80 degree bend six weeks no improvement

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Hi all i  am six  weeks  tkr today, my bend  is   only 80 degrees and has been this  for last   three  weeks  my physo been  upped  to twice weekly, the  pain is hard  to bear sometimes  still taken medication , feel so  depressed  as  dont feel like im getting anywere, dont get much sleep through the  night so that  doesnt help, i   doing exercises  daily i  go  for  walks daily using one crutch, please tell me things  get  better  as   feeeling  so low

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57 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Carol

    hang in there, things do get better. My bend was just measured today at 85 and its been tough getting it this far. Im 3 1/2 weeks post op. dont worry about the numbers other folks achieve. I too was discouraged and my physio simply says knees are ALL

    different and some simply take longer than others.

    folk on this forum will attest to that. Use lots of ice, pain meds, do the exercises faithfuly and you will be sailing in no time. Stay positive, much better roads jst up ahead!

    • Posted

      Thanks peter.  keep  telling myself that i have  physio again today so hopefully bend a  bit better  also  got   docs  soon so ill have a  chat with her  about  way i feel, i  think its  more  to  do  with not getting a   nights  sleep and  i suppose like  everyone, just wont no pain. i know that  will come in time .
    • Posted

      Hiya, I'm 6 wks 3 days post op and my bend is stuck at 75 and that's hanging off the side of the bed. No way can I get it at this just sat normally. I've only just achieved a straight leg raise this week. I feel like I've been behind a lot of people. Hopefully when I go Physio today it's gone up a little. I also take loads of meds still. Tried reducing them last week and I couldn't cope. My gp said he'd rather me taking the tablets and being able to exercise than not. We can sort the pills out later.

      We will get there soon!! Chin up

      Julia x

    • Posted

      thanks  julia , certainly ,made  me  feel a bit better , been docs and  she has  changed my meds so hopefully they will help, have  got  physio soon  so will see what ben dis like then, i know  its  time  and  thank god  for this  forum x
    • Posted

      I've been physio this morning and now I can do a straight leg raise my bend is 68!! What's that all about?? Haha.

      One step forward two backwards. Lots of swelling to still being down that I feel is stopping my leg bend.

      This forum has been invaluable for me. Just to see that people are all different and not text book. I worried so much and got so down that I wasn't doing it right.

      I still get quite emotional because I want to get up and go and can't yet.

      Best wishes

      Julia x

    • Posted

      Hi, Peter, how are you? Just had another physio session, no more increase in bend. Stuck on 94. Physio not over concerned. She is working on strength exercises. Squats, standing on one leg.  Could only manage half rotation on bike. Ah well time will get me there. Did a slight overstretch on stairs, that was painful. Easing a bit but being careful with exercises. These things do have a habit of finding you.



    • Posted

      Sounds like your recovery is coming along great. Happy to hear that.

      I been pushing the exercises all weekend pretty hard to try and sstisfy my psycho surgeon. I have a pool session with physio tomorrow and after that a regular land session. That will be followed by some massage therapy.

      sure hope therse at least a bit of improvement after all that.

      will let you know what the results are tomorrow. I took a sleeping pill last night to help me get some sleep. Slept pretty actually. Woke up only once last night and right back to sleep again. Dont like taking sleeping pills though and felt grogy all day. Not taking anoyher unless thing get bad.

      actually, all in all Im happy with my progress. Its just that psych surgeon again and I'll find out what hes really up to by end of week. Keep up your work. Your progress is very encouraging. Thanks

    • Posted

      Forgot to mention. I have heard a lot of very favorable comments about the bike. Cant wait to get on one myself. That half rotation will turn to a full one in no time at all I bet. I know I wont be 94 tomorrow but I would be thrilled just to make 90 at this point.
    • Posted

      Hi Peter. How are you?: how's progress? It's hard work isn't it.


    • Posted

      Oh man, your not kidding! This is the hardest and most painful experience I have ever gone through. Went to physio yesterday and got my bend to 90 and my extension to 8 so Im steadily improving but it's hard.

      They put me on one those pedal bikes. Only managed half a turn anf thought my leg was going to snap but it's a great exercise. Very painful but told them I want to do it again next time.

      Have to call my surgeon again in a few hrs and am hoping he will back off at least until I get to the six week period (2 more weeks).

      Are you finding your exercises this crazy as well?

      Oh, and sleep is still a killer. There seems to be a 90 min cycle. The only way of being able to get more rest is via sleeping pills. Dont like that route but you can only go so long without adaquate rest.

      Hows the sleep going for you? any improvement?

      It gets discouraging but keep pressing forward. NEVER GIVE UP!

    • Posted

      I could only manage half turns on bike. Physio got me on squats, standing on alternate legs and balancing which is good to strengthen muscles. Gone from falling to 10 secs stable. Also standing on tip toes. Sleep is mixed bag. Pot luck. I just stay away as long as poss in the hope that I will be tired doc put me on dihydrocodene. It helps

      It's good news your bend has improved. Ignore specialist. I am trying to walk upstairs unaided with care. Can't go down oh and lousy back ache we will get there. Oh and my legs sore outer . But knee pain wading. I guess it's called progress. As it is for us all


    • Posted

      Hi Peter and how are you?  Just back from physio. Actually managed a full cycle rotation and onwards I went through the physiological barrier. Hard at first but managed. Physio was excellent and worked on the usual strengthening. At the end of session bend went from 90 to 104. How's your crazy surgeon. At no time has my physio suggested bend numbers. Just said it will come and she's right. Of course it's not easy but we're getting there as I know you are. Actually managing to sleep better. Now having a coffee and ice pack as my little reward. Take care and improving.


    • Posted

      Thats fantastic! Sounds like your well on your way to a good solid recovery.

      I'm seeing my surgeon this Thurs. he wants to do an evaluation on me.

      My next physio is tomorrow afternoon. Hope I get a good report card as well.

      I feel like I hit some kind of a wall the past couple days. Been pushing the exercises pretty hard and have stayed away from the pain meds as well but think that was a mistake. Pain has increased big time so going back on them again. So goes the battle. Up and down. Thanks so much for the inspiring report. Will let you know what physio says tomorrow. Keep up the good work! 

    • Posted

      I hit the brick wall last week.  Caz pumped me up. It's all dynamic this recovery. I hope it maintains. I am trying to reduce needs. Still have constant quad pain but it's all part and parcel of the op. We will all get there.


    • Posted

      Hi Robert,

      went to physio today. Bend was 91 and extension was 7. W and just say carry onas hoping a bit more for the bend but pleased anyway. At least I'm moving forward. Got myself a bike today and hope it will help things along. I actually slept last night. It was the best so far.

      Am seeing my surgeon on thurs and am pretty sure he will want to manipulate the knee.

      You never know, he might be pleased with the progress amd just say carry on but based on previous conversations I figure he will go the hyper bend route. Haha we will see.

      Keep up the good progress my friend. Your last session was most encouraging.

      Will let you know what the surgeon says. 

    • Posted

      Hi Robert,

      that last post got messed up so here it is again.

      went to physio today. Bend was 91 and extension was 7. Was hoping a bit more for the bend but pleased anyway. At least I'm moving forward. Got myself a bike today and hope it will help things along. I actually slept last night. It was the best so far.

      Am seeing my surgeon on thurs and am pretty sure he will want to manipulate the knee.

      You never know, he might be pleased with the progress and just say carry on but based on previous conversations I figure he will go the hyper bend route. Haha we will see.

      Keep up the good progress my friend. Your last session was most encouraging.

      Will let you know what the surgeon says. 

    • Posted

      Excuse me for saying this but your surgeon is a big of a nutcase suggesting manipulation now. Yesterday I too did a full rotation on the bike. Managed to go through that psychological barrier that seemed to stop me before. My bend before the bike was 89,   Neither my consultant or physio seem concerned, they say it will come.  We will all get there in the end.  I am walking with a stick still outside but this will soon be gone.  I just think we are all different and we heal at different times? I would be questioning your consultants reasoning for manipulation definitely.
    • Posted

      Hello Susan,

      thats quite alright. I'm 5 weeks post op now and at 91 degrees.

      3 weeks ago I was only at 75 so There is definite improvement. Will have to wait toill thurs to hear what the surgeon really decides

      I certainly agree with your line of thinking for the recovery but I'm not the expert.

      I just can't understand how diff surgeons and physio people approach this

      op. It blows me away. Will just have to hear him out and go from there

    • Posted

      Hi Peter, I think your doing great. Susan could have written my sentiments. Like her I had a slow bend. Its worth noting that it's always worse in the morning till you warm up. I was in physio for 08.30 . My physio has never mentioned bend problems, she kept on saying it will come. No pressure at all. My bend was 90. She worked on exercises then put me on bike. Last

      week I could only do half cycles. Yesterday I managed full cycle and have continued. It was hard and she raised seat, but I managed. At the session end it was 104. It will keep improving but no doubt I will have bad days. I still walk with a limp and one crutch. My quads are painful. Peter, can I ask how old are you? I am 61. My surgeon will review me at 6 weeks. His support team  are not worried about bends, it will come they say. You ask him are his comments evidence based. Keep strong.



    • Posted

      Hi Robert,

      I'm 60 and aside from this knee, otherwise quite heathly. Up until surgery, I did a lot of mountain biking, up to 70k per ride. Also do lots of wilderness kayaking and canoeing. This summer I did a 200k canoe trip. My wife hates the water so I always go alone. Haha

      the orthopedic hospital here has a reputation 2nd to none, and my surgeon is billed as one of the best here so who knows what his strategy is.

      There may be extenuating circumstances in my case that he knows about.

      I'm certainly anxious to hear what he has to say though. I will let you folks know the outcome for sure. Heres to a speedy recovery!


    • Posted

      Peter, we have a lot in common. Keep going, we will get their. Whereabouts are you. I am in Manchester Uk. My USA family are in Boston
    • Posted

      I live in Barrie, Ontario. Canada. About 40 miles north of Toronto.

      I have no doubt we will get there, just takes time and lots of patience. Haha

      I'm also very grateful for this forum. Lots of good folks with tons of experience. The insights are invaluable. I think the surgeons should read some of this stuff.

      fight the good fight! Keep moving forward.

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