50, What Is Happening To Me!? Nature's Cruel Joke!

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I'm a 50 year old woman, who is very physically fit and active. I've been peri-menopausal for at least 5 years but NOW...O.M.G!!! ...what in God's name is going on with me???!!

So I was used to knowing when my periods were going to start:  I'd have breast tenderness, lower back pain, ovaries would hurt, a little hormonal and moody, but NOW...my PERIOD (when it shows up) has it's own agenda!  

About 4 months ago, I noticed that my periods where getting longer.  I swear I was literally bleeding for 2 weeks (I was thinking I should start taking Iron Pills!) Then my periods would become unpredictable - which is what's going on now.  My period is 2 weeks late!  I hate this!  I feel like I now have to plan my life around my unpredictable PERIOD! What if it starts while I'm (insert activity here)?

Not only that, I'm exhuasted ALL.THE.TIME.  Even after I've slept...I could go right back to sleep.  Now, keep in mind, I'm very fit, and very active and in good shape.  My workouts just leave me drained now.  

A part of me feels like "wait just one damn minute!  I don't look 50.  I don't feel 50.  But my body is reminding me that it's 50!"  It's like Nature's cruel joke...but I'm not laughing!

More hotflashes, I cry at the drop of dime!.....no, really. I can be in the grocery store and see a child playing with their sibling and I think, "Oh how adorable (cue tears!!)  Geesh!  I'm short tempered, restless, bloated, impatient, foggy headed - and because I'm now 50, my mouth filter is almost non-existent which doesn't help either!  Although there's freedom in 50, it comes with this menopause crap!  

Unfortunately, I can't take HRT (had a pulmonary embolism with my last child).  The risk is too high for me to take HRT...and so I suffer!  

Anyone else feel this way who's around this age?  What did you do to help you get through this?   

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Had to restyle with no email. I am 42, and on a horrible menopausal trip, crying at happy sad and neutral things. Yelling, a lot.Little things making,e angry, like a crazed maniac. I feel like the old sweet lovable me is far off, especially during PMS. My hubby ain't getting much loving either, and not happy, of course his alcoholism plays a part in that too. I pray to Jesus daily, that I watch my tongue, as it slips, in anger, a lot, and I used to be a bubbly sweetheart!, I cried when cramps hit me last time, as My period ended, only to begin again after five days, cramps curl me into a ball, and I likely need a hysterectomy, scared to get one, cops and many past surgeries. Also, no one to help with aftercare. God bless and help us all, this really sucks!,,Stella42

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