16 mnths post tlhr still stiff??

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Hi,i had my left hip done June 2016,posterior,still very stiff,spesh in morn,wen i stand up straight with legs 2gether,i feel like somthng is pushing my bottom out on left had side,also left thigh bigger than right one,mayb just fat??? Wld appreciate advice from fellow hippies 

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Just a shot in the dark here, don't want to be alarming at all, but maybe the cup part of the implant is to large. If it were me I would go to a different orthopedist and get a second opinion. You are well over one year and what you describe seems beyond normal.

    • Posted

      Hi Jodi,thanx 4 ur comments,going 2 my gp on fri,will ask 4 xray standing up or MRI,i nd 2 get 2 bottom of the prob(no pun intended!) 
  • Posted

    Hi Pauline

    I'm 10 months post. I had anterior. My problem is my upper thigh that feels really stiff after getting up. If I stretch it out it feels so much better but once I sit or lay for a while I'm back to square run. I was told to do my stretching exercises and with time, which should take plenty of time those muscles will eventually loosen up. Hope this helps. 

    • Posted

      Hi Dsilk05,thanx 4 ur comment,yip,i'm same,sometimes hip goes in2 a spasm if i've sat 2 long,i nd 2 walk it off!

  • Posted

    Perhaps a physiotherapist or an athletic therapist would help you.

    It may be more soft tissue damage and scar tissue build up that is bothering you.  There is a lot going on in there when you are opened up and joints are replaced.  The structure may be fine (the replacement and bone) but the soft tissue and muscle that surrounds everything can get weakened and scar tissue, whether it be from the incision or damage to the muscles inside from wear and tear or not properly working due to over compensation for years.  Swelling is not always visible at first externally and can put pressure on other parts.

    I worked with therapist a lot post surgery to get my muscles working properly, due to years of either not reacting properly or over compensating (I had both since I had hip problems for years, the body does what it has to do).  I also worked with therapists to break down the scar tissue from the incision which helps a lot with stiffness and mobility.

    I hope this helps.



    • Posted

      Hi Kaitlyn,thanx 4 ur well informed reply,i've already had extra physio,8mnths post op,at that point i could'nt lay leg flat on bed without extreme back pain,more or less sorted now. Will ask my GP 2 refer me 4 MRI,that will hopefully discount any underlying probs.


      A very frustrated Pauline x

    • Posted

      hi kaitlin,

      you bring up valuable points here -

      Just recently I am working with a therapist who aligns my body through deep massages - she calls it : Body points and Sports massage - she has extensive knowledge about the muscles - the treatment is painful and intense - however, little by little I am progressing that at the moment to the point that morning -or any stiffness is almost gone, groin pain almost gone , posture so much better  - 

      it took 8 weeks to get where I am right now and there were moments (around 4th week) that I thought that it didn't work and wanted to give up --- I still have some way to go ..

      Traditional PT did not help me unfortunately 

      How are you doing otherwise?

      angel blessings



    • Posted

      Dear Renee

      I'm interested in understanding exactly what she does that is painful.



    • Posted

      Traditional PT never worked for me either, both pre and post surgery.  It was not invasive enough or technical enough to get me to a functional level. It never found my actual problem and just treated the symptoms (unsuccessfully).  I was told for years that there was nothing wrong and that I just had flexible ligaments and blah blah blah (lots of which didn't even really make sense).

      Things for me are great! I'm glad I worked with a therapist after both surgeries to get muscles working that had never really done much before (my gluts), I had to retrain them to fire and work naturally. Things sadly don't just work properly just because the base problem is fixed, sadly.  It's a ton of work.

      Now my focus is on strength and I am working in the gym with my therapists (who is also a personal trainer) to get me back to my healthy habits with my physical fitness so I don't get weak and fall into a mess.  It's a lifetime of work maintaining new hips, I don't want to neglect that.  Cause even if I'm great now, without the proper muscle support new hips won't work to their full potential and keep me pain free.

      My energy has also sky rocketed since becoming pain free for the first time since I can remember.  My boyfriend has a new energizer bunny in his life that he had not meet before haha cheesygrin

      I am glad to hear that you have made huge strides!  It's a ton of work but worth it.  It's great to have a supportive team, and it sounds like you are in good hands now.  Retraining muscles and your body is no easy task.

      Best of luck!


    • Posted

      Dear Richard, 

      My body/muscles are very tight and short ..my back , legs, pelvic everything that is supposed to keep me in the erect and balanced position .. So when she start the massage, she has to get in to these knots and that is intense and, to me, painful ... but a "good" pain - she is stretching the muscles through massages - A session is about 45 minutes - 

      I am very happy about the progress -

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