45mg made me worse

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Im not sure if its just me but after 7 days on 45mg Mitazapine I feel more low that on 30mg, so much so I went to see GP. I am now moving across to venlafaxine anyone else had the same issue

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm on venlafaxine after having bad time on prozac and citalopram, i found it a much easier drug to tolerate
    • Posted

      I'm not sure it's a solution itself along with anxiety. I see a lot of post where people have taken venlafaxine and mit together and had great results, and some have had great results on venlafaxine alone. Everyone is different
  • Posted

    Yes 45mg made me worse too and worsened side effects so backed down to 30mg and hoping to decrease further after checking with Doc, as side effects getting me down : (
  • Posted

    Hi did you start on 15mg? How was it to start with?
    • Posted


      It awas back last Nov, yes I think I did start with 15mg which seemed fine, however I did have diagnoses of chronic fatigue at that time and had lots of different things happening with my body at the time which were unexplainable..... Although now I believe it to be my body breaking down due to pressure, anxiety and depression (life).

      Unfortunately my body seems very sensitive to a lot of chemicals : (

      Everyone is so different and I know a lot of people have great success , so it's just a case of trying things and keep in close contact with your GP so they can oversee things.

      Good luck x

  • Posted

    I started on 15mg months ago which was ok , as was 30 but felt my mood was dropping so saw gp and got 45mg. They may me suicidal....
    • Posted

      I felt bad for a few weeks with each increase but it passed and I found increasing very beneficial. I have been on Mirt 9 weeks now and I'm far from better but lots better than when I started.
    • Posted

      I think it's different for us all, whilst I am pretty ill right now, and unhelped by the stress from a piece of work that is proving more costly to me, I slowly praying things work it will be my first day on venlafaxine today, I am likely to groggy as I have had to change from Mit very quick.
    • Posted

      venlafaxine is quite good re start up effects so here is hoping you will be ok, what dose are you starting on?
  • Posted

    27.5 twice daily, will go up next if all is fine after I have seen my GP next week
  • Posted

    Hi Time,

                  if u dont do well on 45 mg then its wise to go back to 30 mg.

    Mirtazapine 30 mg is a good daily therapeutic dose but it is a 2'nd or 3'rd line AD.

    Your doctor may take the right decision.

    best wishes,

    • Posted

      Yeah 30 was ok but I had been to see doc as I noticed things early enough to know I wasnt well, hence the hike to 45mg. I just want to function properly. This issue has cost me my marriage and my job. So I am adamant its not going to do anything else.
    • Posted

      Life is so cruel. I'm sorry to hear about your marriage & job loss. I hope things start picking up for you. 

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