wool/bandaid/tape setup every day.

    Be vigilant in your treatment!

  • Posted

    I wil try this i have had warts for 20 years  they go and come back somewhere else.I have read somewhere it can be low immune system so i take vitamin b supplements you have to take them for a few months .
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    Hello there.

    I've been having problems with a wart on my knee for a while now. It started in january but it was tiny and i didn't really think it was a wart. But then it started growing and now it was huge until two weeks ago i decided to do the vinegar treatment again as I had a successful wart removal last year on my foot using vinegar.

    But my knee is very sore now and I decided to visit a chiropodist this morning. He tried to remove it but he just fiddled with it and caused a bit of blood. It is looking quite scary now and I am starting to get a little desperate, even thinking of seeing the gp on monday. Can you please let me know your thought about it? please see the picture attached. thank so much your reply mean so much to me.


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      I would let it settle and then continue with vinegar and gaffer tape treatment.  Don't let it bleed, I think they can get bigger with access to blood. Persistance is the key.
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      Hi, thanks. I will persevere. This morning the most weird thing happened. I had put on some vinegar on cotton wool and slept on it, and then this morning when I woke up the cotton wool was dry and stuck to the black bit of the wart. Before the chiropodist did the fiddling, I was in pain, but now I'm not feelin pain anymore. None whatsoever. I don't know what is going on in there right now, which makes me feel really scared. The chiropodist did tear the black bit in the middle, so I'm guessing the vinegar made its way inside the wart? I'm really confused and scared righ now....
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    Hi all, it's been a while since I last posted, worried about my apparent failure at getting rid of my verrucas. I just wanted to say thanks for everyone who posted here, sharing their stories. After my last post, I decided to persevere and continue treating both my 'mature' verruca and the other four (which were undercover) with ACV. After a couple more weeks of ACV and soaking my foot in hot water with Epsom salt (I'm pretty sure that had a role to play as well), I've managed to remove all five. I got rid of four by regularly peeling / removing layers. The fifth one came out whole with a bit of help. I was left with pink (and irritated) skin, but I applied ACV for two or three more nights. As I was afraid that I'd burn healthy skin unneccesarily, I stopped and I haven't seen any strange developments ever since smile You can easily see the 'damage' to the skin, but I don't care - as long as they don't come back, I'm happy! Thank you all for everything, this thread has been tremendously helpful. To all those who are still fighting this annoying virus: persevere, don't stop even if it looks likes it's not working. Mine never turned black (for most people, this seems to happen), so every person and every verruca is different. Don't despair, read all the advice here and choose whatever you think would work best for you. It's trial and error in terms of the exact steps, but ACV (especially the one with 'the mother') definitely works.
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    I have been trying for years to get rid of a verrucae, spent a fortune on tubes, extra strength tubes, burning treatment, acid plasters etc., then I read your tip using vinegar and duct tape. After two days something is finally happening and I am so thrilled. Thank you sooo much!
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    Yes cider vinegar for a couple of hours every day and only file after eight days not every day this bit is important, Alston I cut a ting bit of garlic and covered for a couple of hours a day. Sorted out two large veruccas this way
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     I'm yet another former veruca sufferer signing up purely to say thank you to the O.P for the ACV tip! Compared to what a lot of people on here have described, the veruca I had was fairly small and in the minor leagues, but it was still very painful and unpleasant. It spoilt a summer for me, as I like to go barefoot alot , which was out of the question due to the pain.

    Initially I went to my doctor and received three applications  of liquid nitrogen over the course of about six weeks, with absolutely no effect whatsoever. I was pretty discouraged by that, and by the doctor's semi-shrugging response of "it will probably go away on it's own eventually" (medical speak for "I'm out of ideas").

    Luckily I then started searching online, and eventually found this site. I was a bit sceptical, but there were so many people reporting good results I decided to give it a try. I did the cottonwool soaked in ACV every night  without fail, but I just used plain surgical tape rather than duct tape, as it is a lot gentler on the skin. It did start to sting quite a bit after the first week or so, but this calmed down again after a further two weeks or so. Three months later, the horrible thing is entirely gone! Such a relief. I have no scarring at all, but as I say, mine was a small veruca, barely 10 mm across. Anyway, is fantastic to be rid  of it, I couldn't recommend this treatment strongly enough. Thanks again.

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