7 weeks post op TKR

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I was wondering if anyone else feels like there skin is painful to touch around the knee? It seems to get worse when it swells.

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33 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, mine is still tender mainly on my right scar!! My knee is throbbing now :-(
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    Yes it almost feels like raw nerves.
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      Have you found anything that helps it. Today is the worst it has been.
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      I'm icing my knee as we speak, gently rubbing the scar area helps. X
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      I am 7 weeks out and today was also one of the most painful days. I took meds and rested and am icing again. Still hurting...
  • Posted

    Hi I'm 8 weeks post op and from approx 5weeks mine was like that. My gp thought it was infected but got in touch with consultant who i saw and said it was a bad reaction to internal stitches healing. Mine was very red very hot and swollen and tender not only to touch but even clothes or bed quilt. He said as actual scar healing to massage it with bio oil. It still is tender hot but saw him last week again and he happy. Keep an eye on it if you start to get feverish could be sigh infection. Keep us posted x
  • Posted

    I had a TKR on my left leg 3 1/2 weeks ago.  The skin around the scare on the inside of my leg is VERY sensitive to the touch.  The skin on the outside of the scare is almost numb.  The sensitivity is really bad when trying to sleep at night.  Ice sseems to hels me the most.


  • Posted

    Hi afraid so it feels like that for a long long time 7 wks you are still in the infancy stage of this terrible procedure, welcome to the nightmares of TKR. This has been a road that if l had known before how rugged it was going to be l would not have used it, saying that l am 17 wks p/0 and l was doing good starting to feel the benefit of getting rid of my painful arthritic knee,then l had a fall last week and the swelling and pain is bk. It will get better keep icing ,exercising and you will be fine but at 7 wks you will have many horrible days, but the best days are yet to come be patient good luck keep posting .
  • Posted

    Yes mine is the same at almost four weeks despite massaging gallons of Bio oil in the scar and whole area. Just about to go to bed for yet another sleepless night and I'm trying to decide whether to take some more pain killers! I've Bio oiled the sore areas and scar, rubbed  Ibuprofen  around the back of my knee and leg and have put my compression sock back onto my operated leg in the hope that it might make sleep possible!😴
    • Posted

      Hi Glenda, just read ur post. SOOO sorry u r so u comfortable w/ this second TKR. It really scares me to have this done agin!!u were doing so well, or the last I read of ur posts, anyway.

      k ow that I have u in my thoughts😍💁🏻

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      So sorry to depress you with the night time details Damy😴 

      Although this second knee really is much less painful than the first, I haven't got away with every thing and there's still pain involved but I think you just have to hang onto the fact that eventually we'llbe very pleased that we had the replacements done👍😄 Its now morning and today's another day towards a pain free life ahead😄

    • Posted

      Thanks Glenda ,it's a long hard road as they say!! Also been a long painful night.Even Tramadol hasn't helped last night .

      Today has to be a rest up day think yesterday rather to ambitious !! Chris 

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      Of course, I didn't expect that u were pain free😝. Happy for u that the pain is less.  Thought I'd wait till next December , a year from my left TKR to see how I feel. Encore decide if o. The right one. Right now I. Doing well and going to Italy I September, son and daughter in law visit from San Francisco in October, so will bide my time.

      heres to a better nights sleep and a continued great recovery🤗😍

    • Posted

      Thanks Damy & definitely enjoy your time and only go for it when you are mentally ready. I started to really enjoy myself last year and was able to romp around the ruins of Pompei, go for lovely long walks etc and then this right knee deteriorated in January this year and here I am again! Hopefully, both new knees will last until I croak it, so fingers crossed!😊
  • Posted

    Sorry that ur experiencing this pain. I am 5 months out  and do not remember that particular symptom. I would get it checked out. Hope it's not an infection. I would go asap!

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