5th Metatarsal Fracture Recovery

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Hello. I have a number of questions.

8 weeks ago I broke my 5th metatarsal after falling. I just got out of my cast yesterday and was out in an air cast/boot. And the doctor left me with a number of questions unanswered and my next appointment isn't for 4 weeks with no physio or such before hand.

1. Today I have been able to start walking, worst I have been is using one crutch, mostly able to walk with no crutches, is this ok after only a day? I don't want to go on doing myself damage. The doctor told me that for my next appointment there is a chance that if I feel able I could come in my own normal footwear, but he never said anything for until then.

2. When showering, afterwards, am I able to weight bear for a step or two without the boot on to sit down again to dress etc. I'm unsure on this

3. What exercises are good to strengthen my calf muscles and also to gain back full range of motion in my ankle, I know one or two from sports injuries, but i haven't been told anything of this nature for this specific injury.

Any help would be very highly appreciated, as I just don't want to damage my foot further and either permenently injure myself or hinder the healing process

As aside information, I'm 19, a little overweight but in relatively good shape.

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    Hello Patients! 

    I thought it was time i shared my experience with you guys, as i broke my right fifth metatarsal on the 27th of December 2014. (15 weeks ago)

    For reference, I'm male, 25 year old, work full time, no sporting activities.

    Like most of you lot, I was left with far too many unanswered questions and thus began a frantic search online. I found this exact thread, The responses filled me with hope during my lowest moments! (Sorry to sound cheesy!) I then promised myself that i would repay the debt and share my experience after i'd healed in order to give hope to any newly broken and busted fellows!

    I broke my foot two days after Christmas. More importantly, i broke my foot two days BEFORE my wedding. My accident happened in my sleep. I've been prone to sleepwalking and nightmares since i was young, and this time i was hit badly. I woke up at 4am on the wooden bedroom floor, having apparently flung myself from the bed in a bid to dodge what i felt was a train flying towards me.

    Being stubborn (and very tired) i decided i must have just banged it a little and i would just sleep it off. I barely slept. And by 7am i felt sick with pain. My fiancee and I took a taxi to the local A&E to find out the damage. My fifth metatarsal was broken in a couple of places perfectly across in the middle of the shaft, and the brake was displaced. The initial reaction from the Doctors was that i would have to go in to surgery. However, being that my wedding was two days off, they decided to go easy on me. So easy, infact, that not only did i not go into surgery, but they only gave me a Pro Walker Boot and crutches.

    I adapted to getting around pretty quickley. On the day of my wedding, i used some shoes that were a size too big, abandoned my crutches and gritted my teeth through many, many photos. We decided to cancel the honeymoon, to allow for a much needed rest. In all honesty, i didnt take the situation very seriously in the first instance. I perhaps didnt wear my boot as much as i should have, and basically hopped around the apartment! I had my first follow up app. at the one week mark. They were suprised to see that i was in almost no pain at all, and i was getting around in a Walker Boot just fine. So once again, they put off surgery.

    The next six weeks i sat glumly on the sofa with my feet up as much as possible. I decided to take the boot on board by wearing it 99% of the time. (only removing it in the shower) I kept it splinted, rested and raised as much as possible until my six week check up. 

    At this point the doctor told me there was no bone modelling visable on the xray, but clinically i was doing very well. I was not weight bareing, but i was in no pain and felt comfortable resting.They told me to come back in another six weeks for a final 12 week check up. The worrying part was being told that if there was still no signs of bone remodelling then i may have to go in for an op, after all that. So i did everything i could to look after it. At this 6 week mark, the doctor advised me to ween out of the boot and off the crutches.

    When i got home, i immediatley left the crutches for the first time. I walked soley in the walker boot. It was fine. a little odd to not be using them, and nice to be able to walk with a glass of water etc. at last. But there was no pain or real discomfort. I decided at this point that i would return to work at the 8 week mark, so i had two more weeks of rest, and to get used to walking a little more normally. 

    I remained walking in the boot for the two solid weeks, but from now on, i stopped wearing it in bed and for some of the time during the day. i still hopped around if i was bare foot, but very VERY gradually allowed my bare foot to touch the floor and begin the process to free walking again.

    At the 8 week mark, i was ready for work. I went for the first two days in my walker boot and took it off when i got home. I was able to visit the Physiotherapist issued by my employer during my second day. She was brilliant. She helped answer everthing the doctor should have told me. She encouraged me out of my boot and into stable sports/running shoes. I never wore the boot again!

    I wore the sports shoes to work, and anywhere else i walked, but went barefoot at home to let my foot breathe. Whilst walking in the shoes i could weightbare perfectly. It took about three or four weeks to feel totally comfortable though. I got pains in random areas of my leg and foot. as well as occational slight soreness at the break point. My foot was still a little puffy after a days work. (for most of my job im sat down, but i still have to get around on foot a lot too)The muscle in my leg had decreased my a scary amount and my foot had been splinted for so long that i wasnt even remotley suprised when i got pains and cramp in the first couple of weeks of sports shoes.

    Week 12 came along. I had my final check up. The doctor gave my foot a squeeze. He didnt bother to xray it, which kinda annoyed me, but he was oozing with confidence that my foot was doing great. He assured me that it can take half a year to a year for the bone to be totally healed, but for now, my foot was perfectly fine.

    I stayed in my sports shoes for another week or two. At this point i was getting alomst no pain. maybe a touch sore very occationally, and the odd twinge out of the blue. but i decided to dig out some normal shoes. I like wearing tough boots with leather soles, so i was confident that at least my foot would be less vunerable in these.

    Now at week fifteen i'm almost normal. i even sometimes forget it happened. i walk normally both barefoot and with shoes. Its taken time to allow myself to walk totally normally whilst barefoot, as naturally i was putting weight on the inside of my foot. I had no more physio or appointments in general. I just got on with life and can honestly say i'm very pleased i didnt jump into a operation.

    Thanks for reading guys. i am more than happy to answer any questions!


    • Posted

      Thank you so much for posting...you made me feel better cos recovery took a while but you now feel you are well on the road. I am now in about week 15 of my recovery, can walk ok in boots and trainers although if I overdo it foot feels bit sore.  Can I ask are you in the Uk or US?  I was NOT put in a cast or a boot, and was just told not to weight bear and use crutches. My recovery prob wasn't helped byt the fact I took 10 days to get it x rayes...mid shaft spiral fracture.  Still not joined at last x ray 2 weeks ago  so seeing a specialist in a week. I just want to run and walk properly again..the inactivity is driving me mad as I am a runner etc
    • Posted

      Hi emma.

      Thanks for your reply! I'm UK by the way.

      Dont worry too much about the xray. it can take a longggg time for any joining to appear on the xray, i never had evidence of joining in my xrays, but i was okay! sometimes the joint will join with softer scar tissue first, which wont show on the xray. they said, if i could walk without pain, then it must be healing!

      i'm suprised you werent given any sort of boot. this may have slowed down your healing a little bit, as a boot will stop you from moving your foot. you dont need to only weightbare to disrupt the healing. there are many muscles all the way up the leg that interact with these bones, so simply moving the foot could put stress on it. however, if the doc felt it unnneccessary then you may have been okay with just the crutches!

      unfortunatley, these things take a long time to heal. i got very restless too. but the more you rest, the more chance it will heal.

      if youre at 15 weeks then you're at the same point as me, and i walk like normal, no pain, nothing. maybe the slight twinge every so often.

      if it took you a while to get the first xray, and you didnt wear a boot, then your healing may be a bit delayed, but if youre almost pain free then i think youll be healing okay!

      good luck with your next appointment. happy healing!

    • Posted

      Wow Christopherlrg, you put this crazy busy business owner suburban mom's mind to ease. First of all, congratulations on your tenacity and your new life. Almost 4 weeks ago, one wrong step off our garage steps onto my husband's misplaced tools and I ended up with a meta5. I had an xray immediately two days later, a meta5 dx, and a temporary ortho shoe until I saw my foot specialist. My busy schedule and denial delayed my appointment with my foot specialist by 2 1/2 weeks which was enough time to do more damage. Another break and non-union, requiring a plate and two screws I am seven days post surgery and nwb. I have crutches and a half boot. And busy has come to a stand still. My first post-op follow up is tomorrow and I will get more of a time frame for recovery. It looks like many people here underwent physiotherapy I just now got onto this forum with despairing feelings as I look toward a summer of non-stop mom activity with a broken foot. I have the same "how long" questions everyone has. Your review is a nice chronology of what to expect and to know this will heal and each increment means more function. I have learned that keeping my boot off when resting which is basically always, lets me do more range of motion and stretching. And if my foot is painful, the stretching can make it feel better. If it doesn't, I then get some deep healing sleep. I've been watching nutrition more. I don't take pain pills now except at night for deep sleep. I think the pills will subside soon. This is frustrating as heck but those of you who are sharing your stories really provides nice hope that recovery will indeed happen. I'm hoping for optimistic news from my surgeon tomorrow. Now time to go attempt that nwb shower...
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      Hello Elizabeth thanks for your response, i appologize for my late reply.

      I am sorry to hear about your accident but im happy to hear that youre beginning to find your feet.

      During my time off, i figured sleep was essential. So most nights i got 8 hrs or more. Plus the rest through the day. I was very lucky to heal properly but i do believe i did a good job of remaining rested and patient.

      I hope life is getting easier for you and youre feeling more human. Did you check your painkillers are compatible with a broken bone? I took ibruprofin initially but was told they can slow bone healing down. So i stopped using them all together. Dont let that scare you of course. Just ensure theyre okay if you self medicated.

      Ive loat track of my week post break. But it was just after xmas. So nearly five months i guess. Im almost normal. I still get twingey days. But they are rare and barely more than an inconvenience.

      Hope youre healing well. Keep us updated!

  • Posted

    Can someone help me i need a esteem booster, I Fractured this bone 5 weeks ago, was put in crutches and darco walking boot and non weight bearing. just got x rays and returned to Dr to say that bone is not healing and come back in another 3 weeks With new x rays

    Thus my problem here is that i rushed into walking and interfered with my healing process by bearing weight on my foot. MY problem was i rushed back to work and started walking on the 4th week nonetheless I am a college student that needs to walk to class.

    How did any of you assert yourselves to not rush back to youre daily activities and interfere. I am 21yo male that loves to play sports and very active.

    • Posted

      Hi Luis. I think by weight bareing too early, you may have prevented the first stage of bone healing. Plaster casts are usually given to splint the broken bone to help this. but the walking boot you have can only splint your bone so far. ideally, you ought to have remained completely off your feet for a good six weeks, using only crutches and the boot to walk when totally neccassary. I know from first hand experience how frustrating it is to not be able to move. but by rushing on to your feet, you have slowed down, or even stopped the healing process. if you continue to walk on it, then it may never heal, and you will need an operation to allow the insertion of metal plates to permanently splint the bone. 

      i asserted my self through the sheer desperation to avoid an operation. and it payed off. 

      I must add that i am lucky to be working full time for the NHS and was able to get full pay sick leave. - plus i'm not dedicated to any sporting activities, so i wasnt really missing out on anything.

      Just try take it easy - .your bone will heal but you need to give it time.

      Good lcuk, happy healing!


    • Posted

      Hi Luis, Chris is right you need to give it time to heal. Some fractures take a long time to heal, depending on where they are, because of the poor blood supply. So use the crutches and rest it as much as you can.

      I've a screw in mine, the gap was just too large for it to join naturally, and I also broke my ankle at the same time. I'm now on week nine, first eight in a NWB cast this last week in an air cast with gradually increasing weight bearing and I go back in three weeks.

  • Posted

    Hey everyone my name is Will I live in the US but this site seems to have a type of support group going for us. I suffered a jones fracture with minimal displacement on 4/8/15. I broke it while stepping out of bed. My leg was asleep and my ankle rolled over pulling the 5th metatarsal head off. I am a  fairy active 31 year old male. I run, ride my bike 40 miles a week ans swim when possible. I was seen in the Ergency Room put in a splint, I saw a foot and ankle surgeon the next day and was pu in a cast of sorts that imobolized my ankle. I was also put into a walking boot. I was told not weight bearing for 6-8 weeks. I am returning to the orthopedics office on thursday for a 2 week follow up x-ray. I have been offered surgery but I would like t avoid it if possible. The doctor agreed treating the fracture without surgery would be fine. I have been using what we call a knee roller to get around. It is a scooter type of device that is so much better than crutches. You can order them on Amazon for around $200 US. I did not take any pain medication at any time for this fracture. I had some signifigant swelling my first week. This week my toes are still a bit bruised but clearing quickly. I can move my ankle and toes without pain. the only time I take the boot off is to shower. 

    I have posted alink that will take you to an album showing an x-ray of my fracture and my foot as time has progressed. I will attempt to get a picture of my follow up x-ray which is in three days. 



    • Posted

      So I had my follow up today with the foot and ankle specialist. He said he is happy that the bone has not gapped over the past two weeks. He wants me to remain non weight bearing for 1 more week. Next week I am supposed to start putting 50% of my weight on my foot with the aid of crutches. The wek after that 75% of my weight with one crutch. At the end of that week I will be going in for an x-ray which will be 5 week post fracture. IF everything still looks good I will be complete weight bearing in the boot for one week and then back to normal shoes, I will be sure to update my post after my next vist. I have also been told i can move my ankle and toes within range of motion as long as it does not stretch my tendons out at all. I have experienced a tingly sensation this ast week almost like bubbles under my skin near the fracture site. I spoke with another person that had the same fracture, he said he also experienced this sensation. I hope my progress so far gives some of you hope. 
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      Fantastic idea on the knee roller! I have seen those and they seem so much easier to maneuver. I''m ordering one tonight.
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      I can't see the rest of the pictures, just the X-ray, hope you feel better.

      I wanted to ask you if you also have a hard lump that feels like an abnormal bone over the fractured ara. My X-ray looks the same, but it worries me because I have this weird lump over it. I'm in the 5th week since I broke it.

    • Posted

      Roger, I do feel like i have some hard swelling over the fracture site. I would say that it feels like a boney prominance but more like a swolen area. I would assume this is more than likely normal. My foot at this point swells if I use it or if it rests lower than my body. However, the swelling is normally resolved after keeping the extremity elevated for a short period of time. 

      I had my 6 week follow up with the ortho yesterday. He told me that my fracture is still visable on x-ray. I have been told that I can begin walking with the walking boot. I did so yesterday and honestly my foot is a bit sore today. I suppose that is to be expected considering that I havent used it in 6 weeks. I will be able to transition to normal shoes over the next week and half and return to work. As others have said on this board my best advice is to follow the directions you are given and to rest. As frustrating as it is the best thing you can do for yourself is sit on the couch and avoid using your foot. Please let me know if you have any other questions. 

    • Posted

      I would think the swelling would be callus...which is good news cos it shows healing.  I never had this, and my bone, 5 months on, is still apart and not healed :-(  Looking at an op now..wish had it done in the first place
    • Posted

      I'm sorry to hear that your looking at an operation. Did they try a bone groeth stimulator to help your healing? Unfortunately I think at this point the surgery will get you back to normal and may be neccesary for you. 
    • Posted

      Unfortunately I have no time to rest. I think some things might help bone growth..I'm trying to do my best to heal faster so I'll try anything as long as it doesn't kill me. This is my list: 

      1. No NSAID 

      2. Calcium Magnesium Zinc supplement

      3. Plenty of protein

      4.MSM crystal powder and DMSO topically on the fracture

      5. Green leafy vegetables

      6. No smoking/alcohol or anything that reduce oxygen in the blood

      7. Vitamin D

      8. Glutamin and Lysine

      I have used the MSM before for sport injuries, and it's part of my daily rutine anyway, the other things I gathered from this article [link removed]

      Hope it might help

      Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the link as it was to a site unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.


    • Posted

      I had surgery nine days ago and I'm happy I did. The healing time looks similar to that of those people who do not have surgery. Unfortunately I waited so it delayed the recovery. But, my foot is xrayed weekly and this will help catch mal or non-union more quickly and I like that I'm not wondering what something is and if it's normal. I did borrow the kneel scooter idea (with a basket) instead of the crutches and I feel liberated in how much more mobile I am. I can carry a cup of coffee with a lid back to my recliner now. So those of us who do need to go under the knife, there are some advantages. And the recovery recommendations are the same - NWB, rest, elevate and ice.
    • Posted

      I am glad that you mentioned the tingling in your foot. I have a closed fracture of the 5th met. also.  4 wks now and I have more discomfort from swelling now than the first wk, but it sounds typical. I have started feeling some of the tingling in the arch of my foot. Feels to me like tiny "pop rocks" under the skin. smile It does seem odd that there are so many Drs that done clue us in into what to expect. And you don't know what to ask if you have never experienced it before. This forum has been immensely helpful. I have a hard time keeping the air boot on because it causes a lot of discomfort and swelling. I sit quietly with foot elevated and notice every tingle. sad  Oh, and I purchase my knee scooter from Costco for 177.00 w/ no shg.  The rent for 100, mo. 
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      Things will get better either really quickly or slowly. At least that's how it felt for me. For instance at one week my cast was removed and it felt like I'd made a huge leap forward then in week 4 I was allowed to start bearing some weight and now I'm walking. Of course I am walking with a limp and inhavepain and selling but it is a huge improvement compared to 6 weeks ago. I can tell my foot and leg are getting stronger and now it will just take time to get back to normal. Just as a point of reference I work as a paramedic in and emergency room and I managed to work 3 eight hour shifts in a row this week. Just remember the most important thing you can do right now is keep that boot on and don't put any weight on it. 
    • Posted

      Hey guys today is 6/13/15 and I wanted to give you an update on my healing process. I have been boot free for a few weeks now. I am back to working through a shift on my feet in the ER without ibuprofen. I am also back to swimming and biking. I actually set a personal record on my ride this week. I am now able to jog and plan on returning to running this week. I have no pain in my foot anymore when walking and I'm happy I opted to avoid surgery. I do still have a callus or swollen area over the fracture site. I hope the rest of you are healing well. If you have any questions about my experience just lost it here and j will be happy to respond.
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      That's a great report and I appreciate the updated description of the fracture site and current feelings in your foot. At week 7 now and I will go on Wed for 3rd x-ray and hopefully be able to go to light walking in the the air boot. I suspect I will still want or need to use the knee walker for a while. My foot is feeling better day by day, but have had some evenings that the swelling was so bad I resorted to ice again. Ice, Arnica and elevation do relieve it. When you touch the fracture site is it still tender?  Probably 75% of my time is sitting elevated. How about the muscles and tendons, was it difficult to get them back into shape.  I am 64, my pleasure is a routine of walked 3-5 miles most everyday on various terrains, so feet were in good shape. I just want to get back out there hiking and swimming so desperately.  Won't rush it, but would love to know what to expect. Congratulations on your personal record this week and recovery.  Take care
    • Posted

      Awesome questions and I'm sorry I didn't newer them in one of my posts. I found that I had to push myself to get back to walking without a limp. At times I became frustrated because it hurt to walk, not in a rebreaking the bone way but just severe aching pain from use. I pushed through that for two weeks and started feeling much better. I suggest beginning walking in boots or something with a very stiff sole that only allows a small amount of flex. Once your foot becomes stronger you be able to transition to normal tennis shoes. I initially had some pain when palpating the fracture site at around week 6-7, now I have no pain at the fracture site until I have been on my feet for 4-6 hours at work and even then I can survive without medication. The tendons and the muscle are another story. My Achilles did fine and my calf muscle returned quickly. I am still stretching the tendons in my toes (when you curl them) because they are still tight and ache when pushed into a tight curl. I don't suffer from noticeable swelling any longer. Just take the recovery slowly and don't push to hard because that's how you will slow down healing. Once you start beating weight the healing seems to speed up.
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      I also purchased a knee scooter. More comfortable than crutches. I am a busy mother. The knee scooter enables me to move around and put weight on both legs. I am currently one week after fall and non- weight bearing. I am thinking of getting i crutch if healing takes more than a couple of weeks. Not much pain but swelling by 5pm each night. I am finding ways to stay active and continue with normal acts of daily living. Keeping a normal lifestyle using leg scooter keeps me from getting down. I could not afford a new leg scooter, so purchased mine on craigslist. The average use time for these is 6-8 weeks, so it is in excellent condition. Anything to follow dr orders, eat healthy, and continue on when things you don't expect in life happen.

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