23 Scared I have Colon Cancer
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Apologies in advance for the lengthy post. I'm 23 and have had trouble with diarrhea all my life. Last October I noticed blood in my stool when I wiped. I attributed it to hemorrhoids as I did have a habit of sitting on the toilet too long. Fast forward to about a month ago, I've been experiencing really bad intermittent stomach pain, bleeding, mucus in my stool, mucus that leaks into my underwear, and still putting up with the diarrhea. I sometimes have normal stools, sometimes its thin, sometimes its diarrhea, but as I mentioned I've had sporadic bowel movements my whole life. I am a bit of a worrier, so any little thing sets me off, but I have noticed that over the last week or so I've been constantly burping and feeling nauseous when I eat. I'm terrified this is a sign that the cancer has gotten so advanced its causing an obstruction. Could this really be anything other than colon cancer? I have a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy scheduled for next Wednesday, but part of me thinks "what's the point. If I've waited months since my first symptoms I'm as good as gone anyway" I know that's a horrible way of thinking, but as I said I'm a bit of a worrier. I suffer from severe anxiety. Any insight would be wonderfully appreciated, and I'm so sorry to anyone going through colon cancer that I sound like such a wuss for what could be something else.
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suzanne52661 john38362
Hi John
I'm sorry for what you're going through. I have had similar symptoms to yours, also for years. The mucus is the only thing i don't get. My GP thinks i have fibromyalgia with irritable bowel. But i don't get the chronic tiredness and the tender points that go with fibro. I may have IBS i guess. Anyway, i had an endoscopy and colonoscopy 5 years ago, and they were all clear. Since then my symptoms have got worse, and i am scheduled to have a repeat done next month.
I hope your procedure goes ok. Anxiety can cause many funny symptoms, including digestive problems. You may find that this is at the root of your issues. I don't suffer from anxiety.
Lets keep each other posted on how things go with the procedures. Keep your chin up!!
john38362 suzanne52661
Thank you so much for your reply Suzanne. I'm so sorry to hear your symptoms have worsened. I would absolutely love to keep each other posted. I'll let you know how everything went come Wednesday!
suzanne_96353 john38362
We all ignore problems ive got to have tests due to pain for 4 months.
But youve got yourself sorted your going for tests. Just like i am.
It could be inner piles it could be polyps in your bottom.
You could have given yourself ulcers or gastrtis.
So like me youve got to just take a breath. Im terrified too.
Im having uppet abdo scan sat mon hpylori breath test.
Ive had the blood test it was negative had ultra of gall bladder both ok
Of course you think of cancer so do i so do most but im 66 your 23
Think positive or try too thats what im tryimg to do big hugs Suzy x
Can you go to your mum and dad for love and support if you can the do it xxx
john38362 suzanne_96353
Thank you so much, Suzanne. I'm hoping everything comes back negative for you, but that they're able to find the root of what's going on. I've come to find in recent months abdominal pain is quite a nuisance.
suzanne_96353 john38362
Its a b.... y nuisance but weve no alternative but to carry on be calm😁
Chin up ok x
ashyam863423 john38362
Since i see you have bowel issues life long, you need to be in strict diet. This can be yeast or candida infection in your small age which is still there.
Probably one of your family members should have the same issue ?
pippa58442 john38362
Update everyone, so I had my colonoscopy and it was clear! I had a little redness in my descending colon, and showed I had hemmerhoids. They think I could possibly have chron's disease. They sent a biopsy back and we'll be doing a barium xray to confirm. I just want to thank you all so much for the reassurance and kind words. If interested I'll keep you guys posted on the follow up. Thank you all again so much.
pippa58442 john38362
Witch13 john38362
suzanne_96353 john38362
Im chuffed bet your thrilled xxx
My ultra sound complete abdomen clear?
Pylori blood and rpted breath test Hubbie rang no actiom so negative?
Off to see Gp (General practioner on Uk Ozz etc) see whats next.
Of course now ive got cancer of the tummy or heart problems.
See its not just you big hugs 😀😀😀😀😀
ahmed35711 john38362
The kind of treatment your specialist suggests will depend to a great extent on the phase of your disease. The three essential treatment choices are medical procedure, chemotherapy and radiation.
Medical procedure for beginning period colon malignancy
On the off chance that your colon malignancy is little, your specialist may prescribe an insignificantly intrusive way to deal with medical procedure, for example,
Evacuating polyps amid a colonoscopy. In the event that your malignancy is little, limited and totally contained inside a polyp and in a beginning period, your specialist might have the capacity to expel it totally amid a colonoscopy.
Endoscopic mucosal resection. Evacuating bigger polyps may require additionally taking a little measure of the covering of the colon or rectum in a system called an endoscopic mucosal resection.
Insignificantly obtrusive medical procedure. Polyps that can't be evacuated amid a colonoscopy might be expelled utilizing laparoscopic medical procedure. In this method, your specialist plays out the task through a few little entry points in your stomach divider, embeddings instruments with appended cameras that show your colon on a video screen. The specialist may likewise take tests from lymph hubs in the territory where the growth is found.
peachy90 john38362
I'm so sorry you are going through this right now! I'm 28 and have had issues with soft Stool/Diarrhea ever since i was in middle/high school. My doctor told me in my case that she thinks it's IBS or Chrons so you could possibly have that or Ulcerative colitis. I didn't experience blood in mine, but I'm constantly going to the bathroom(like literally everything i eat/drink sets off my bowels)and was having mucous all the time(now it's minimal) and I also have severe anxiety and depression which I know how that can make you feel, so try and not worrying about the big C word yet. I hope your doctor visit goes well! Are you a smoker? Have you tried diet changes too? Not saying that would help but quitting smoking and pretty much just drinking water has helped out a little but not alot.
Oh i just seen your reply! I'm glad it wasn't the C word!!!!!
pippa58442 john38362