"You'll get a bit fat and sweat a bit", they said....HA HA HA 😡
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I'm furious with Peri/Meno and general hormone hell.
What I wouldn't give for the "worst" thing to be being a flabby, sweating *itch.
The reality is so beyond debilitating.
Does anyone else spend all day in bed sometimes/often?! The sloth has literally become my favourite animal 😳
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victoria86074 Guest
I'm with you lou! You'll have a few flushes they said, get a bit moody they said......what a complete load of b*******!!! Try anxiety through the roof, migraines, unreality, having to struggle through every single day! Coming back as a man or a cat! Hugs to all you ladies, we are strong, we can do this!! X
Catwoman212 Guest
Yes!! This is me!
I've found Aveeno really good...haven't itched since using it. Hope you get some relief darling! Xx
amanda59745 Catwoman212
Guest Guest
Hi Lou! No kidding! I was in such bad shape last year, I lost weight. Had drs ask me if I had an eating disorder! The fatigue was insane... I still have to rest a lot in between chores, etc..but, yes, I had a scary time were I was lying in bed and it was too my effort to even watch tv. Now, the migraines and vertigo is practically ruining my life. Cannot work because of it...I am self employed, so no pay/ disability etc. ( I’m in the US). I feel like a sloth too...slow motion. Only 41. Contemplating gender reassignment!! 😂
Bri77 Guest
kelly55079 Guest
I hate it too!!! Feeling hot and tired. I don't feel like doing anything which is awful--I want to be doing things. I feel like a slug mostly. And the sad thing is my mom who is almost 80 can do circles around me. I just don't understand it. The anxiety drives me batty and I'm very moody as well.. Just frustrated which makes me mad!! I try to focus on doing good things for me as well as the family but that doesn't always work.. I just want to run away but then that would give me anxiety too soo I'm stuck!
beth54337 Guest
The anxiety is the worst.I have never experienced anything like this before.I wake up at 6 am in a panic with adrenaline surges.I used to could sleep till 9,not anymore.I was just on my porch begging God to help me because I feel insane like I have lost touch.I try to also think of my family and happy thoughts,but the negative thoughts always win.This month is way worst than last month,so now I am wondering if it's going to get worse each month.Dont know how much more I can stand.
God Bless
Nettie261962 beth54337
Beth, I experience everything you do and more. I wake up every morning in an anxiety attack. All day feeling like I’m falling over. Eyes feel like they don’t track right. Like my brain isn’t caught up with with I’m looking at. Joints ache, skin itches and burns (on my arms mostly), sad and depressed . Some days I’m just in and out of my bed because i feel too awful both physically and emotionally to do anything. Tried every remedy and medication out there to no avail. Just riding the storm out. The best thing I’ve found to help is keeping involved to the extent possible (hobbies, gardening, working out, friends etc). This is hard to do when one feels so weak and is hurting. I’m a Christian and rely on my faith to get me through each day (sometimes each minute). I wish you the best! We all have to stick together. This forum is amazing. 💜
evi75119 Nettie261962
I am constantly with icons of Virgin and Jesus armful and I am praying.
I can listen hymns all the day. It is relaxing me.
Wish you all the best!
beth54337 Nettie261962
I'm sorry to hear that you have all these symptoms,but I am also somewhat comforted to know I am not alone.Thank you for telling me.I hope we all can get back to a somewhat normal life one day.I feel like my old self right now,so I will take this and enjoy it,because who knows what tomorrow will bring.
hugs and God Bless
michelle97919 evi75119
I too am a christian and my husband is a pastor.
I had 10 years of peri hell and now im just post meno. It hasnt got any better!!!!
I also feel lim God has abandoned me. I hardly pick up my bible any more and barely pray.
Then i feel bad because i had big faith at one time.
I feel defeated and that God isnt listening to me.
I know his there but i just dont hear him. Even my marraige is suffering im just not the same anymore x
juanita93228 michelle97919
I feel the exact same way. I just keep praying hoping that God will give me my old self back again. 🙏😢
It's my birthday and I'm laying across the bed crying. But at the same time grateful to see another birthday.
I just feel so low and lonely. I feel stuck.
evi75119 michelle97919
IÂ want to believe that God can feel us but..... as we all know this peri is literally hell on earth.
I feel defeated, tooÂ
Catwoman212 juanita93228
juanita93228 Guest
Have lots to do today. I was supposed to be up at 8am. It's after 10am and I'm still in bed. I'm not tired really. I just don't have any get up and go. I just feel pathetic.