3 worst symptoms

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I know we are all dealing with tons of different symptoms from this mess but I would be super interested to hear what you consider the 3 most disruptive symptoms that you deal with. For me it's 1) anxiety 2) racing heart and 3) woozy head

What are your 3? 

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    1. Spaced out woozy head and foggy vision

    2. Crashing fatigue

    3. Anxiety

  • Posted

    Feeling ill/like bad flu, pains (frozen shoulder, upper left back pain, joint pain), fatigue.

    I’ve got about 100 symptoms and at times some worse than others. But those are the three that are at the top of my list currently.

  • Posted

    1. Anxiety and health anxiety. Mornings with doom and gloom feelings. Strange fears, sadness.

    2. Long and heavy periods, still at 55. Cannot go out, do sports, go shopping, eating out-all my favorites activities. Staying at home with maxi pads, half an hour journey to my office is like a nightmare.

    3. Palpitations, tinnitus, low blood presure, fainting feelings.

    I do not consider a major problem:


    Diarhea and constipation

    Upset stromach

    Watery or dry eyes

    Feeling hot at night

    Hot flushes


    Sleeping trouble

    • Posted

      Lena, can’t they do something about your bleeding? Isn’t there a procedure that cleans out the uterus?
    • Posted

      Hi Lena 

      Could have written this myself have all your symptoms. My periods stopped 16 months ago I am 55. Developed anxiety doom ang gloom before the flush 

      Tinnitus, cracking jaw, dry eyes, blurred and episode of double vision. Fatigue cry at anything gastritis weight loss due to gastritis ( 2 stone) dread mornings as don’t know what I’m going to wake to. When will it get better??

      Take care 

  • Posted

    Hi Ivey, I'm 46 and everything's been going strange over the last 2 years for me.

    1) Moods that seem to come out of nowhere. One day I feel like smiling at everyone, cuddling up with my man etc. then for no reason whatsoever, the very next day,  he is not welcome in my life anymore, everyone is annoying and I just want to be alone and quiet. Some months are better than others, but I'd say for the last 2 years this has been going on. It's caused me to think I'm actually losing the plot.

    2) Tension and weakness in head, shoulders and neck...feeling nervous and shaky for no obvious reason. Facing people, sometimes just want to run away.

    3) feeling like a different woman or that I've been put in this older woman's,body that's not really mine. Very strange feeling.

  • Posted

    Hi Ivey

    My 3 are the same as yours. I am on HRT for the last 3 months but intend stopping it as it made symptoms worse.

    • Posted

      Interesting post Willow.  

      Do you mind mentioning what HRT you are on, and what got worse specifically?  Are you in menopause?  And why did you start HRT to begin with?  

      I have also had problems with HRT and would love to connect with other women who had problems with it.  

    • Posted

      I just stopped it after 3 months....Femoston. I had heavy bleeds and some aches particulaly in my neck. GP said it would help with the bleeds, which it did. I found that each month after taking the 2 weeks of the estrogen that it made me anxious, headaches and I just felt an estrogen overload inside (tingling in my arms too). I am 51 by the way. Oh I had a racing heart too and like a fluttering feeling in centre of my chest. What problems do you have
    • Posted

      I’ve had a really hard time taking estrogen. I’ve tried vaginal Estrace, patches, & pills. 

      Didn’t have any issues really with memo, except vaginal atrophy & dryness.  It stinks to lose your love life. 

  • Posted

    My 3 are Anxiety, doom & gloom and head pressure/dizzy when the lighting changes from one store to another at the mall.

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