24/7 globus sensarion ,tight throat, hypersensivity, throat burps
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Ive been reading through these forums for about 7 months now, basically ever since the symptoms started.. And to be honest i dont even know what im dealing with for sure..
All i know is that i had 3 endoscopies done.. First one being back in sept 2015 after complaining of tight chest and tight throat especially after a large meal ( the first test showed esophagitis,gastritis, duodenitis, basically alot of imflammation lol but no h pylori,biopsies normal) and was given pantaloc 2x day and off you go... A week later i was eating a salad and what seemed to have been a piece of fennel got caught down my esophagus.. I tried to calm myself down and drink warm water but nope, the feeling of a wedged and sharp piece of raw fennel never went away.. I immediately panicked and called 911 and i was brought to er and 10 HOURS later scoped again to see if anything was actually stuff.. According to the gastro at another hopsital ,it was free and clear yet had same findings as last one showing the inflammation and was sent home with same recommendations of taking ppis twice a day and softer foods.. Thats when my life literally turned upside down... At first it was constant burping!! Maybe i was swallowing more air than usual but id find myself burping allll day long id even induce burping so that it can relieve that pressure for at least 2 secs then it would sort of fill up again.. And as far as eating solids i was completely traumatized and id lean towards the smoothies and liquid soups... Even those i had a hard time.. Its like i was so fixed on it that id feel every little thing and id feel my esophagus fill up with whatever id try to swallow down... I went to ent and we did a fees,barium,modified barium,ct of neck,ct of abdomen,manometry you name it i did yet nothing! And trust me im a rational guy and usually good news would make a difference especially if it really is "all in ny head" but zero relief.. When i say zero i mean every single second of the day no exceptions i feel like im getting choked out plus i have these weird mini throat burps, throat gurgles and basically just feel like i constantly have something in my lower throat like below adams apple... I went to neurologist i tried amitriptyline,gapapentin,celexa even benzo like valium,xanax, ativan etc... Nothing worked not even in the slightess.. I figured if its anxiety induced shouldnt the benzos make it 2% better?? I even tried bentylol, librax,domperidone.. I became a freaking pharmacist lol its not funny but its funny because ive never been so hopeless in my life!! I dont even know what else to do... I tried meditation, massage therapy, yoga, exersizing, socializing,acupuncture (herbal medicine ie plum pit qi),nlp,psychiatry... Im honestly completely destroyed both mentally and physically.. At first i thought maybe its gerd or lpr but the ppis didnt do anything for 3 months, and i tried the opposite of that maybe too little acid,digeative enzymes, probiotics.. Literally every single thing and nothing not one minute of relief and not one ray of light at the end of the tunnel... Please any suggestions? Ill literally try anything!! Next step is probably cleveland clinic or something..
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alberto44558 Superannoyed
Wow, that's really bad. Yes..
What are your symptoms in the throat exactly?
Since you showed inflammation. Try to eat well. There's a book for GERD called "Fast Tract Diet Heartburn and LPR" which might help. Has good reviews but I haven't tried them myself yet.
About mind. It's really known that stress and anxiety trigger reflux so try to calm down as much as you can.
Do you remember how all this symptoms started? Maybe a throat infection? Stress? Etc..
I would say that in those cases, if yu have throat issues such as globus, hoarseness or chronic cough, maybe anti depressants would help due to the "Laryngeal sensory neuropathy", "Post viral vagal neuropathy" , "Irritable larynx syndrome". So I am surprised these drugs didn't give you any relief.
However I would ask you to think about how this all started because maybe the culprit is there. For example, many of us started with throat issues after a throat infection for example and doctors diagnose it as reflux when it's not the cause, althought maybe it agravates it.
Take care
Superannoyed alberto44558
Like anything in life, you can always think of something or a past event that can be linked or triggered a current state yet in my case i cant really think of a specific event other than my choking event.. But even then, they had found and i quote directly from the report: "hyperkeratinized look of distal esophagus with tiny break in mucosaI c/w reflux esoohagitis, pangastritis and impressive duodenitis with edema"....i have some theories but like i said if its legitamely stress then i should have had some relief from eithe benzos or the ssris... But i havent.. And if it were trully reflux,gerd then i would have had relief or at least some sort of amelioration from the ppis.. But i didnt...people say it takes time to heal.. I get that but if they saw everything was normal only a month later.. Wouldnt that mean its healed? Its very confusing.. Then i think to myself maybe i damaged the nerve endings,maybe my esophagus is damaged, etc but like i said all tests came back normal including my second modified barium that according to speech patholigist told me that my swallowing/timing and everything looked perfect... All i do rememeber is that i have had reflux symptoms in the past i also took ppis in the past but for what its worth was never something debilatating even the couple of times i had what seemed to be "globus"... I will mention this though for conversations sake because at one point was something i focused on but ended up being nothing... Last year back in march i had received a karate chop style hit from my idiotic friend to my trachea exactly where i feel the sensations.. I was furious because at the time when it happened i knew that id get that globus sensation for some time.. I was right yet it went again a couple of weeks later and months later another idiotic friend decided to jump behind me and choke me out... Yes i know what you are thinking... Get new friends lol thats not such a bad idea lol and once again that globus feeling came back.. At first i said ok theres a correlation between those physical events and this throat tightness sensation...but when i looked into it.. No damage nor cricopharyngeal spasms, etc.. So that theory went out the door... The only real real thing that i do think has some coorelation is the fact that for past couple of years i have subconsciously avoided baguette breads, meat, things that i started to find difficult to swallow and also i had many moments that i was quick to forget where id eat a large meal and induce vomitting to relieve throat tightness and it worked for awhile until the last time which was my choking incident.. When i tried it then its like my gag reflex dissappeared i remember being extremely scared because of that.. Its like since then i lost my gag reflex.. I remember it being so sensitive to the point where pretty much everytime id brush my teeth and start brushing my tongue id bring up some acid in my mouth... Since this all started it hasnt happened once.. As far as gerd diet, i wish i could follow some sort of meal diet since i cant even eat solids so my choice is very limited off the bat.. I cant follow something if im already as it is struggling to give my body nutrition with liquids... I will say that i have completely eliminated any acidic type foods like orange juice (never a fan anyway), chocalate (also never a fan),spicy, alcohol (hardly drank), smoking etc and nothings made a difference.. Like i said ive had 7 long months to ponder about all this and i cant seem to get a grasp on any of this and that includes the various doctors ive seem.. And thats probably the hardest part.. Is that youre battling something blindfolded and the people whom supposedly should have answers just send you off on your way home with an aspirin or better yet tell you omg thats crazy!! Wow how do you put up with this? Lol seriously??? If you dont have answers please shut your mouth...
As far as symptoms:
I feel a very dry and sore feeling in the back of my throat when i wake up.. Like it hurts to yawn or open my mouth.. That goes away after brushing my teeth..
Sometimes theres pleghm in the back of my throat sometimes there isnt.. Sometimes my tongue is coated and dried up sometimes it isnt.. That suggests mayyyybe , along with sleeping with my mouth opened, that stuff in fact comes back up and irritates my throat.. But how can i stop this??!! Ive been on meds, i sleep on my left side, elevate my bed, eat the right things, dont eat 3 hrs before bed, taken every single natural remedy known to man, marshmellow root, dgl, slippery elm,etc even sulcrate before bed, gaviscon,etc nothing!!
I do notice alot of trapped air or gas in my chest (left side), throat rumbling gurggling, cant burp normally, they feel restricted and even sound weird, sometimes when i swallow ill feel a bit of pain going down all the way to my stomach like a ripple effect, the sides of my neck are very tender and sore, etc..
Ive been rambling on for an hour im sure im missing something but like i said, i think of myself as a fairly smart individual and i cannot for the life of me grasp any of this nor can i get it to stop even for a minute...
God help me and all the others in this situation.. I honestly think this is the most frustrating and depressing thing anyone can face!! I realize i should be grateful for not having this or that or the C word but having said that this is insanity!!
alberto44558 Superannoyed
If that's not the case, then maybe your larynx got hypersensitive. It happens to many (like me). Anti depressants well althought I still have symptoms.
So if there's nothing visible maybe you should try amitryptiline, gabapentin, pregabalin (and test others if they don't work for you since not all of them work for everyone).
Also a speech pathologist might help to "remember how to swallow and talk" since I think we all forget it after a few months with this.
Superannoyed alberto44558
i did try amitryptiline and gabapentin and it actually gave me reflux (like burning chest due to im assuming the amitryptiline) and i stopped after about a week or so...As far as lyrica, i actually have a prescription filled right in front of me lol but am already taking celexa and i saw that taking both these medications together can have moderate interactions.. I have experience with both of this meds to be honest..I had been on a celexa stint years ago and it helped (hence why im on it again for past 3 months) as well as lyrica, on two seperate occasions..
As far as the ph test, thats basically the only remaining test ,perhaps a delayed gastric emptying test,that i think i should do.. At least rule those things out for certain...
I agree..we definately cant lose by "relearning" to eat and talk like normal people and i had suggested that to my speech pathologist and unfortunately shes leaving on vacation for a month so that will have to wait..
Besides that, im at a loss...
Thanks again for replying!!
donald76862 Superannoyed
Superannoyed donald76862
First of all thanks for your message and for your input!! We need to get together and try and figure this out once and for all!! Whats funny is that ever since this happened to me i started hearing so many stories from people i know that were similar and that sometimes lasted years.. Its amazing how stress and anxiety is such taboo and that too many people suffer in silence and doctors dont take patients very seriously especially ones with a history of anxiety.. They think of us as the kids who cried wolf and its really sad that they neglect their patients whom probably need their help the most... I know how it feels to choke on food its probably one of the scariest experiences a person can have and like you said your mind definately can play major tricks on you and nake you feel things that can make you go nuts!! All i know is that everyone in this position has gone through something traumatic and that trauma is sometimes brought upon us by something we dont even think bother us or something lingering in out subconscious and its our bodys way of saying hello??!! I dont like this!! Change this!! But the problem is that we tend to be like doctors ourselves and look at only the symptoms and not the root cause.. But even after saying all this, its harder said then done and we arent making all this feelings up and its hard to figure out what came first.. Stress or the disease... Anyways thanks again for the message and i hope and pray you get through this soon.. I know how it is.. Its hard when your family either believes youre doing this for attention and in my case, got used to me eating smoothies and soups.. Its not normal to live like this and it definaltey makes it harder when your so called support system is immune to you needing help...
millikenz Superannoyed
Hi there. I have the SAME exact symptoms as you for the past 7 months and it keeps getting worse and worse. Back in Dec 2015, I came down with a really sore throat and thought nothing of it. Then, the sore throat progressively turned into a cough I could not get rid of. Eventually from there, I went through asthma testing, tried steroids, cough suppresants, PPI's (which made is SO much worse), anti depressants, went through a motility test, did an endoscopy which showed nothing, had a scope down my nose by two ENT's. nothing!!! now the cough has progressed to super tight base of throat as if someone was constantly pressing below adam's apple. It makes it super hard to talk with the constant "pressure" there. I was wondering if you had any update since? I know these posts were written a few months ago. Just checking to see if there was any resolution of any sort. My cough is constant all day, more like a dry cough with nothing coming out. sigh.... I have a fear of food now because I know it'll cause chest tightness and extreme throat tightness right above the collarbone and not to mention that cough. sigh..... anyhow, hope you get this! - Millie
carrie20720 millikenz
Mine was caused by a virus. My vocal cords are shifted off to one side and they typically see this for people like me. It's a documented treatment in the medically community tho is is rare. There are 30 of us. Have you been tested for H pylori?
millikenz carrie20720
OH wow, i haven't heard of the shifting of the vocal cords before. I haven't been tested for H Pylori yet but I guess I should. All of the doctors are probably sick of seeing me as I've had numerous tests done already... even checking my thyroid. The depressing part is nothing shows up in any of the tests I was never on PPI's long though... they gave me the worst side effects. All I know is, I can't go on with this tight throat, burping feeling allll day long. and that cough... horrific.
carrie20720 millikenz
Some background on me I had Nissan surgery in 1998 because of severe acid reflux. They stocked up my esophagus end that stopped realizing.I got a virus around 2000 2001 which triggered my coughing for the first time. I went thru battery of tests was told all in my head was told virus made my throat hypersensitive but there was no treatment. After a few years it was a little better. It was always there but I had some better times. In 2009 i had a cervical neck fusion and during surgery my neck was shifted. Then In 2014 I had bypass surgery. They said they had hard time intubating me cuz of the fusion. My guess is they had to ram the tube down my throat causing maybe more issues. My cough has been way worse since heart surgery. Finally heard mayo has a cough clinic. They repeated all the tests pulmonary function endo scoped and examined voice box. I always said its in my throat not my lungs. It's at my thyroid area. One month before heart surgery I went on thyroid meds. So I googled my meds for that and forums and some people cough from it! I wanted to go off my thyroid meds just to see and dr said I would crash. I guess with vocal cord shifting I have to assume this is the damage from the virus per the doctor. Can't wait for next Botox treatment. Oh and now I have a small hiatel hernia due to my coughing. My friends aunt is constantly burping from her hernia and the stomach pushes up thru the diaphragm. Did you get checked for that? If they did barium swallowing studies on you they most likely looked for that. She belched loudly and often.
millikenz carrie20720
Oh my goodness, you've been through the ringer! SO sorry you had to go through all of that in the past! Did your Nissan surgery help in terms of the reflux itself? I did go through an endoscopy and barium swallow and I think they did check for a hiatal hernia which there was none. After my endoscopy, I had some cuts on my inner lip. I'm sure they just rammed that thing inside me as well. A few years ago, before any of this started, I had numerous tests done because I was constantly nauseous after eating. I also did an upper GI study which the radiologist said my stomach looked distended. They diagnosed me back then with superior mesenteric artery syndrome. It's a rare condition which might be a bit much to get into right now, but in summary, it's a compression of the duodenum in the stomach from being too skinny and not having a fat pad in that area. Somehow, I eventually got over the nausea to that and avoided surgery. But now that all this coughing, constant throat pressure and burping started, I have been losing a lot of weight because I'm afraid to eat anything. (even though the symptoms are there ALL day) I really don't want the nausea to start and trigger the other symptom but this supposed "silent reflux" is killing me. Weird part is, the barium swallow didn't show any reflux. I'm having a bravo test done on Wednesday but I really wanted to do an 24 hr impedance test which tests for non acidic reflux but they don't offer that. I feel like everything is in my thyroid area as well but I did a blood test for the thyroid which tested for TSH, T3 and T4 which were all normal. I even had a CT scan done a few months ago. I wonder if a thyroid could be inflamed even though the tests come out normal. I'm at a lost as to what to do. I'm feeling really depressed as I just got engaged... but with all of this going on, I am in no condition to concentrate on planning a wedding nor even think about the future.
carrie20720 millikenz
Wondering if they did a gastric emptying study on you? Google gastrophoesis not sure I spelled it right. The stomach may not empty normally and make you sick and belch. Treatment is a low does of erthermycin an antibiotic that make your stomach pulsate to empty. Ask the dr to put you on it just to see if it helps. Can't hurt you. Nissan did help me. Was not pleasant tho very farty now has quoted down. I still cannot puke it was a total wrap. When you are sick with flue its painful cause you cannot puke. No so farty anymore lol. Now I just pee from coughing all the time lol. I hope they can find something out for you. Try eating 2 tablespoons of food every 30 minutes you can't afford to lose more weight and not get nutrients. Maybe the boost protein shakes to sip on. I became a diabetic from the stress of the heart surgery. Can you believe it! So a nurse practiomwr studied my blood work for nutrition, my Vit d was 26! It should be 100 for a heart patient. Take 5000 iu of d. I was chicken for ferritin and my number was really low I can't remember it now so now I am taking lots of iron them my thyroid meds quit working she said because I lowered my salt intake and quit eating beef I am loosing nutrients. It's so important to keep the rest of your body systems working properly you may be in starvation mode. Try a good protein shakes and small food portions every 30 minutes. My first born was not gaining weight because she puked all the time I remember Dr Getting mad at me like I was neglectful. I fed her all the time so he had me feed her 2 tablespoons of food every 30 minutes and she finally started gaining weight. Then she started walking and was upright and stopped puking. Got the pressure off her stomach. Look into some nutritional food and supplements maybe some nutrient liquid fr health food store. You want to be healthy for your wedding someday and have your body in good shape for children. Hope they can figure it out. Hang in there
millikenz carrie20720
Back a few years ago when I had the nausea, they did a gastric empyting test on me and that came out fine. But who knows, maybe my body has changed since. I know stress causes these sensations to be worse but I can't help it. I sometimes wonder if I have the laryngeal sensory neuropathy as well. What if my throat nerves are just hypersensitived like you mentioned. I'm glad the wrap worked for you and helped alleviate symptoms. The not being able to puke part sounds a bit scary though. But I guess it's better to come out the other end instead lol. I've been taking vit d3 as well. Last time I did a blood test, mines was at 35 which they consider normal but definitely not optinum. I'm trying my best to get through each day and to eat, but it's definitely sooooo hard. Work is pretty stressful as well because we just had a round of layoffs and they basically threw more work on us remaining people. If only I didn't have to worry about money..... then I could focus solely on my health (in a perfect world). I'll definitely look into some liquid nutrients. Everyone keeps telling me how thin I've become... which is not a good sign in this case. Thanks for the tips. It's in these forums I find the most support. Other people around me just don't understand how tough it is.
carrie20720 millikenz
Not to make light of your job wtc but if the job is streefuk it could be adding to your problems. Can you change departments within or find a new job? My daughter experiences lumps in her throat when a supervisor was giving McKee deal at work. After several visits to the doctor they told her it was stress related. She started to focus on her second job and changes the way she thought about her other job and I guess she is doing better. Sometimes we can be our worst enemy. They say I need to relax more too I consider myself a depressed person and basically I don't care about mush anymore lol and don't get riled up but maybe inside I am. Funny not funny
millikenz carrie20720
I should really be looking for a new job as the company has downsized quite alot. I basically am most of my department lol. However, I want to take advantage of having the freedom to go to doctors appts when I want and I don't know if I'll have that freedom with a new job. Stress definitely is a factor, but I know for sure that this dry cough and irritated throat is more than just stress. It needs to go away!! Feels like someone is pressing down on my windpipe below the adam's apple all day. Sigh. Others say I'm too wound up about this... but it's hard not to be when those sensations are there ALL day. I think I'm depressed too... I still try and stay positive but that is definitely TOUGH!
carrie20720 millikenz
What city and state do you live in? I get the tightness in my throat but not a lot. The feeling in my throat is constant. Sometimes it's a dry patch or a pin prick. You tube has a doctor from the Chicago area that has treated over 500 patients for laryngeal sensory neuropathy. Look for video on you tube. I just found another doctor today from uw Madison that does the Botox injections. Mayos Doctor is in retirement and will treat one day a month. I can't be seen until end of August. I will be going thru the process to switch to this doctor because sooner or later the one in mayo won't be available. Plus I can't wait for his one day a month. I will find you a doctor if you give me your city and state you should look into it
millikenz carrie20720
That's very kind of you! I live in Irvine, CA at the moment. Currently I am on HMO and cannot wait to switch over to PPO but that won't happen until December. I am limited to who I can see right now. I made a mistake picking HMO this past year as I didn't think I had a lot of health problems to deal with. Boy was I wrong. With HMO, it's always a "mother may I" approach to getting referred to specialists. I've seen a couple of YouTube videos explaining LSN and that could be part of it as well. I bet you cannot wait until the end of August!! That is good though, that you've managed to conquer the tightness mostly. I need to train myself to do that too. Part of it is probably the acid or non acid hitting my throat I'm guessing.
carrie20720 millikenz
In the meantime you can call and ask if you need a referral etc.
There is a little article on website that talks about botoxing vocal cord. Also Google Botox for vocal cords there is a lot to read on. You have nothing to loose if they think they can help you.
carrie20720 millikenz
millikenz carrie20720
Thank you. I will definitely look into that group in Santa Monica. Funny as my dentist is located in that city. I think I will try and do breathing exercises and neck exercises while I am sitting at the office all day. It's definitely better than being completely sedentary all day from head to toe.