50, What Is Happening To Me!? Nature's Cruel Joke!
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I'm a 50 year old woman, who is very physically fit and active. I've been peri-menopausal for at least 5 years but NOW...O.M.G!!! ...what in God's name is going on with me???!!
So I was used to knowing when my periods were going to start: I'd have breast tenderness, lower back pain, ovaries would hurt, a little hormonal and moody, but NOW...my PERIOD (when it shows up) has it's own agenda!
About 4 months ago, I noticed that my periods where getting longer. I swear I was literally bleeding for 2 weeks (I was thinking I should start taking Iron Pills!) Then my periods would become unpredictable - which is what's going on now. My period is 2 weeks late! I hate this! I feel like I now have to plan my life around my unpredictable PERIOD! What if it starts while I'm (insert activity here)?
Not only that, I'm exhuasted ALL.THE.TIME. Even after I've slept...I could go right back to sleep. Now, keep in mind, I'm very fit, and very active and in good shape. My workouts just leave me drained now.
A part of me feels like "wait just one damn minute! I don't look 50. I don't feel 50. But my body is reminding me that it's 50!" It's like Nature's cruel joke...but I'm not laughing!
More hotflashes, I cry at the drop of dime!.....no, really. I can be in the grocery store and see a child playing with their sibling and I think, "Oh how adorable (cue tears!!) Geesh! I'm short tempered, restless, bloated, impatient, foggy headed - and because I'm now 50, my mouth filter is almost non-existent which doesn't help either! Although there's freedom in 50, it comes with this menopause crap!
Unfortunately, I can't take HRT (had a pulmonary embolism with my last child). The risk is too high for me to take HRT...and so I suffer!
Anyone else feel this way who's around this age? What did you do to help you get through this?
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bobbysgirl Psssst
I started at 52, I'm 57 on Thurs. I did try HRT (after the herbal remedies proved unsuccessful) It was great for a while, then I got some breakthrough bleeding and as I have cysts and fibriods I thought it best to quit.
More recently I have been taking Vit D3 and Magnesium with B6 (most folks in UK and US are deficient in both of these). Joint pain is still horrible but the flushes and general crap feeling have all but gone. Just started taking linseed (rich in Omega 3) and Cat's Claw for the joints. So far so good.
I'd say get a 'full bloods' done, kidney/liver function, hormone levels, Vits and minerals. Then you will know what you are dealing with.
Psssst bobbysgirl
I take a slew of vitamins and supplements but may have to look into herbal remedies at this point.
I'll be making a doctor's appoiment as well for blood work up. I need some relief before I end up on the 11 o'clock news with my hands behind my back!
Stella42 Psssst
As soon as I get more funds, I am going to buy Black Cohesh, and Estroven, both are sold over the counter in US. BOTH ARE supposed to help mood swings and hot flashes. My mom swore by prescription Estrogen, she had a hysterectomy, I am however scared of this intense surgery. I feel I must do menopause naturally. However long it takes, YIKES,,,
kelly42532 Psssst
Psssst kelly42532
OMG...bless your heart! I can't even imagine what you have to deal with. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with those ailments and then BAM!!! Menopause! You can't seem to catch a break.
I hope you find some relief soon!
kelly42532 Psssst
marie86421 Psssst
Your symptoms are exactly what I had and I too did not take HRT. Didn't want to take it as my mother died from a blood clot at the age of 47, so I was not going to take the risk.
My peri started in my late 30's and I had ten years of periods all over the place, in the end I wore a panty liner every day because I just did not know when I was going to bleed. Some times I bled for a month sometimes just a few days. My bag always had some sort of sanitary towel just in case. I would go several months without any bleeding and think, yay, I am no my way to menopause, but before the magic number of 12 months was up I would bleed.
Crying was a big problem for me too. Anything would set me off and it was uncontrollable sobbing. I could be in a shopping queue with my husband and have to leave because tears would be streaming down my face and I would have to go somewhere to let it all out. People would give my husband and I funny looks, I guess it looked like we had had an argument. This symptom lasted about 2 or 3 years.
The mood swings were awful. I thought I was going to lose my job at one time. My boss had asked me to drop something off to a business partner on my way home. I had a car accident while doing this. I went beserk, I phoned him and just let rip, swearing and the like, which I never do and told him to stuff his job. All he said was 'I am in a meeting I shall speak with you later'. I thought now I have done it. He called me later and I explained the situation and everything was smoothed over, but the point is I could not stop myself from this sudden out of the blue outburst. This also lasted for a couple of years.
Foggy headed was a nuisance. This came and went so was not too bad. On the bad days I just pushed bits of paper round my desk until it cleared.
I also had a feeling of being under par most of the time. I found that annoying too.
I have been in menopause now for 6 years and still have the hot flashes. I am just waiting for these to end. Nightmare.
You will get there, believe me, I have and am pleased that I did not take HRT. For me the risks far outweighed the menopause symptoms.
Best wishes
Psssst marie86421
That was funny! OMG! We do share a lot of the same symptoms!
I hate when I cry in public for no reason and then have to try to get myself together as best I can. I've cried at my desk at work and had to excuse myself and cry in the ladies room!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother passing away at such an early age. My mom died at 51 from an aneurysm (very unexpected). Once I went through my blood clot diagnosis, I was told I could never be on birth control or any hormonal drugs for fear of getting another clot. You made the right choice not to take that risk.
So, you got a free pass to curse out your boss? lol Luv it! I went balistic on my kids once. I came home in "one of those crazy moods" and notice my boys hadn't cleaned up their bathroom and I LOST IT! Mind you, my boys are 23 and 18. First, I had to hunt them down - calling cell phones, leaving text messages and once they came home, I let it rip! ....all because of a bathroom not being cleaned. I know they thought I'd lost my mind (and it felt like I had). I apologized later and told them, "momma is getting old and there are changes I'm going through and I can't control them....yet."
I'm so afraid that my mouth will get me in trouble. I used to hear that when people get old, they tend to get a "pass" on the things they can say. I feel like I'm gonna need that pass sooner than later.
karen71465 marie86421
marie86421 Psssst
It was such a relief when the need to cry stopped. I used to feel so wretched and sad, a feeling of impending doom used to set in too.
My husband has been so good over the years. I used to snap his head off for no reason. I don't know about you but I could actually feel myself getting irritable. Luckily for my husband, I was able to let him know and he gave me a wide berth until the irritability passed. I can laugh now at my mood swings but at the time I could not believe that I could end up with such an outburst of emotion. Especially as it came from nowhere.
I hope your symptoms pass quickly and that you can reach the stage of no more periods. For me, that is the best thing about the menopause.
Best wishes
marie86421 karen71465
I don't know if everyone feels the same with the hot flushes. Mine leave me with a fine moisture all over my skin. The back of my neck at the hairline gets soaked and very hot. My husband calls me a slimy slug, at least that's what it feels like to him when he touches me while I am having one. I have found that certain things set them off, hot drinks, coffee, wine and spicy food. Also, I have found that if I get near heat of any sort that will bring on a flush.
I am hoping that I am coming to the end of the hot flushes but I know someone who has had them for more than ten years.
Best wishes
Psssst marie86421
.....I can't wait to stop being a cry baby! I always have a little anxiety that I'll end up crying at an inappropriate time. So far, when it's happened while at work, I was able to get to the ladies room, grab a stall, and just cry it out.
I'm looking forward to the end of this stage....it just seems to be taking forever.
Thank again, Marie for sharing!
Psssst marie86421
....ya just can't win with menopause!
monique_93857 marie86421
Stella42 Psssst
I have the same stuff! I also have late stage cops, So I am scared to get a hysterectomy, plus many past surgeries. My mom says that is my only hope, I am 42. I have three kids, and an alcoholic hubby, and do not know how long recovery would be. No friends or family to help. I agree that we have FREEDOM if you call it that, because I also say what's in my mnd, often yelling it, at anyone anytime especially in pms.My period that ended 5 days ago, is returning already!,,I also cried about that, and sob over things that are happy, sad, even neutral.Or I wanna break stuff!,,, It is a roller coaster ride, but not a fun one.W e can be email pals regarding its you want, we can vent to each other. God bless all of us, being a woman is very hard sometimes, men do not get it!,, Your pal, Stella42
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Psssst Stella42
It's so sad that we have to deal with all these symptoms but still be strong for our kids, our husbands, our jobs! It's a lot to deal with.
I hate all the crying too! Just a big 'ol crybaby these days! lol
You are quite young so I hope you find relief soon.