50 and spotting

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Hey everyone, I'm 50 and had a period (very light) and lasted 2 days in march then had very light

spotting for 2 days about 2 weeks after the light period. I'm supposed to be getting my period later thismonth. I am spotting again. Is this the norm for peri menopause, to spot a couple of times between

periods? or am I very close to not getting my periods anymore and entering menopause.

Thanks for this wonderful forum.

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Debness.... I am 49 now, 50 this year, started peri 8/9 years ago, i was heavy, spotting, light, a few days clear, then spotting for ages then a proper heavy, spotting main problem continuously for approx 21 months in total, that was early on, never actually had much of a break, had the night sweats at that time, and odd hot flush, lost weight, felt weirdy different, fainted 3 times, dizzy spells, brain fog, vacant brain... hahahaha hope that helps... And still not reached full menopause yet ..... Jayx
    • Posted

      Jayneejay I'm so glad I stumbled upon this and your post. I too have always been pretty regular. Over the last couple of years ( I'm 49 now) cycles have become shorter and bleeding heavier with a few hours that featured a flood. back in May I had a 1 day normal bleed when my period was due then nothing till 17 days later then a 6 day bleed. After that a normal cycle. Come the end of that cycle I was surprised with a bright red bleed in the bathroom for one afternoon then nothing for 2 days and then started with water town for a day then regular bleed that tailed off after 3 days. Since then I have spotted near what may have been ovulation and now again on day 24 but think this may be my period? And yes I have been noticing the back aches are more apparent with all of this and also have been experiencing dizzy spells along with moodiness and I have lost weight too! (But have to admit I was trying)

      I have been so stressed and fixated on all this stuff and was not having any luck matching this to anything on line. I am so glad I found this thread. I'm feeling less freaked out now!

  • Posted

    Hi Debness,

    That sounds rather like me!

    I turn 50 later this year and have been regular as clockwork for the past few years, apart from one that was 3 weeks late last year. February the normal pattern of my period altered slightly - normally it starts with spotting and a slight dull backache, gearing up to 24 hours of excrutiating pain and heavy bleeding on day 4, with flooding on day 5 and spooting for a couple of days after that. February's period got heavy and painful on day 2 / 3, flooding day 4, then nothing - like a tap being turned off - on day 5 until that night when it started up again for a couple of days then tailed off.

    Barely 2 weeks after the start of that period I had a proper bleed for one day only - then nothing! About 2 weeks on from that, on a Saturday, the dull backache came one night and another bleed happened, tailed off to spotting for a few days, then started properly again. That following Thursday it was heavy and painful with flooding at the same time.

    I have been meaning to keep a diary on these symptoms - but my memory is awful and I keep forgetting! I am now 2 weeks on from the start of the last period, hoping it won't repeat this month, but several days ago I spent almost the entire day crying! Just when I thought I was calmer and settled I got one of those annoying Indian call-centre calls. After telling them to stop hassling me I put the phone down and promptly burst into tears again! I told a friend that it is still 2 weeks before my next period, allegedly, though this felt like the severe PMT I suffered last September, and she said it sounded like the menopause.

    I told her I would keep an eye on my symptoms to see how they progress before seeing my doctor. Just because he did the hormone test a year ago and it was normal, doesn't mean it hasn't started.

    I hope my recent experience helps you.

  • Posted

    hi ladies...

    no your right, your FSH blood test may come back normal even though your in peri... mine also did years ago, but my Doc back then said i was deffo peri... the hormones are so erractic and fluctuate that you may get a test just when they are at the okay mark, so yes, your quite right there...

    in my early peri Maca really helped me, i still take it 8/9 years on... have a google Maca...

    take care Jay x

  • Posted

    Dizzy..is my permanent state. Didnt even get dressed today!

    Does anyone feel like their heart misses a beat can't swallow sometimes? So weird. Struggling to get husband to grasp how I feel at the minute and I am in a cant be bothered cos I feel exhausted state and he is doing everything. He just goes quiet and I know he is fed up of me moaning.

    Anyone feeling this,

  • Posted

    Comic Tracey I feel like I am on a boat it really scares me the constant wooziness I won't leave the house I am tired and I just look dreadful
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    Hi Fiona

    I know what you mean and often just want to stay home. I have slept 3 hours and now awake due to a hot flush.

    Feeling dreadful.

  • Posted

    I have dizziness too. Not found the solution yet. Still looking into lots of stuff. Mine is a weird off balance thing. Head feels woozy and i also feel like im on a boat at times especially lying down. Doc thinks ive had BPPV as i had vertigo for a while so not sure if this is part of it or related to something else. Dizziness is related to so many things. Im going to ask to have my thyroid checked when i see him again, at least it will rule out another thing. Xx
    • Posted

      Ruling out Hypothyroidism is definitely a must; hypothyroidsm goes hand in hand with so many uncomfortable symptoms, with dizziness being one of them. 
    • Posted

      Sandy , I had dizziness that drive me half crazy for about three years . I had my hormones tested and found I was low on progesterone . I have now been on bio identical for months and it's completely disappeared . Low progesterone can be the culprit . I hope this helps

  • Posted

    Hi ladies,

    Not really suffering the dizziness, though I do wobble slightly off balance sometimes for no good reason, and once in a while my brain can feel as if it's floating around in my skull for a few seconds, making my head feel tingly.

    However, increasingly I am getting a weird sensation in my left ear only. Seems if I have been leaning towards my laptop on a low table for a while, a sort of faint whooshing happens in that ear and it feels sort of "full", but I don't think it affects my hearing too much. The other day I'd been standing a while before I leant forwards to pick something up off the floor, and as I straightened up it sounded as if a huge moth was flapping against that ear! They don't buzz, they sort of whir - so I was brushing at my hair and ear...until I realised the sound was still there, albeit more muted. That really scared me (moths don't) as I wondered if I was about to pass out or have an artery burst (I made the mistake of Googling the sensations and I could have anything from an inner ear problem to a blocked artery or a benign brain tumour!

    I choose the first option! Just wondering if, in some crazy way, even that symptom is related to peri?

  • Posted

    I'm sure I read somewhere that tinnitus can be related to hormone fluctuations but it also can be inner ear.xx
  • Posted

    Of course - dizziness is generally caused by some imbalance within the inner ear. It could all be related. I have had mild tinnitus in both ears for decades but it has never caused a problem x

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