66 Peri menopause / Menopause Symptoms you may experience which may help some ladies

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These are very real physical changes and conditions. Some symptoms alarm a woman that she may be suffering from a serious disease. Perhaps you know the more common ones related to menopausal symptoms in this list. But many of these may surprise you, as they have not been typically associated with this normal physiological transformation. 

1. Change in Menstrual Cycle, Cycles may get closer together or farther apart, lighter and shorter in duration or much heavier, lasting longer than one has been accustomed to. Menses may seem to take forever to begin with dark spotting for days until you actually flow, or you might feel like you have your menses every two weeks.

2. Menstrual Flooding can come on with sudden onset and feel like you may hemorrhage to death. Or it can be a gradual build up just when you think your menses will end and you start gushing for days. Flooding commonly accompanies the woman with uterine fibroids as she transits into menopause.

3. Headaches, Migraines, especially before, during or at the end of your menses debilitate and radically interferes with normal functioning.

4. Decreased Motor Coordination, Clumsiness, almost begins to make the woman who experiences this feel like she is certainly less than graceful during perhaps an already awkward period in her life. 

5. Lethargy, a persistent feeling sluggishness physically and mentally, that seems to negate ones ability to do much. 

6. Physical Exhaustion , and Crushing Crashing Fatigue that can come on so suddenly and grip you into feeling like you will collapse unless you stop this instant.

7. Exacerbation of any Chronic Illness or Existing Condition transpires as hormones decline or deviate from their normal balance.

8. Insomnia, this includes a new or unusual pattern of either difficulty falling asleep, or dropping off to sleep for a few hours and then awakening with the inability to return to sleep.

9. Sleep Disturbances sometimes are from nightmares, night sweats, or just a vague sense of restlessness keeping you up or disrupting your precious revitalizing retreat from this realm of responsibilities.

10. Night Sweats often begin between a woman?s breasts, initially a night or two before her menses, waking her from sleep, later more profoundly disturbing with up to total body saturation, followed by damp or sweat drenched chills.

11. Interference With Dream Recall interrupts the sense of normal sleep, if you are someone accustomed to vivid or at least some detailed memory of your dreamtime. 

12. Muscle Cramps can occur anywhere in the body from legs to back to neck, and sometimes reflects the need for more calcium, or simply that your progesterone levels are too low. 

13. Low Backache often worsens before or during menses, but if your hormones remain at low levels, you can experience it on a regular basis.

14. Gall Bladder Symptoms of pain, spasms and discomfort felt in the right upper abdominal quadrant under the ribs, which may be accompanied by belching, bloating, and intolerance to certain foods reflect the increased liver load with declining hormones. 

15. Frequent Urination, or sensations that mimic urinary infections is a disturbing symptom often unrelieved by actual urination. It is often experienced as the sensation of needing to urinate all the time, even immediately afterwards.

16. Urinary Incontinence, the uncontrollable and spontaneous loss of urine, or the Urge for Incontinence, can occur suddenly or feel continuous, and not only in response to coughing, sneezing, jumping or running. 

17. Hypoglycemic Reactions happen when suddenly your blood sugar crashes and you must have food now.

18. Food Cravings, often for sweets or salty foods, but can include sour or pungent foods. 

19. Increased Appetite, especially at night and after dinner contributes to that unusual and unwanted weight gain.

20. Dark Circles Under Eyes can also be caused by adrenal exhaustion and thyroid dysfunctions, but no amount of sleep seems to eliminate it. 

21. Joint and Muscle Pain, Achy, Sore Joints, Muscles and Tendons, which sometimes develop into actual carpal tunnel syndrome, or give rise to the questioning of other disease possibilities.

22. Increased Tension in Muscles demonstrates itself in those hunched up shoulders as you work or talk about anything uncomfortable, along with promoting lower back pain and a stiff neck.

23. Increased Hair Loss or Thinning anywhere on body, including your head, armpits, pubic area.

24. Increase in Facial Hair especially under your chin, or along your jaw line. It may be defined by generalized hair growth, or a specific and coarse single strand of hair that pokes out, even curls. 

25. Unusually Hair Growth, around Nipples, between Breasts, down your back, places where your hair was finer, less coarse.

26. Acne, quite disturbing to any woman who dealt with this in adolescence and never thought it would recur. 

27. Infertility causes grief in the woman who postponed pregnancy in her earlier years and now wishes to conceive, carry to term a healthy baby, and discovers she is unable to do so. 

28. Loss of Breast Tissue begins with the decrease of progesterone production. Women often feel as though their breast have become empty sacs devoid of their normal fullness, with or without sagging.

29. Breast Soreness/Tenderness/Pain/ Engorgement and swelling, occurs particularly a few days to one week before bleeding actually begins, which usually potentiates complete relief of any pain or swelling.

30. Painful, or tender nipples have been described as this exquisite localized pain only in the nipples and suggests estrogen excess. 

31. Cold Extremities feels quite strange especially in the presence of a hot flash, the combination of which is not impossible.

32. Being Accident Prone, bumping into things, not even realizing it until the bruise reveals itself later and then lacking the ability to recall the causative incident feels perplexing and a little scary at the prospect of something more damaging. 

33. Hot flashes initially may be described as mild to severe flushes of heat waves, and for some women these evolve into intense outbreaks of sudden heat with sweating and turning bright red all over. 

34. Loss of Sexual Energy, our Libido, can be marked by a gradual or sudden disinterest in sex, to the development of an actual aversion. 

35. Painful Sex often described as if one?s vagina would tear open at the point of penetration along with feelings of abrasion during intercourse.

36. Vaginal Dryness, Irritation, sometimes accompanied by a consistent unusual discharge - typically odor free, negates a woman?s ability to be sexually active, or able to enjoy or be comfortable in her body.

37. Dizziness, feeling lightheaded and the loss of physical balance, and even a bit wobbling at times, requires pause in movement to prevent falling over or deepening into vertigo or feeling faint.

38. Ringing in the Ears, Tinnitus, can be experienced as a pulsing sensation, a whooshing sound, an almost musical or buzzing sound with a fuzzy sensation.

39. Abdominal Bloating comes on suddenly often after eating, or seems to be all the time, and can be visibly evident making you feel that you look like you are pregnant. 

40. Weight Gain disturbs most women, particularly when it seems to happen over a couple of days, settles in the waist, buttocks and thighs, promoting a visceral thickening from the waist down, the classic middle-aged figure.

41. Fluid Retention, Edema, commonly with swelling in the legs and ankles, though not limited to this area and it is unrelieved by urination.

42. Palpitations or Heart Racing usually comes on suddenly, without warning or provocation, and dissipates spontaneously. The experience can be so wild and intense that a woman may become alarmed and wonder if she is having a heart attack. 

43. Irregularities in your Heart Rate may feel more like your heart has just done a flip-flop or skipped a beat.

44. Constipation/Diarrhea, intermittent or alternating, results from declining hormone levels, which increase the demands on liver function and alters intestinal motility.

45. Tendency towards Candidiasis can increase, even if you have no prior known history ? and if you do, it may worsen.

46. Gastrointestinal Distress, Increased Flatulence, Unrelieved Gas pains, Indigestion, Nausea all can reflect intestinal changes due to hormonal imbalances.

47. Slow Digestion often goes along with the bloat ? what previously took four to five hours to digest, now seems to take all night. It seems worse in the evenings.

48. Lack of Appetite may be experienced as more of a lack of interest in food, going to the frig and standing there with the door open and staring blankly. Feeling completely uninspired, you busy yourself with something else and forget that you need to eat.

49. Changes in Body Odor especially disturbing when it seems to focus in the groin area, but can be anywhere on the body.

50. Puffy Eyes, not only from sleep disturbances, but also can accompany low progesterone.

51. Facial Pallor alternating with Facial Flushes is often intermittent with hot flashes.

52. Flare up of Arthritis worsens with low progesterone levels and increase sugar intake.

53. Loss of Bone Density, Osteoporosis, is not only an elderly woman?s disease, though it seems to develop over an extended period and is triggered by the decline of hormone production.

54. Dry Hair, Change in Skin Tone, Integrity, and Texture, becomes more wrinkled, and may begin the thinning process.

55. Changes in your Fingernails characterized by easy breakage, bending, cracking and getting softer.

56. Itchy, Crawly Skin with a strange sensation like insects crawling around under the skin ? quite different than the dry skin feeling.

57. Muscle tone seems to slack and sag, and loose its previous response to normal exercise.

58. Pelvic Pain can be random and independent of cycles and may feel continuous for some women.

59. Dry, Itchy Eyes felt in the deep posterior aspect of the eye socket, as well as superficially.

60. Teeth Aching or the experience of a strange sensation in one?s teeth or gums, often accompanied by an increase in bleeding gums.

61. Change in the normal Tongue sensation, which can be accompanied by a feeling of burning in your tongue and roof of mouth, malodorous breath or change in breath odor, and/or a bad taste in your mouth.

62. Memory Loss or Lapses in time, makes one feel disoriented and less focused, especially when you go into another room to get something specific and seconds later cannot remember what you went to retrieve.

63. Feeling Faint for no known reason (this does not include standing up too quickly)

64. Tingling in Extremities not only feels weird and like your hands or feet are falling asleep, but if persistent can be a symptom of diabetes, B12, potassium or calcium deficiency, or a compromise in blood vessel flexibility.

65. Sensation of Electrical Stimulation,or Shock occurring in the tissue under the skin, and may signal you that a hot flash will begin.

66. Increase and worsening of Allergies occurs as hormones become imbalanced, so can our immune system.

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  • Edited

    Well I seem to have about 98% of these. I'm feelin the love
    • Posted

      oh klvb

      i know ... i thought that when i read them, i had em all along the way at different times 😳

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Me too! I just found this site. I have been going bonkers for about a year. Just don't feel good! Been to all sorts of specialists. Why don't they just tell me that it is what is expected!!

    • Edited

      Not sure if you’re still here but i agree..keep thinking I have something terribly wrong when it’s hormones/perimenopause..i only knew women got hot flashes and the occasional crabbiness..at 46, I’m wondering how women deal with this for so many years! How has no one come up with something to help us feel better? Just ugh...hang in there, we will stick together and be better than ever!!
    • Posted

       Hey Karen, Welcomen🌞 because that would be too easy, that would be too simple, and that would cost the medical field billions of dollars a year, do you know how much money they make off of menopausal women. Don’t bother going to men doctors, it’s a waste of time!  I’m sure it wasn’t vertigo, as vertigo makes you really sick to your stomach and your flat on your back and very debilitated w/ that, my mom had itsad They just don’t know what they’re talking about, across the board. I had a friend whose SIL spent over $10,000 on testing and it turned out to be menopause. She was having the SVT’s really bad, the heart palpitations, which can be stopped, if you cough hard, it really works. If you read all these women’s experiences, most of them say how they’ve been to the doctor for a long time, it’s ridiculous, unnecessary suffering.  Many of the symptoms can be curbed greatly with a change of diet, no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol & exercise.  Also, no eating after 6pm, because if you eat after that, your body burns energy to digest the food, which causes hot flashes most the night. I’ve renamed it Mean-o-pause😉

  • Edited

    Thanks Jay for your support. Thankfully I only have a few of these symptoms.. for the moment... My mother and only sister went through this without too much trouble, so hoping it's in the family genes :-). Hopefully I will get my mojo back and start being more sociable and confident again. 
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      Hi Swiiftz

      lets hope so... my mother started peri at 42 and all done and dusted at 44 

      ummmmm me, started peri at 40 almost 41 and am now 50 ..

      we both took natural route, my mother is now aged 83 and shes says to me .. ' blimey are you still at it, whats up with you '  hahahahaha

      Jay xx

  • Posted

    thank you some  i knew but the ones i didn't were helpful!! so many changes we have to deal with but hopefully it will end soon!
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    here we go part two 50-66

    thanks to Jo92050 that is as i couldnt get part two.. nice one jo 😃

    50. Puffy Eyes, not only from sleep disturbances, but also can accompany low progesterone.

    51. Facial Pallor alternating with Facial Flushes is often intermittent with hot flashes.

    52. Flare up of Arthritis worsens with low progesterone levels and increase sugar intake.

    53. Loss of Bone Density, Osteoporosis, is not only an elderly woman?s disease, though it seems to develop over an extended period and is triggered by the decline of hormone production.

    54. Dry Hair, Change in Skin Tone, Integrity, and Texture, becomes more wrinkled, and may begin the thinning process.

    55. Changes in your Fingernails characterized by easy breakage, bending, cracking and getting softer.

    56. Itchy, Crawly Skin with a strange sensation like insects crawling around under the skin ? quite different than the dry skin feeling.

    57. Muscle tone seems to slack and sag, and loose its previous response to normal exercise.

    58. Pelvic Pain can be random and independent of cycles and may feel continuous for some women.

    59. Dry, Itchy Eyes felt in the deep posterior aspect of the eye socket, as well as superficially.

    60. Teeth Aching or the experience of a strange sensation in one?s teeth or gums, often accompanied by an increase in bleeding gums.

    61. Change in the normal Tongue sensation, which can be accompanied by a feeling of burning in your tongue and roof of mouth, malodorous breath or change in breath odor, and/or a bad taste in your mouth.

    62. Memory Loss or Lapses in time, makes one feel disoriented and less focused, especially when you go into another room to get something specific and seconds later cannot remember what you went to retrieve.

    63. Feeling Faint for no known reason (this does not include standing up too quickly)

    64. Tingling in Extremities not only feels weird and like your hands or feet are falling asleep, but if persistent can be a symptom of diabetes, B12, potassium or calcium deficiency, or a compromise in blood vessel flexibility.

    65. Sensation of Electrical Stimulation,or Shock occurring in the tissue under the skin, and may signal you that a hot flash will begin.

    66. Increase and worsening of Allergies occurs as hormones become imbalanced, so can our immune system.

    • Posted

      Hiya Jay,

      just been reading over the list which you found for us and unless I am going daft and blind (which is more than possible ha! Ha!) I cannot  see anything mentioned about anxiety or despression on it?xxxlol

    • Posted

      Jayneejay, hi

      Thanks for all your help.

      I have at last missed one period but within this week I have had the most horrendously sore boobs and now I feel like nearly I have a stomach upset, with cramps, etc.  It nearly feels like period coming with lower back pain too, but nothing has happened.  Can this feeling of upset stomach also be hormonal imbalance?

      You are of such great help to so many women.

      Thanks again


    • Posted

      hi joanna

      i use to feel what you describe when a period was on its way..

      sore boobs was always the sign for me and the other things you mention.

      and in peri for me, when i started missing a few periods each year, i found i would still have symptoms less the sore boobs..

      ( that was only my experience) 

      when you go 12 months of no periods, you become post menopause

      jay x

    • Edited

      You are a star!

      You should set up your own website with all the research you have done.

      It so so good to hear someone else has felt the same.

      Again, thanks



    • Posted

      hi Joanna

      thank you for the kind words 


      have a lovely weekend 

      jay x

    • Posted

      This list looks like the story of my life..lol.. I have not been officially diagnosed but I know my own body. Dr appointment is on Friday... this might seem strange but I just want it over with, my friends ask why . I hate periods more than I fear menopause. Also I cry easily a comercial can open the flood gates  ..smh...I'm sleepy  especially after i eat and i'm awake at all sorts of ungodly hours. 
    • Posted

      Hi my lovely

      Your doctor should be doing a full blood count, check all is okay.

      And if your periods have declined alot then a FSH blood test to see your hormone status.

      Gyno is best to see .. Doctors know diddy with womens health, unless they specialise in it

      Take care

      Jay x

    • Posted

      I have the itchy crawly skin, it sometimes feels like pin picks, from head to toe all the time. Sometimes the sensation is stronger than other days. I'm wondering if sugar can make it worse. I've had my blood tested for vitamin deficiency and I was low end of normal for b12 and my d was very low. My doctors ruled out a lot of other possibilites like ms, lupus, celiac disease, diabetes, ect. And then my husband found this Web site and couldn't wait to show me. I'm so relived to know this is most likely what I'm dealing with. It makes the most sense, since I'm 46 and total hormonal. I suffer from migraines allike the time, expecially during my period, lack of sleep and hot flashes were my body heats up from top to bottom and I feel like I could melt through my bed, then I'm freezing cold. Good times!
    • Posted

      Thank God you posted this! I believe I have experienced ALL of these symptoms in some form or other in the past! I have had myself convinced I have cardiac disease or blockage because of the pounding heart and shortness of breath. Almost called ambulance last night. I can't walk from room to room and not need to sit down. It's terrifying. I sure thought I was the only woman on earth who was dealing with these symptoms. Thank you again!!!
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for this and the earlier 1-49. For the past two weeks I thought I was going absolutely crazy but reading this has made me feel better than I have done in the last two weeks. I now see that I have been in the perimenopause for the past 6 years!

      Just one questions, my last cycle was 56 days and my period when it eventually arrived was 13 days long! Then just 2 days after it stopped, I have started dribbling again. Its not a proper flow, just pale blood intermittently throught out the past two days. Anyone else had this?


    • Posted

      Well done. I wish I'd found this 10 years ago! I have one I don't see on the list. Thirsty thirsty and still thirsty. I've been checked several times for diabetes and all is well. It came on with the nasty taste in early peri. I still have it now post meno 2 years and on HRT. The taste has improved a bit.
    • Edited

      Hi millette i am totally at my wits end i have been having all these symptoms for years and have had all scans possible and biopies taken because of uterus thickening but all clear apart from fibroids and polyps but been told that i am having a rough menopause i am on hrt but it seems to have stopped working. I struggle with absolutely everything from getting through my job housework gardening playing with my grandchildren being intimate with my husband to socialising i get abdomen pain backache internal gynae pain hot sweats dizziness nausea aching joints and feel so low most days and feel like theres no medical understanding or help out there.my family and friends are really great and try really hard to help and understand but i dont think anyone apart from fellow sufferers really know what its like feeling like this day in and day out its so dehabilitating it robs you of any normality
    • Posted

      Omg hun i started about 7years ago but for the past three years they have been very extreme as i have explained . I am 55 x
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      My gp has me on hrt premique low dose and paracetomol and ibuprofen and nusea pills
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      Reason I'm asking is that if they aren't giving you your life back maybe you should go back to your gp and see about trying something else. Like oestrogel or something that can you help rather than have this phase rob your life.

    • Posted

      Three years and dont know what else to do to help myself the gps dont seem to be advising me further although i have to go back on hospital advice to be reassessed
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      Yes did ring for an appointment this morning but they wanted me to go today but my dizzy spells are preventing me from driving today so was told to ring on the morning im capable of going x
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      Maybe someone can take you? I wouldn't put it off, you really need to be on something better than this stuff that isn't working for you. I hope you can go in soon. Praying for you Hugs xx

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      Anytime hun, just don't forget to see your gp sooner than later. It's no fun living in misery when you don't have to.

    • Posted

      Hi pattison,

      Know exactly what you mean about itchy crawly skin, and can overheat too. Sometimes I can't stand being touched when my skin is so itchy.

      My poor hubby takes it personnel and thinks it's because I can't stand him touching me anymore. I try to explain it's not him personally but me, and is part of the change of hormones.

      Hope things have improved for you,

      Phyl x??

    • Posted

      Thank you Zigangie,

      Unfortunately when we renovated the bathroom we took out the bath and replaced with shower making it into a wet room.

      Do they have a similar shower gel?

      Phyl x💖

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      No but it is magnesium, so maybe try magnesium oil (you buy it in a spray bottle) and rub into areas where you are itchy.
    • Posted

      Hi. I am 47 and the past year I have had almost all these symptoms as well. The last 2 months have been hell. I feel like you stated. What are you doing or taking to help? I want my old self back. The anxiety is the worst.
    • Posted

      I am so happy I found this list! All others are just the 10 symptoms or the 15 symptoms. It's like 'HELLO' there are a lot more symptoms out there! Thank you thank you thank you!

    • Posted

      I am so happy I found this list! All others are just the 10 symptoms or the 15 symptoms. It's like 'HELLO' there are a lot more symptoms out there! Thank you thank you thank you!

    • Posted

      Ive been suffering for weeks with most of the above im 45 my gp insists im not in menepause 😠 So fed up 

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      There are lots of great tips on supplements to try from other ladies on this site. It is confusing at first but try something to deal with your worst symptom first. Keep talking on here, you will get lots of sympathy and advice. Best wishes
    • Posted

      Thank you 🙂 My worst atm is dry mouth and anxiety attacks 😖 I feel so much better reading everybodys posts there some really useful information thanks everybody 🙂

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      I am finding passionflower very helpful at the moment. if you Google it you will be able to read the benefits and see if it may help you.
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      Deb I suffered a terrible dry mouth for about 3 to 4 months. My lips would stick together as it was so dry. Night times were awful too my lips would stick to my cup during the night if I had a drink. It is definitely a symptom. Take care x
    • Posted

      Hi Michell.

       Well I don't want to jinx myself but I feel pretty good at the moment. The night sweats and hot flushes have stopped and I'm sleeping better. Not had a period since June and that was late and wasn't the usual flooding. Just a bit of spotting twice since then. This is since I started the super strength sage and other supplements. (Thanks to everyone on here for the many suggestions) I did get hrt from my doctor, evorel conti patches, but I haven't started using them yet. I was a bit concerned that the doctor just let me choose which I wanted from a list, like a kid in a sweet shop!

      I feel ok at the moment so I'm going to save them. I'm sure everything will start up again at some stage so I'm making the most of the good time just now. I've had more energy so been catching up on neglected chores. Cobwebs everywhere!

      I hope you have been able to find some relief from your symptoms.

      Love and hugs xx

    • Posted

      Thank you maisie i will have a look i will try anything at the moment.
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      I thought it was just me till i found this website,thank you michelle mine as got so bad its caused a thrush out break an real sore mouth im using salt water at the moment it seems to be doing the trick for now.
    • Posted

      That's good news. Enjoy feeling better for the time. I could be a lot worse, a lot of my symptoms have eased a bit (had so many). I'm really suffering with no energy and unsettled tummy at the moment and ongoing tinnitus which is annoying. Never mind though. There are people worse off than me x

    • Edited

      I would say I have around 35plus of those symptons, and haven't felt right for 7 years (still only 49 and not getting hot flushes yet so my doctor says i have a few more years to go!)

      Definately find that UK medical system just isn't set up for middle aged women. I get the impression that Australian and North American women get a lot more help, advice and understanding...

      I keep asking for blood tests to be told that everything is "normal", so just don't seem to be getting anywhere - it's very frustating but I find that being aware that all of these mad symptoms are symptoms and not a sign of madness, makes me feel much better.


    • Edited

      I just found this site. I have been going bonkers for about a year. Just don't feel good! Been to all sorts of specialists. Why don't they just tell me that it is what is expected!!

    • Posted

      I just found this site. I have been going bonkers for about a year. Just don't feel good! Been to all sorts of specialists. Why don't they just tell me that it is what is expected!!

    • Posted

      Yes sentoholistics I have been experiencing the same with my cycle . I have been going for 13 days , did the same last month . I only had 8 days last month of nothing at all . I have also had the leg cramps and sweats or hot flashes usually very early in the morning like 4-5 a.m . I am hoping the long periods do not last for a extended length of time . Its really draining me .


    • Posted

      HI this pounding heart business is so scary..I have seen the cardiologists they say everything is ok..but I keep hvaing doubts..
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      Cathy the symptoms are part of the period phase. They don't last more than a few months. It will go away on its own. Don't worry about it too r.

    • Posted

      oops darn spell check.part of the perimenopause phase. Don't worry about it too much.

    • Edited

      Oh my gosh!!!!  This has been awful for me!!  It started  about five years ago, and it has been often on to varying degrees since then. I now use progesterone cream which does seem to help, I exercise regularly, and I have started meditation.....it all helps but doesn't take it away.  But, honestly, reading about others experiencing the same thing helps me to feel like I'm not going nuts!!

    • Edited

      Hi Millette, I thought I was having a heart attack as well..I went to the e.r. everyday after work for a week..The heart palpitations were the worst.The emergency room bill was too.Good to know I was not alone.Thanks. for. Sharing
    • Posted

      2karayekats, Hello. Are you still experiencing the crawling and pin prick sensations? I am experiencing this as well. Going on for 7 months now. Some days worse than others. I have been in peri menopause for around 4 yrs and this is beyond exhausting.
    • Posted

      Hi Yvonne

      You have you been doing with your symptons? I do understand because I have symptons daily, everyday of the month. This has mentally and physically taken a toll on my body

      It's really too much for me. I am a nervous wreck!!

    • Posted

      How did your doctor rule out ms,lupus and the other diseases?
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      Hello Michelle38577,

      I have taken every test my doctor and I could think of and have ruled out these you are asking about and also thyroid disease and Fibromyalgia, and then I found this site and it all made so much sense, as all the ladies on this conversation, I was at a loss not knowing what was going on and to now know how to control these symptoms and calm them down, makes life so much easier and I now know when a new symptom shows up I know what is going on finally. I am extremely thankful for this conversation whenever something else comes up I find someone that has been going through it or has found something that helps, sleep, healthy food and exercise and multi vitamins and natural menopause supplements are a big item that keeps my head straight. Thank you for asking and thank you everyone for all your tips. I don't feel like a whiner anymore. 

    • Posted

      I was diagnosed with anxiety/depression in feb 2017.  I am 46 years old. Been on the antidepressant citalopram 20mg/day since then. I have also experienced MANY of the symptoms on this list including skipped/erratic periods, sweating at night, aching bones, extreme moodiness...the list goes on. The antidepressant doesn’t seem to be helping at all. My Mom was around my age when she went thru this. She’s passed in so I can’t ask her questions and I don’t have sisters. My question is: how do you know if it’s depression or if it’s perimenopause or both? Because I’m going crazy. I cry every morning and worry too much about everything. Totally unlike the pre-depression me. Any help would be appreciated. 
    • Posted

      I was diagnosed with anxiety/depression in feb 2017.  I am 46 years old. Been on the antidepressant citalopram 20mg/day since then. I have also experienced MANY of the symptoms on this list including skipped/erratic periods, sweating at night, aching bones, extreme moodiness...the list goes on. The antidepressant doesn’t seem to be helping at all. My Mom was around my age when she went thru this. She’s passed in so I can’t ask her questions and I don’t have sisters. My question is: how do you know if it’s depression or if it’s perimenopause or both? Because I’m going crazy. I cry every morning and worry too much about everything. Totally unlike the pre-depression me. Any help would be appreciated. 
    • Edited

      Hang in the puff it's menopause I went through this and at times I still do it does get easier trust me there is a light at the end of the horrible thing we call menopause these things you expressing are normal if you can help it get away from the meds just gonna make it worse I never took anything except my blood pressure meds doc says it's better to not take things as it will prolong symptoms and I didn't take anything good luck to you inbox me if you have any questions because when I say I've been there done it I have my past starting off was the worst from funny pains in my head to hurting hands wrist turning bellie you name it God bless wishing you the best

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      Thank you for your speedy reply. I am due to be weaned of the citalopram very soon. Just waiting to see the psychiatrist so I do it properly. Getting on these meds was horrible. I had to be hospitalized for ten days to make it thru the side effects. It was totally awful so I can’t wait to be off of them. I’ve lost 40 pounds since this began. Good thing I had it to lose. I’ve been checked out by numerous docs, had many tests and am physically ok. Mentally, not so much. I’ve been tempted by hormone therapy but have refused so far. Walking for half an hour every day. Stomach is yucky most days, it’s my Achilles heal when stressed, tho. How does any woman get thru all this?
    • Posted

      All this started for me about 5 years ago.  I was miserable and thought I was going crazy!  I mean seriously scared.  Became obsessed with having a heart Attack.   It’s getting so much better....I’m 51 now and still menstruating although it’s kind of different.  A couple of things I did was use Progest cream....it’s over the counter and that helped aLOT.  I also take magnesium and started meditating.  Exercise and keeping busy and interested in something is imperative too!  The doc offered me anti depressants and SSRI medicine but I’m thankful I haven’t used any of those.  I promise it will get better!!!  Big cyber hug to you!!
    • Posted

      Hi Scrempuff, yes hang in there is it Peri menopause for sure, I also went through it and at times still do like today, I am so angry and not knowing why, and feel like either crying or screaming, this blog really helps when something new comes up I go on to see if anyone has anything like it and sure enough someone has one thing or another and a lot of time a great solution for it, I know you feel like you are going crazy, but just think what a woman's body goes through and how amazing we are to handle what we are going through, yes it will pass only to bring on something else, but we can do this all together. I am also battling really dry mouth and I don;t take any med's has anyone experience this?

    • Posted

      Thank you for helping. I do feel better now. Going thru this is so depressing and scary. Do you think this is where the term mid-life crisis came from? At least for women?! My docs tell me that since I’m still having periods I should be on progesterone and estrogen together or the risk of cancers rises. Had anyone else been given this advice? Yes. Trying to stay busy but some days I can’t even get out of bed. My husband is at a loss. I’ve had no interest in being lovey dovey for almost a year. He’s going nuts. He’s supportive but very impatient. Does this get any better?
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      I haven’t heard that.....I took estroven for a while but felt better with just the progesterone.  Since it’s over the counter, I’m sure it’s not a real high dose.  For me it made a HUGE difference !

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      Where do I start? Very moody and very anxious. Crying for a long time every morning. This is exhausting me. I sleep way more than I should be. Unpredictably timed periods, and sometimes heavy sometimes lighter. Is it called skipping a period if it’s 3-4 weeks late? Very sore left breast near period time. Aching bones, not joints but bones especially left arm and hand. Soreness starting in the middle under my ribs,under lower right ribs and around to my back-going to see gastroenterologist in a few days on that. Might be gall bladder, Hopefully not pancreas. I’m very worried. Ringing in ears all the time. Headaches probably from stress. No appetite. Nausea. Probably from the stress but I make myself eat. I worry way to much about everything. Family and kids especially. And my health. I’m just at the end of my rope.
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      Hi Screampuff

      Hon just want to let you know that you are definately not alone. I feel your pain. Believe me i definately understand what you are going through. As I sit here at 3 am in the morning while everyone is asleep, my mind is racing , and i just want to scream. I have cried and prayed and prayed and cried...Im like you im at the end of my rope too. When i thought things were seem to get better for me, i lost my sister then on top of that a few days later was told i had fluid around lungs. I dont know how it got there but Thank God when they look again, its gone. Hallelujah! My latest is walking and feels like my legs cant hold me up, i am wobbling shaking, trembling, and lightheadness. Of course it scares me, but i keep telling myself that its only menopause. But my bloodwork show that my thyroid is hyper, which could explain the anxiety, tremor, shakiness, and increase bowel moves, heart palpitations, weight loss (though im hungry alot) The hormone dr. refuse to give me meds for it because she says its not too much out of range. Its enough to cause these symptons im feeling! My progesterone is 0.4 , i do have Bio progesterone for that, but seem to give me more anxiety and heart palpitations. I guess thats why she said it nothing more that she can do for me. Really.

      My period is 4 days late which has intensifed my symptons, because once it comes all symptons seem to disappear. But knowingly one day it has to stop...

      I have been to GI dr., cardiologist, pulmunarist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, several naturopaths, opthamologist, psychologist, several hormones consultants. Like you, everytime a pain or discomfort occurs somewhere i immediately think something else is wrong. The hormones does affect our brain and mentality. I keep hearing people saying it will get better....Lol, but when? The thing that would help me the most is walking, now that seem difficult because of the weakness and lack of balance. Again, i understand and so many others on here that understand. Its very difficult for the people around you to understand what you are going through. One week its this and the next its something else, SCREAM!

      Lol and you know the weirdiest thing is during my before peri days, i had very easy periods, pms was tolerable, but i guess now im paying for it. Lol.

      I will keep you and everyone else on this forum in my prayers. Hugs x


    • Posted

      Yes, you do know how I feel. I am so very sorry you lost your sister. Life isn’t fair and it scares me. My  daughter just left for university and I miss her terribly. Your shakiness I’m sure is made worse by the stress you’re under. I have that too. It gets worse the more I am stressed. I also have heart palpitations. Pain in my ribs probably from being clenched from stress and fear all the time. My periods were ok, too before all of this. I don’t think we are paying for it now, it’s just the way it’s going for us. Keep walking. I find it does decrease some of the stress and reinforces in my mind that even tho I feel week I can still do this one thing for myself, and I’m not as weak as I think I am! Also helps me sleep. Helps my appetite. How Are your dreams? Mine are sometimes right out of crazy land. Vivid and strange, weird like a horror movie. 

      You need to look after that hyperthyroid, and I’m glad the fluid is gone from around your lungs. 

      My Mom has her gallbladder removed when she was younger than me, so it’s not impossible mine is giving me grief. I’ll Know more this week I hope. 

      I know this will end, and I’m like you...when?! I’m going nuts. I want to be the calm, confident person I was before. I have so much trouble thinking and just getting through the days. They each feel like a marathon. 

      I remind myself that all the older ladies in this world have been through their own versions of what we are going through and they got through it with likely less help than we did! We can do this, too. My therapist says to just breath. It’s good advice. 

      I also pray and cry daily. It exhausts me. I sleep way too much. So much to scare me and worry about. I hope you have family around to support you. I am fortunate to have a husband who tries to understand, two sons, a daughter and my father who is amazing. I live for them. 

      My heart hopes you’ll be ok. If I can do this, you can too. 

    • Posted

      OMG, hi gps1969 I just started experiencing the dry mouth two nights ago plus last night and when I say dry I mean really DRY, I wake up around 2-3 in the morning with this dry mouth my lips stuck together , I grab for water immediately. I don't sleep like I use to ever since peri started . We just have to keep drinking alot of water throughout the day to keep ourselves hydrated. Also my wrist , ankle,knee crap,you can say my whole body cricks especially in in morning . Anyway, I know things will get better one day, big Hugs to you ladies.

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      Hi Screampuff, I've also lost weight since peri started and I hope I dont loose anymore because I don't have it to loose. Hope you get off those meds because you don't want to add any problem to what you're going through, try and do it natural keep doing your walking and do some workout also it helps. I do my Vitamins and workout, my Dr. gave me pills I didn't take none but I do have good days and not so good days but I'm hanging in there. We'll get throuhg this we just need to be good to ourselves and eat right God knows I'm trying.

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      I am also 46 and had many of these awful symptoms and when I went to the dr initially, he put me on citalopram and it made me a million times worse! I was so ill for the first 2 weeks (nauseous, dizzy, exhausted, couldn’t eat or even get off couch) then by 3rd week, I was a bit better physically but SO apathetic I literally shrugged my shoulders no matter what someone said or asked me and that really scared me..not to mention it did NOT help the anxiety at all. I know now that it was this horrible phase of life called perimenopause..just knowing I wasn’t alone or going crazy helped me cope a bit better..I must say walking for 30-30 mins a few times a week, taking a vitamin and probiotic and trying to give myself a break and sit, nap or read for a half hour if needed has been helpful..I don’t get as much done around the house which does kind of bother me, but ultimately I feel better mentally. I decided I couldn’t do the medication (citalopram) and it was awful to get off of, even being on it less than a month but I’m glad I’m off it..I had, let’s just say bowel troubles for an entire month while my body adjusted to getting off of it, even through I went off slowly..I hope you find something that works for you and do reach out, I am here! 
    • Posted

      Wow! Are you me?? That sounds exactly like me. I’ve been on it for almost nine months now. Weaning off right away, I know it’s going to be hard but I can’t do it anymore. I am on probiotics and various vitamins. I’m going to try no hormones. See how it goes. I think that’s what’s making me cry every day. And I am horribly apathetic too. I just don’t honestly care about much anymore, and that’s not like me. It’s messing with my head. I think I’m going to find some sun when I’m off this stuff. Sunshine makes me happier. Thank you for words. They really do help. So many caring women on this site. 
    • Posted

      Oh wow, it’s crazy how we can feel so alone and yet how many women are actually going through this! And are obviously afraid to share because everyone else they know likes just fine from the outside day to day!! I’m glad you are getting off the escitalopram, it’s awful! I of course wish it was as easy as taking a pill to feel better but unfortunately in this case it’s not. The weaning off process sucked even the short time I was on it (mostly stomach/bowel issues) but I am feeling so much better now..been off for a few months now. So yes, trying to relax (not easy at all!!) walk a bit, eat a little better and take the vitamins/probiotics helps..I’m also trying to avoid hormones for many reasons , mainly the health risks and the fact that I generally don’t like taking any kind of meds on a daily basis..plus I have heard it just prolongs the inevitable and who needs that!!? Hang in there and please keep in touch! Who knows, by next week I may be a miserable, crying mess thanks to this hormonal nonsense! 😘??

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      Hi Stacline, Thank God someone is actually going through this as well I was getting a little concerned as to why this was happening and if I was doing something wrong, I drink so much water, but still have the dry mouth all day where my lips yes stick together or are stuck to my teeth, talking about your wrist and ankles, mine yes also ache all the time especially my right wrist always feels like a cramp in it, am getting a little worried about it, I am so thankful for this blog, sure helps me understand and pay attention to things that are happening, I guess heads up and keep moving forward we can all make it through this together, I hope this blog never ends it is so helpful to talk to all of you. 

      Take care everyone and always remember your not alone in your journey.

    • Posted

      Hi Screampuff! Oh man. What is with that left breast soreness before the period??? Mine is the same. In fact it's like my whole left part of my body has problems. It's always my left nostril that gets stuffed. Or hip pain on the left. Or hand pain. Or foot cramps in the night! And the worrying. It's gotta stop. I started counselling which helps but that's pricey too. Glad we are not alone in this crap! Hang in there! If we all support each other, we can make it through!

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      Yes!  That’s hat I love about this forum!!   Let’s me know I’m not alone so I start Believing I may not actually die from all this craziness!
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      You are not alone, same here i wish mu mother would been around right now to ask her questions ..but you are on the right placesmile i was told when all these started that i was depressed and given numerous meds..i never took any of them, 8 years later it got a bid easier, the sadness and the crying are gone!!

      still dealing with some anxiety at times,  irregular periods and at the moment painful shoulders and feeling like  i have a dry mouth and a drip in the back of my throat and i have to keep clearing!!!!  I'm having some scary thoughts going threw my mind right now but trying to keep busy so i don't think...

      feel better and I don't think you suffer from depresion!!!


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      Thank you Maria. It has been such a long hard road already. I still cry and worry every morning when I wake up. I dont know if it’s a panic attack or just plain old anxiety. It really doesn’t matter. I worry about everything from my health to my business to my kids and family. It’s so hard. I could fill an ocean with the tears I have cried and the fears i have. I just have an abdominal CT done yesterday to check out pain I am experiencing in my upper right quadrant. Then I go for a stomach scope in a week. I hope it’s all ok. I dont know what to do. Yes, I am still weaning of citalopram. I don’t think it does me any good anyway and want to be off of it. I feel like a crazy nut. I am great full to have encouragement from ladies like you. Thank you. 
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      Hi Screampuff, I know how you're feeling, I really do. Sometimes I think that I am the only one who's symptons are so severe and daily. But, reading about others gives me comfort, not comforting to see you and others suffering but comforting to know that you and I are not along. I hear that crying is good for the soul. Ive cried so much I dont think I have any tears left to cry. Your CT scan and stomach scope will be fine. You are like me, I worry too alot, I dont know if its just the hormones, or just the overwhelming changes thats taking place... going to doctors, having all sorts of test done , etc. Of course i get these dreadful thoughts too but we must somehow keep telling ourselves that everything is fine and this too shall pass. Have you tried anything else for the anxiety?The anxiety seem to be the major culprit for many. I guess because the mind controls everything. Just know that you are not along...I will say a prayer for you.?

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      Everything will be fine! is nothing wrong, I had every taste done...Dr's are looking at me like I lost my mind.

      I did change my diet stop the sugars,caffeine, alcohol, red meats and I did see some of the symptoms gone..also walk everyday for an hour..helps with the anxiety! like you still dealing with all the fears for my family and health. I get scared sometimes just travelling or going on vacation..right now I'm so scared about my throat..everytime I get anxious i feel like there something in my throat...i have an appt with my Dr on monday....please let me know how you did with y tests...good luck!!!


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      Ok so this is a new random symptom that I’m wondering if you have experienced or heard of...at least I’m guessing it might be..about 4-6 times a day, I get a very brief (like 1 second) shock feeling in my chest...it does not cause any other symptoms at all (except it makes me a bit nervous) and isn’t exactly even painful, just like a static shock right between my breasts..it is not associated with any particular “behavior “ like eating, drinking, laying down, taking my normal 30 minute walk...it’s just very random. I feel fine otherwise, I’m not on any meds, no other conditions, slightly overweight (25 pounds)but very healthy and active.. Having quite a lot of peripheral anxiety and the usual aches and pains, but feel pretty good for 46..anyone have any clue what this could be? Someone told me possibly acid reflux so I did take a Nexium for 2 weeks but nothing changed..still the random “zaps” a few times a day. In my mind I am sure it’s nothing serious but the perimenopause crazy thinks I could drop dead any minute!!!
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      i have the same thing but under my right breast bone..out of nowhere it feels like a little zapsmile i'm not sure what it is, its been off and on for over 4 years now happening. it goes away for months and comes back.

      Did you ever thought to go for an adjustment? i use to work for a chiropractor and we had patients that having crazy things like that  happening...try it it might work, it could be that your back is out of place..

      feel better



    • Posted

      You know that sounds exactly like sciatica pain! I have it down my left leg, but what you’re describing sounds like what i experience only in a different place. Yes! Try going for an adjustment. I believe in GOOD chiropractors. Mine has really helped me over the past year. I get acupuncture. It Has been life changing. Also try to do gentle core exercises and mild stretches to strengthen core muscles and pay attention to your posture. I also saw a physiotherapist who was excellent. This has all helped me heal my 3 disk bulges in my lower spine gradually over the past year. Don’t give up. It can be a maddeningly slow process. Maybe you have slight disk bulges in the upper spine? It doesn’t take much to mess things up, believe me. Doing these things takes little time and the pay off is huge. Keep me posted ladies. 
    • Posted

       Hi Maria – you know I was in an accident about 20 years ago and my neck and back have been absolutely killing me so I’m wondering if it isn’t something to do with a nerve that was damaged or something like that. I’ve been meaning to get to the chiropractor for months now so I think I need to do that soon LOL. I guess I’m not so worried that it’s a heart issue more like it’s a nerve or chiropractic issue. It just seems like everything pops up  and then goes away for a while… The aches,pains headaches ,emotional anxiety etc. Thank you for responding and I’ll let you know how it goes. Have a great day !
    • Posted

       Hi there – yes I’m at least now more convinced That it’s a nerve type of pain rather than I’m having a heart attack tomorrow! But it’s always something a new little ache or pain every single day and maybe have 2 to 3 good days and that’s about it. it comes and goes as far as the chest pain and Some days there less than others but boy it’s very annoying…I just had no idea about what to expect and have really never even heard of perimenopause so I’m so glad I’m not the only one dealing with all these things , keep me posted as to how you’re doing. Have a great day.
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      Did your CT scan / stomach scope go ok?  I know what the hell is like with antidepressants.

      ​I have developed gut issues since dropping my escitalopram dose by 50%.  Have had to take Busopan, and none of my natural remedies are working.

      ​Hope you are ok.




    • Posted

      Hello! Thanks for asking Junglechicken 😊. Yes. Everything went fine. CT Scan was all normal. Stomach scope was normal too. I am still experiencing the pain in my upper right quadrant. Gastro Doctor thinks it’s myofascial pain. I don’t know. All I know is it’s painful and I can’t take ibuprofen with the darn citalopram. Not that I usually want to. It’s hard on the system so I try to avoid painkillers if at all possible. I have stepped down again from 15mg to 10 mg citalopram last Sunday. (Three weeks previous to this I stepped down from 20-15mg.) I will continue with 15mg for the next 3 weeks. I see my nurse practitioner next week so I will ask if I’m doing this properly. I have had stomach issues throughout the whole time I’ve been taking this stuff so that’s nothing new to me. I am determined to be free of antidepressants but to do it as safely as I can. I take 150mg of ranitidine daily to combat my stomach issues fro the citalopram.  Seems to work quite well. There is nothing else that works for me. The citalopram really affects my stomach and like you, none of my home remedies work. Maybe you could try this out if you’re open to it? It does work and in Canada it’s available OTC. How are you doing? My other perimenopause symptoms are nutty. Sore left breast and nipple. Anxiety up and down. Night sweats. Chills during the day. Deadness in my left hand and arm. But clear skin! One plus 😉. And absolutely no interest in “cuddling” with my hubby. He hates it. So. Life goes on. Let me know you are. 

    • Posted

      So happy for you Screampuff!  That's a huge relief.  What is myofascial pain?

      When you say upper right quadrant, do you mean under the ribs?  I'm not too hot on anatomy, lol!

      ?I've gone the whole day with no stomach issues, and after having dinner they have started up again - cramps in the lower intestines, its just awful and scares the hell out of me.

      ?Will have to look up Ranitidine, as I stopped taking the Buscopan after a day - its an anti-spasmodic for the gut.

      ?Like you, my libido completely disappeared on account of recurrent bladder issues, and my hubby is going nuts too.

      I peg along until painful symptoms flare up - like the gut cramps.....then I get scared thinking its cancer.

      ?Today I bumped into a friend I hadn't seen for 10 yrs - couldn't believe it.  

      ?Like you I wish I had never started taking the anti-depressant, they are really dangerous drugs.


    • Posted

      hi :-) I just came across your post and was wondering How are you doing with the palpitations? I just started this lovely perimenopause thing and I'm going through that right now (palpitations) it's slowly driving me insane

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      Hello junglechicken. I decided to deal with all my anxiety issues head on. I was worried my stomach/intestinal issue were cancer too. So I got a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy done. Basically tubes with cameras up/down both ends 😳. My colonoscopy was fine but my stomach was absolutely FULL of polyps, all of which (after three rounds of removal) turned out to be benign, no cancer. But many were very large and bleeding so that was the cause of my low iron for the past ten+ years. After they were all removed my iron shot straight back up to normal. That was great!! If I had not insisted this be done with my Doctor at the time I don’t know where I’d be right now. I have been dealing with all of my issues and getting them checked off one by one. I’m almost done and have only had one other issue. Bulging disks in my lower back that have been pressing on my main nerve in my left leg giving me numbness and sciatica pain. Horrible. I’m just trying to say that if you’re worried to the point that it’s really getting to you insist on getting it looked into. You never know. It’s probably just ibs. It sounds to me exactly what I experience. But to ease your mind, deal with it once and for all. Then you won’t have to think about it anymore. My anxiety fuels my ibs like nothing else. It takes a long time to calm down so the less anxious you are the better your ibs will be. This works for me. 

      Myofascial pain is difficult to describe. I’m still looking into it. It has to do with the connective tissues between muscle groups as I understand it. And guess what can make it flare up? Anxiety and depression. Yup. So I’m working on all of this together as one single problem. What a mess it all seems to be. A crazy time in my life. Perimenopause. Ibs. Back issues. Stomach polyps. Unexplained pain. Argh. I wanna quit!!  I am doing what I can for myself. Have started to meditate but I’m so tired all the time I usually end up falling asleep 😴.  

      Ranitidine works at blocking some of the acid in the actual stomach so i don’t know if it’d work for ibs directly. Helps by making it easier for me to take the citalopram which still really bothers my stomach. 

      Let me know what you think. 

    • Edited

      Hi klm1213.

      I discovered, after having loads of tests and googling, that palpitations are a common symptom of perimenopause. The British Heart Foundation has a leaflet on it. I cut out caffiene, drink decaf tea and coffee, and it really helped. Sit up straight, look after your posture, so you aren't squashing your heart and lungs. Deep breathing, in for 3, hold for 3, out for 3, helps too. Especially if you feel panicky. Once you realise it's 'normal', you won't notice it as much. 

      Hope this helps a little.

    • Posted

      Thank you smile Did you get the adrenaline surge too?? I can be sitting at my computer working and start feeling jittery, anxious and then here come the palpitations. It only last for a minute or two, but  it is so scary I feel like I am losing my mind!!!
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      I know it's been a while since you posted but I am experiencing the dribbling after my periods as well. My period stops and then I have light dribbling for a few more days. Did this resolve for you?

    • Posted

      Hi Screampuff,

      ?Sorry for such a late reply, I never saw your message come through, and only came across it scrolling through recent messages!

      ?So did it hurt having the procedures (cameras in both ends) done?  And, how did the polyps form? what's the cause?  Are you on a special diet since having had them removed, and how were they removed?

      I recently had full blood count checked (earlier this year), and it came back normal.  It takes into account iron levels and absorption.  Still the "IBS" which flares up when I'm stressed was just awful a few weeks ago - I have had back to back interviews (1-2 / week) for several months now.  

      The peri-meno journey is as bad as the AD tapering one! So, the two together are a nightmare.  I made 2017 my fully body health check year, although at our age (40s), it doesn't stop there, and we have to get checked out every year.  I might get my gut examined privately, will have to see.  My GP would never refer me for those tests.  I did have a comprehensive stool analysis done (this year) which looks for blood in the stool (cancer) - nada!

      ?We can get anything checked out privately, so its down to how much £££ we can spend.


      ?Hmmm, you're brave to get it looked into.  

    • Posted

      Which progesterone cream is it? I have just started using Anna's wild yam cream (not noticing anything yet), hopefully it helps. I can't stand the muscle/joint/tendon pain.

    • Posted

      Hey Jazzy,

       The pain you are having as you know is due to the hormone flucts,  estrogen is considered a natural pain fighter. I know what you mean, the pain is terrible.  I get up in the morning and think, here we go. My friend and I just said the other day, we feel like our parents. I am 52, I am now post menopausal. But the symptoms keep coming 😬 now I think I have IBS as well, what a nightmare. If you take supplements it will help with pain, Fish Oil can help with pain but you have to buy an excellent brand because the cheap brands are just junk. Also do daily foot baths of Epson salt and a cup of white vinegar, that helps with pain greatly.  Also take a warm shower when you get up in the morning, as that gets the circulation going greatly and at bedtime because it relaxes the muscles. Also malic acid magnesium  helps with pain,  has to be Malic not just magnesium,  I take 2 to 4 a day. Also chelated magnesium is wonderful for sleep, pain and cramps, I take that at bedtime. But you have to watch that as it can loosen the stools.  Also watch food triggers, sugar, any white food like bread, rice, pasta, fast acting carbs, caffeine, alcohol, that all exasperates inflammation.  If I have white bread at a restaurant before we even leave my elbows hurt, try to do a food journal.  

      Eating pineapple can provide you with some bromelain,  (side note- which is also good for the lungs also), especially if you juice the hard stem and drink it on an empty stomach. Smoothie of pineapple, Tumeric and aloe is a very powerful anti-inflammatory.   Lemon grass and matcha tea are also good for inflammation, but I’m pretty sure the matcha  has a lot of caffeine which is not good for inflammation so I don’t know how that works.  I steep 6 ounces of lemon balm and chamomile tea before bedtime, really relaxes the mind/body. Have you heard of golden milk, it’s really good,

      2C unsweetened almond milk,1 t turmeric, 1 t ginger, 1t honey, Cinnamon stick, Pinch pepper, Mix all, simmer, don't boil, for 15 mins and drink.  Make sure you steer clear of NIGHT SHADE   Vegetables and fruits,  such as white potatoes and tomatoes,   It’s actually a very long list,  Google it.  Blessings to you on this journey ??

    • Posted

      Thank you so much! That's a lot of info hahaha, I will try. I am a vegan so the fish oil is out but I think there is an algae alternative, I'll look into it. Cutting out nightshades is a hard one being vegan. I do take magnesium but I will have to check what type it is. I was going to try that "calm" one next (I forget the full name, bloody brain fog), heard lots of good things about it. I have just started using copaiba essential oil and it seems to be helping. May be placebo, but I'll take it! I also do incorporate a lot of herbs and herbal teas. Oh the other thing I have just started using is wild yam cream, have you any experience with it? Or natural progesterone creams? Can't say how much I appreciate you taking the time to help me, means so much. You are too kind xx

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      Hey there, try what is called the Valsalva movement for the SVT’s which are the heart palpitations. If you cough really hard it stops them, there’s an actual medical term for it and it works. I thought I was losing my mind with the muscle weakness, I thought good Lord do I have MS, glad to hear that you and the other woman have it as well makes me feel less alone. I know when children go off to university it is a very difficult time ;-)  Did you know that during Perri/meno  it’s a very common time to have issues with the gallbladder, the hormones actually affect the gallbladder. I had terrible gallbladder issues for years and they kept misdiagnosing it. The only way to truly confirm gallbladder issues is with a test called a HIDA Scan, an ultrasound  is not detailed enough.  Dandelion tea and eating beets and carrots helps with the gallbladder. I think like you do, all the other older ladies that went through this and we will make it too. My mother passed in February and I said a prayer to her yesterday that I don’t know how she did everything she did because she had medical issues and severe fibromyalgia but was not diagnosed till decades later in life and severe arthritis with a crippled foot. I truly don’t know how she did all she did with what she had medically to deal with.  Blessings to you on this journey ✌️
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       Hi Amy, what you’re referring to generally happens in the back, I would get that in my back, I think it was, shoulder blades,  or between them.  It feels like those pads the Chiropractor puts on you. I forgot what those are called. Not sure what can be done for that, maybe some type of supplement out there, I can’t remember how long it lasted...  LOL probably because of the other Meno symptom, foggy brain 😉😂  It is a very strange feeling though. For the heart palpitations(SVT’s) if you cough hard, if you get those, it stops them,  maybe you could try that for that feeling that you get, couldn’t hurt it’s called the Valsalva movement, Google it😇😇

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      Thank you! It’s so strange, having all these symptoms that come and go..I’m finally resigning myself to the fact that it’s hormonal...I’m so grateful for your help and for all the ladies on this site! Googling that now, thank you again!! 😊

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      You’re very welcome Amy, I am very grateful for the site as well, makes you feel less alone. Do you have a natural path in your area or a pharmacist that Does compounding? My pharmacist is incredible, he actually developed a supplement that he sells in his pharmacy called Menopause Support, it’s a great product.   I know what you mean, the symptoms are so varied it’s not to make you crazy. Have a great day 😇

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      Dr just told me as long as you have a uterus you have to take both progesterone and estrogen.
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       Hey Joanne, that’s interesting, my doctor wanted to put me on antidepressants, my pharmacist wants me to do bio identical hormone’s that he compounds and a natural path that I’m going to go to says she doesn’t use HRT, she uses herbs to help get the hormones balanced. But if this is what is supposed to happen at this stage of life how can they get balanced when they’re so low. It is a confusing and troubling time.  I am not a fan of male doctors, they don’t have female parts  or really know what we go through 😉Hope you get some relief 🙏

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      Yeah I just started hormone therapy. I am having issues after a uti on july 4th. Shows it's clear on urine sample, but have bad cramps and bloating. Schedule next week with a ultrasound. Labs are normal. I have had most perimenopause symptoms. It's been a nightmare 🙁

    • Posted

      Yeah I just started hormone therapy. I am having issues after a uti on july 4th. Shows it's clear on urine sample, but have bad cramps and bloating. Schedule next week with a ultrasound. Labs are normal. I have had most perimenopause symptoms. It's been a nightmare 🙁

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      Sorry to hear that Joanne, did you know that UTI’s and yeast infections are also a symptom of Peri/Meno? I forgot if that was on the list. I was having a terrible time w/ itching and yeast infections, almost 2 years 😡Never had that before, last yeast infection was in my 20’s prolly. W/ UTI’s you want to get your urine as acidic as possible, that way the bacteria can not cling to the uterine wall, so up your vitamin C.  I can’t believe all the wacky symptoms with this. I am so groggy in the mornings, just want to lay there, no energy. Good luck w/ the ultrasound😇  No wonder there’s not more help for Peri/Meno,  with all these symptoms the medical field is making billions off us😟

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      Thank you. I need to feel better soon. My wedding is a month away. I just so glad for this forum. I thought I was dying at times. Knowing there are women out there feeling the same way as me. Helps alot!
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      Oh my gosh, so sorry I did not see your reply until now! I appreciate your response..we are all in this together, that’s for sure! I feel (well, most of the time) like I’m way too young to be having all these symptoms. I had Only heard of hot flashes, and moodiness as symptoms of menopause… Not all these other crazy erratic obnoxious  and annoying symptoms!! Thank you for being here..it’s so great to know we aren’t alone! Hugs! 😊

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      Congratulations Joann 👰 how exciting. I don’t know your lifestyle habits,but if you cut out caffeine, sugar & alcohol before your weeding and walk daily, it will help immensely. You don’t need this stress at such a special moment in your life💓 God Bless

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      No worries Amy, for some reason this site has a delay on replies. I am hearing all the time women having this younger and younger. It’s prolly always been that way but our mothers generation never talked about it. W/ social media, talk shows like Dr Oz etc... and America’s obsession w/ wellness, or I should say ‘looks’, and fitness and wonderful forums like this one, we are more educated then ever! I actually feel terrible for past generations of women who had to suffer through this. Could you imagine having to go through this and wear a corset or thick multi layered dresses like they did back in the day🤢 I am experiencing exhaustion and weakness, I feel at times like I walk like I’m drunk or like my legs will give out. And am sleeping in late, that was never me before, just have to think of it as a process, I guess. Blessings your way ?? 

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      Have  you ever felt weird after eating. Today I had a fatty meal and we left the restaurant I felt almost disorientated and either lightheaded or dizzy, it scared the helk out of me.  Issue with his menopause is you don’t know when it’s a menopause  symptom or if your having an actual heart attack.  A friend of ours passed from a heart attack last August, she was only 50.  I don’t know if it was related to menopause or not with the drop in estrogen.  This happened to me one other time a couple months ago. I was at a park sitting and watching the water and I just had a shake. I can’t even explain how strange I felt,  it was kind of like one of those SVT’s  we have with our hearts with Meno, only like a big thump and a terrible dizzy spell.  I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance.  I wonder....it would be very interesting, to see a statistic on how many women actually die young when they think it’s meno,  but it’s really an undiagnosed illness, heart issue, stroke or HBP,  very discerning😔

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      I had heart palpitations out of the blue while grocery shopping. It caused me to have a panic attack. I starting think I am going to have a heart attack by myself in front of strangers. I have had it happen to me a couple of times since. I think stress and anxiety bring it on. They ran ekg and ecg said my heart is fine. Now that I am on HRT I dont get those anymore. No more hot flushes, night sweats or vaginal dryness. It was worth it to me to go on them. Because like you how do you know if it's not a heart attack. At least I dont get it them anymore on HRT. With the stress of menopause, moving and wedding planning, I managed to get irritable bowel syndrome with really bad acid reflux. Our mind is a powerful thing. It can cause alot of unnecessary illness by worrying and stressing over things. Which our hormones can bring on anxiety. It's a viscous cycle!! I have to tell myself this to shall pass. Have faith that everything will be ok. Anxiety is a symptom big on the scale with menopause. Hope this helps you 🙂

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       I get what you mean about having a heart attack in fronot of strangers,  that’s what I thought in the Park that day, actually thought, my god, this is gonna be so embarrassing 😂😔  Remember if you ever get the SVTs in the future which you probably won’t since you’re on HRT, just cough really hard and it stops them. Are you on a probiotic, it greatly helps acid reflux and IBS.  That’s a lot of stress you have going on ... but you are right… This too shall pass 😇

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      Hi Lisa!  I am reading through this forum and I have many of the symptoms on the list but had to reply to you as I noticed you spoke about your gallbladder.  I am just beginning to experience irregular periods.  My past 4 periods have been one after the other - about 2 1/2 weeks apart - heavier bleeding and lasting longer so it has felt like one big long period.  It was at this time that I started experiencing pain under my right rib cage/back/right shoulder.  I was so sick.  Nausea and unable to eat.  But I did not have the classic gallbladder attacks - just constant dull ache and feeling sick.  An ultrasound showed my gallbladder was clear of stones.  I am having an upper endoscopy next week and after that I will have a HIDA scan.  I have changed my diet completely - I was a pretty healthy eater to begin with but now I have eliminated caffeine, gluten, dairy, processed foods, sugar, and alcohol.  I feel so much better but still have a that dull ache under my rib cage (I also had an MRI and all of my other organs are fine.  I had the MRI because something showed on my kidney during my abdominal ultrasound - turned out to be a benign cyst - my doctor failed to ask them to also look at my gallbladder - he doesn't believe me anyway because my ultrasound was clear but I know those are not always reliable - as I sat in his office sick as a dog he told me I had bad gas).  I just know I have something with the gallbladder and that it is directly related to perimenopause.  My question to you is did you end up having your gallbladder removed or did the pain eventually go away?  I am hoping that with a very clean diet and lifestyle, this will eventually go away once my hormones level out.  Thanks for any response you can give.

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      Hi Christdem

      one of the symptoms that i experience is the same dull pain you describing. I had numerous tests done and no stones..eventually went away on its own. i get it sometimes but doesnt lasts long!!

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      Thank you, Maria!  I have read many women having gallbladder pain during peri without evidence of stones.  Just makes it so difficult because without stones and positive test results, doctors are at a loss for what is causing your pain and you just have to deal with it.  I have heard stories where women have struggled with the dull, constant pain for years and when they finally have it removed, sometimes years later, the surgeon tells them they have been walking around all this time with a diseased gallbladder!  I guess I will continue to eat clean (so important anyway especially during peri) and have a wait and see approach - fingers crossed mine eventually goes away too!
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      Hello Christdem,

       I have found that once the gallbladder goes bad there’s really no turning back. I also had an ultra sound the same as you and they told me it was fine, it wasn’t.  This went on for years, I even went to a doctor a few years ago who told me my gallbladder was fine, it was not fine. By the time I got it removed which was almost 3 years ago the doctor that removed it, an excellent doctor with an excellent reputation, said, he’d never seen such a bad gallbladder and didn’t understand how I was living in that much pain. Your dr.  telling you, you have gas, is completely laughable and disgusting at the same time. I called the doctors office they told me I didn’t have gallbladder problems, and I told the receptionist to go directly back to the doctor and tell him that if it were left up to him I would’ve died of a ruptured infected gallbladder  or damage done to my pancreas. Come to think of it they did the HIDA scan and the HIDA scan also showed no gallstones, but it doesn’t matter if there’s no stones, it can still be really bad in fact, shredded. It doesn’t always necessarily matter if you eat healthy, I think gallbladder trouble runs in families, unfortunately.  I think I just finally went to the right doctor and that’s how I got taken care of. But if you go on the Internet on gallbladder forums, you will hear this left and right, people saying all the time that they’re pain went on for years, I mean like 5 to 10 years.  I knew it in my heart of hearts as well that my gallbladder was bad, always go with that gut feeling.  It is unbelievably difficult to find a good doctor.  Dandelion tea will help relieve the pain, a little, but I know what you mean with that dull pain, those are all the quintessential signs of gallbladder. Do you ever get a feeling under your right arm of a jab jab feeling,  I had that as well.  I think I ended up in the ER and then I got referred from the ER to that really good doctor  and then I finally got help.  Also an ancient Chinese medicine man examined my friend and he told her ....-Anger effects the liver, 

      -Resentment the gallbladder and -Sadness in the Lungs 

      I have found this to be true, unbelievably true. I have all three of these issues in my life due to catastrophic betrail within my family and I am a estranged from my family.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not insinuating anything or do I know your business, but see if any areas of your life need cleaning up, tending to.  I think my mom was the same age as me when she had her gallbladder removed. Does your mom still have her gallbladder?  Best of luck to you and listen to your gut, it’s always right.  We have always been trained to listen to the doctors, they are the smartest, and in this day and age that is certainly not true! 

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      Hi Lisa what kink of symptoms did you have with your gallbladder? Im having all over back pain especially the upper back and discomfort in the liver and gallbladder area. It feels like something moving in the muscle of my back. So uncomfortable. My naturopath has me doing a liver cleanse.

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       Good Morning Mary ...The pain was so wide and varied, that it’s hard to even remember it all. I did have the dull ache, I had pain in my back, but not as bad as you, and in my shoulder blade and in my right  under arm side. Like literally someone was jabbing me with a butter knife.  Gallbladder problems are miserable, quite honestly, I don’t know if a cleanse is going to help you. As I said in my previous post, it almost seems like once the gallbladder is bad, it’s gone too far to do anything. I know there is some kind of cleanse with I think lemon juice and olive oil, but the problem with that is if there are any stones they can get lodged in the ducts and then you’ll have worse problems than before. Have they checked your pancreas,  your pain sounds more serious than mine and my gallbladder was shredded.   My pain went on for years and years, there’s no excuse for the doctors misdiagnosed me  or anyone else for that matter. Wishing you the best, I know it’s difficult 🌞

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      Lisa what I've noticed is that the psin started when I did the cleanse. I visited my dr yesterday and he said I overworked the liver with too many flushes and cleanses. So he wants me to help flush out toxins by taking castor oil. I've never had the issue before until the cleanses. Also, I noticed pain subsides in the evening...i do know when my period was regular this is the time when I lm supposedly do..so it could all be peri symptoms..especially since it decreases in the evening and it does awake me during the night, mainly when I get up and start moving around..kind of remind me of menstrual pain.. but in those areas. Especially since talking to my daughter she has the same type of discomfort around period time..in the same areas. Before peri I've never experienced any type of menstrual pain or discomfort..i had a pretty easy menstrual period except for bloatiness every once in a while.

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      I meant it doesn't awake me during the night. No problem sleeping at all.

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       I forgot, did you have stones did they rule that out, because if you did the cleanse, that’s what is dangerous with the cleanse,  it can get the stones stuck in the bile ducks. And did you say it does wake you in the night, or it doesn’t wake you in the night. I read an article one time that said if your stomach bothers you, indigestion etc... if it’s 11 PM it’s your gallbladder, if it’s 1 AM, it’s your liver.  You do not have to have stones in order for your gallbladder to be diseased and terrible. I didn’t have one stone and mine was the worst my doctor ever saw.  But I think your doctor is right with those cleanses, it makes sense.  Can you try drinking just plain hot water, for a day and only having that, no tea or lemon, just plain hot water,  like you boil the water to make the tea but then don’t add the teabag.  Years ago when I was in my teens and worked in a restaurant,  the old ladies that came in there swore by it.  I understand what you mean about not having any problems until Peri,  it opens up a can of worms for everything. I started having IBS type symptoms, the moment I became post menopause, or as I say mean-o-pause😉  Also if I would eat fried chicken livers, it completely pushed my gallbladder over the edge, you’re not supposed to have any, I believe it’s, animal type organs, when you have gallbladder issues.  I had excellent notes in my phone re: the gall bladder. After I had my gallbladder removed, I was cleaning my notes and I deleted them,  I thought good riddance!  Now I wish I had them to help you ladies 😔  I totally am into holistic medicine, however, when it comes to the gallbladder, it’s very tricky. What kind of cleanse did you do?  I also think gallbladder issues are very hereditary.  You should also keep a food journal and see what triggers it.  I know it’s difficult, I’ll be thinking of you🌞

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      Hi lisa95354 -

      Thank you so much for your response.  Your advice is greatly appreciated!  I agree with you on all points.  The Chinese medicine man - spot on!  Basically saying how stress can reek havoc on you physically.  It's no wonder that once I got over the initial shock of my various perimenopause symptoms, I felt a natural need to destress - meditate, take long walks, and not let things bother me so much (I realize I can be quite the complainer - all my own fault - have to learn how to say no to people and value my own time - especially now!)

      I also agree that once you start having problems with your gallbladder, there is no going back.  My super clean eating is biding me time but it is not curing me.  I feel it.  The dull pain and tenderness in the gallbladder area, intermittent right should pain, my appetite has improved but is still small, and then other weird, intermittent sensations in that area.  I will take your advice and not just let some doctors make me feel like there is nothing wrong with me - I don't want to be walking around for years like this.  My gastroenterologist (not my regular doctor) seems to take me seriously but is also methodical and if I am in no immediate danger, wants to rule other things out before I undergo any kind of surgery.  He basically has said that he has seen situations like mine where there are gallbladder issues not involving stones and there are always surgeons who will take the gallbladder out in a heartbeat but many of those patients still tend to have problems.  So I will go and take whatever tests I have to but if nothing is found and this doesn't go away in a reasonable amount of time, then they need to have a look inside to see what kind of condition my gallbladder is in and get that thing out if need be!

      I will keep you all updated - it's such a good thing to share our experiences since there are enough of us going through this - I was so happy to see this list of 66 symptoms and see GALLBLADDER on it!! However, the medical world hasn't fully caught on to the fact that gallbladder issues are a symptom of perimenopause and hormones and not because we are fat & forties - I hate that criteria - and like many women having gallbladder symptoms in perimenopause - I am not overweight and eat well yet my gallbladder is acting up - and I also have girlfriends my age in perimenopause who are overweight and eat what they want with no gallbladder issues whatsoever - so it's a symptom that some of us get and some of us don't - just like some women get hot flashes and some don't.

      I will be in touch - be well all & thanks again!

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      You are very welcome.  I am organizing my teas and ironically I found a tea from a few years ago that helped greatly with my liver. It is by Tandin , I got it at a Mexican food store and it is called Boldo, ‘ for liver and gallbladder function.’  Hopefully you can find it online or possibly at a Mexican food store in your area .  I know there’s lots out there, but this specific one seemed to calm it for me🌞

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      Hi Lisa - I forgot to ask you - how did you feel and how are you feeling since your gallbladder has been removed?  I have been reading some posts and it seems when you have gallbladder issues without stones, sometimes it is hit or miss.  Sometimes it resolves the issue completely and sometimes people are still left with symptoms and trying to figure out what is wrong.  I just wanted to hear (hopefully) some good news from you.   BTW had upper endoscopy - all is clear apart from a small hiatal hernia that I didn't even know I had - but he said that wouldn't cause me pain in the area I have. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

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       Hey there, knock wood, I don’t have any of those issues.  I know what you mean, because I read about people that continue to have issues as well. But to be honest with you I think that’s rare.  I am very grateful because I was very worried how my body was going to react after I ate. Honestly, it went pretty smooth and I consider myself to have a very hyper sensitive body.  It’s never any trouble to respond to you 😇 I’m sorry you’re having those problems, as I know it is stressful.  Everybody I’ve ever talked to was grateful they had it removed, because as with myself,  the problem went on for so many years.  I tried so many many holistic things, it just needed to be taken out😉  Sending you healthful thoughts,  remember you’re not alone, that surgery is as common, as the common cold 😞

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      Thank you so much for this. i brought up numbness to my GP as well as my GYNO and both immediately jumped to MS.

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      i feel your pain- i have upper right quadrant pain for a month now - had an ultrasound and gallbladder liver and the head of pancreas which begins on right side look normal - had an endoscopy and colonoscopy which showed some mild inflammation and waiting on results for celiac - although i dont think its that - i still have this right upper quadrant pain and its driving me nuts - im beginning to think the hormones are triggering spasms since they saw no stones but im full of anxiety- trying to stay positive but idk!

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      hey screampuff, hows things going for you? I'm having a really rough time and so grateful for this forum. how is the feeling in your right rib abs back area? I've been having this and it's freaking me the hell out.

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      Hi Maria, Ive been getting an uncomfortable feeling in what could be described as upper right quadrant. It is freaking me out. Do you think it could be Peri?

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