6 weeks update
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Hello there guys
Just an update..
First day back at work today even though i got the flu last night and feel like death i have been so positive, fantastic feeling except the flu lol. People have said how outspoken i am now in a good way i was laughing and just being a complete idiot hahahaha. Obviously its starting to work ive been in the office today catching up on a few bits but as i work in the private sector out in the field it was a relife to be in the warmth as i feel dreadful from this flu but amazing at the same time its crazy ...... 6 weeks ago i couldn't focus i couldn't speak and i couldn't walk anywere without that horrible anxiety in my stomach and just shaking everyday. I have also quit drinking only drank on a saturday afternoon with the football and 2 or 3 after work friday but not touched a drop for 7 weeks so im cutting little things out bit by bit.
Thanks for reading your all superstars lol
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plainden scott8888
scott8888 plainden
gingemac1977 plainden
scott8888 gingemac1977
gingemac1977 scott8888
gingemac1977 scott8888
scott8888 gingemac1977
gingemac1977 scott8888
chris23342 scott8888
scott8888 chris23342
Like i said earlier my doctor has stressed to all her patients that any dose should be taken for the full 8 weeks to see if it works as upping dose causes the patient unworthy stress sometimes. She said it also goes on how ill the patient is as they normally know what kind of dose should be taken. Some doses maybe to much for us but my doctor is confident that 50mgs is the right dose for me as im starting to to change.
Maybe your blurred vision could of been avoided if you had stook to a dose for 8 weeks maybe the doctors should tell people this as i dont like to see people have more stress while taking tablets.
UK-Rose scott8888
Great encouraging post... 👍🏼🌹