23 Scared I have Colon Cancer
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Apologies in advance for the lengthy post. I'm 23 and have had trouble with diarrhea all my life. Last October I noticed blood in my stool when I wiped. I attributed it to hemorrhoids as I did have a habit of sitting on the toilet too long. Fast forward to about a month ago, I've been experiencing really bad intermittent stomach pain, bleeding, mucus in my stool, mucus that leaks into my underwear, and still putting up with the diarrhea. I sometimes have normal stools, sometimes its thin, sometimes its diarrhea, but as I mentioned I've had sporadic bowel movements my whole life. I am a bit of a worrier, so any little thing sets me off, but I have noticed that over the last week or so I've been constantly burping and feeling nauseous when I eat. I'm terrified this is a sign that the cancer has gotten so advanced its causing an obstruction. Could this really be anything other than colon cancer? I have a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy scheduled for next Wednesday, but part of me thinks "what's the point. If I've waited months since my first symptoms I'm as good as gone anyway" I know that's a horrible way of thinking, but as I said I'm a bit of a worrier. I suffer from severe anxiety. Any insight would be wonderfully appreciated, and I'm so sorry to anyone going through colon cancer that I sound like such a wuss for what could be something else.
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janet62590 john38362
You don't need to worry. Stress may sometime give you more symptoms. Get away stress and continue believing in yourself