3 days post op Tkr
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Well guys here i am and i did it,only home yesterday evening and thought i was doing ok but today,im so down and the tears justbflow...hate having to keep asking partner to do something for me ect,i am walking back and to the loo and walking as much as i can heel to toe and can get about 45 degree bend on a good hour....god i hate me....thanks for listining,its going to be a long road xxxxx
2 likes, 35 replies
hazel14959 lou1982
Just shout on here at any time and someone somewhere will reply and has done the same thing. Take care of yourself.XX
terri59470 hazel14959
Just goes to show, we're all still learning! Xx
hazel14959 terri59470
You never ever stop learning.....
lou1982 hazel14959
hazel14959 lou1982
lou1982 hazel14959
susan33930 lou1982
this forum will help you so much to feel like you're not alone - everyone is so kind and they will come up with the answers to your problems ..... and you'll find there are a few with wicked sense of humours in here too, but I think that helps to keep you sane!
Do as they say - rest, ice, elevation and meds (I thought I was ok and stopped taking them too early, keep taking them as you will need them).
ive also found that just do things at your own pace - don't worry what you should be able to do or if other people seem to be way in front of you. You'll recover at your own pace. It is hard work and there's only you who can do it, but do it slowly.
All the very best for a speedy recovery and hope to hear how you are doing soon.
lou1982 susan33930
terri59470 lou1982
Let yourself cry as often as you need, it helps. Be kind to yourself. I know it's hard, asking for help with virtually everything, but please do ask - people don't always think to offer help, but when they do, take them up on it! If you keep saying no, they'll stop asking!
Remember to keep your fluids up, even if you don't feel like eating much, you must have plenty to drink. And talking of food, don't worry if you suddenly have a fancy for something out of the ordinary - I craved Victoria sponge cake, wholemeal toast and honey, and ice cream, tiny little portions, and nothing else. None of which I usually touch! But don't worry, it will pass and you'll get your appetite back in a while.
Don't be afraid too ask questions on here, no matter how silly you might think it is. Trust me. We've ALL been there and whilst every knee journey is individual, we have shared a lot of similar experiences. Apart from me sleep-writing, that seems to be unique to me....but that's another story.....😊
Medicate by the clock. DONT wait for the pain to get really severe as when it gets its teeth in, it's hard to get it back under control. And please don't try and cut down on your pain meds too early, if you need it, you need it. Simple as that. We don't get medals for trying to be brave....
And lastly for now, exercise exercise exercise. But don't overdo it. Yes it will hurt, but it shouldn't be unbearable. If you do too much, you won't be able to do any the next day so you don't gain anything.
Take care of yourself Lou, pop on here as often as you like, there are people from all over the globe, so there's almost always someone from whatever time zone you happen to be in.xx
lou1982 terri59470
sarah87162 lou1982
You should not have to ask the hospital all these questions, they should tell you all these things about what to do before you ever leave the hospital, they certainly did with me.
I found it hard to get bend as well.
You must do bending exercises regularly or your knee will stiffen.
You cannot just ice and elevate.
Sorry if this sounds harsh but I am only telling you the truth.
It does get better in time.
sueoz lou1982
Lindyblue lou1982
lou1982 Lindyblue
gill77343 lou1982
We have all felt like you when we have had knee surgery, and we all feel like we are putting on others to help us, but believe me when I say it will get better with time, patience, meds, icing, tlc,rest,elevate, exercises etc, etc.
This will put a smile on a face that is down, every Thursday my husband, his work mates and me ( I'm the only permanent wife here in Saudi with the husband) go out for a meal, anyway last week all the men got up and left me sitting there, they had forgot that I cannot walk as fast as them, luckily my husbands boss came back to see where I was and kindly offered his arm, hope that makes someone chuckle and have a laugh on me.