5 and a half weeks post RTHR

Posted , 8 users are following.

Hi everyone, I'm just wondering where I am in terms of recovery. I don't see my consultant until 12 weeks so it feels a bit isolating on your own. This is what I am doing: walking with one crutch - 10 mins X 5 a day, exercises X 10 of each 4 X a day (standing leg raises, half squats, standing abductors etc)

I have tried walking unaided and I'm just too wobbly. I had a terrible limp prior to surgery and I feel as though I'm having to relearn everything. I've got swelling around my knee and also around my outer thigh (above and below the incision) the incision itself looks fine. I'm 49 and go back to work at the beginning of Sept. I'm impatient to drive but there doesn't seem much hope of that yet. I'm seeing physio for the first time next week. It will be a relief just to speak to someone about it. Many thanks

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jacqui,

    I just wrote you a long message which disappeared when I posted it! Grrhh.

    I am sorry for how discouraged you are. This stage of recovery is so tough and must be even more since you haven't been seeing a PT yet (not sure why this is). Too bad as the physiotherapist could have been helping with some of what you are experiencing and relieving some of your worries.

    Re progress - I was wobbly for quite a while without aids and my physio told me to keep using my walker but walk more slowly and deliberately making sure to walk through heel to toe. This made a huge difference for me and helped improve my balance and rid me of the limping.

    Re the knee - I cannot take anti-inflammatories so attributed the swelling of my knee to simply post- surgery trauma. It was this in part but I also had a badly irritated IT band (connective tissue that runs from your hip down along the leg to just below the knee. It tightens when surrounding muscles are under-used ... say in the months before surgery ... and tightens very painfully especially nearer the knee. There are easy exercises that can be done to relieve this and the scarring caused along it ... think of a narrow diameter rolling pin with plastic rings along it which allows it to be rolled along your leg applying pressure downwards to loosen the tissue. It hurts like the dickens for the first week and you need to be diligent (5+ x daily 5-10 min sessions) aplying as much pres sure as you can take, bUT once it starts loosening the difference is wonderful. It also helped to warm the area with a heating pad before these sessions - seemed to relax the tissue a bit. Then follow with icing the area (5 min on - 20 min off) to minimize swelling.

    I don't know if this is your problem but it is common amongst hippies. Your PT wil be able to tell right away if this is part of what is going on as when you run your finger done the band with any pressure - it hurts like h***.

    Hang in there things will improve as you move through the next rounds of exercises from your physio.

    Big hugs,


    • Posted

      Hi Linda,

      Thank you so much!!! I will definitely be bringing up your suggestions with my physio. Will see if I can locate this IT band today ??

      It's the strangest thing, in the early of the morning I'm getting awful muscle spasms/cramps all around the top of my thigh (groin mainly if I had to be specific) it's not quite as painful as leg cramp when you need to scream ?? But it definitely takes my breath away


  • Posted

    Hi jacqui,like u i am in UK which means i've not saw a phsysio since i left hosp,i'm 4wks post op,have app 4 follow up in sept,yes its very isolating and frustrating,every1 says its a big op and it is,so why r we left 2 get on with it alone??? Well done with ur exercises,keep them up,i 2 go back 2 work in sept,but right now i cant c that happening,i walk 2 miles each way and am on my feet for 6hrs!! Keep us posted on advice from physio xx

    • Posted

      Hi Pauline,

      How lovely to hear from you. I know, I can't get over how it's major surgery but you get discharged on day 3 and it's off you go. I will definitely post again on Tuesday afternoon when I get back to let you know what she says. I remember her saying when I saw her pre op, that hips get better all on their own. It seems in the UK that resting is the order of the day with walking and the 4 or 5 exercises they give you in hospital. I do feel better, would just like it to be a bit more consistent and more quickly.

      Take care??


    • Posted

      Good luck 4 tues,i was told repeatedly by several docs and physios how easy it is 2 dislocate new hip joint,yet they leave us 2 our own devices once we leave hosp!!! Thank goodness 4 this forum,its bn a huge help 2 me😊 xx

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