80 degree bend six weeks no improvement

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Hi all i  am six  weeks  tkr today, my bend  is   only 80 degrees and has been this  for last   three  weeks  my physo been  upped  to twice weekly, the  pain is hard  to bear sometimes  still taken medication , feel so  depressed  as  dont feel like im getting anywere, dont get much sleep through the  night so that  doesnt help, i   doing exercises  daily i  go  for  walks daily using one crutch, please tell me things  get  better  as   feeeling  so low

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  • Posted

    Hi Carol, six weeks isn't very long. Everyone is different but we all get there in the end. 80 is more than I was at six weeks. Stop worrying and give yourself a break. Your body has had a major trauma, give it time to heal.

    I used to cringe every time I saw that plastic measuring thing. You can have a good guess where I would have liked to have shoved it!

    Go to your GP and get your pain meds sorted. Take them on time, before the pain sets in. Ask for a stronger one to take at night to give you some sleep, that's what I did. Take your meds an hour before you exercise, so that you don't exercise in pain.

    Pain meds, exercise, ice and elevation and rest. 

    We are all here for you.

    Caz x

    • Posted

      thanks caz, just  been docs  and meds  been   changed so hopefully they wil  help have  physio soon  so  im just  hoping  for a little improvement there x
    • Posted

      Hi and how are you? Battling on with exercises. Bit of lower back pain and side of leg. Outer knee pain easier. Bend is coming but slow. Can now walk unaided around house. Struggled on bike. Could only do half bends will try again. It's hard.


  • Posted


    I am 4 weeks post-op and my bend is 75. I am working really hard to improve this with physio and not shirking my exercises. I work every day on this. I had my first nights sleep last night since my op only waking 3 times and i feel so much better. You just need to keep pushing and working on it and it will come. If you dont then you will regress so that would be much worse. It has taken me 4 weeks to be able to lift my foot from the mattress. The lady opposite me could do that in the first week. We are so different with different histories so just know that you are doing your best and keep going. Xx

    • Posted

      thank u  and i  will  i know its  day at a  time and i will get there thank god for  this  forum x
  • Posted

    Carol, this has been the worst thing I have ever undertaken. Please don't worry - I am at 10weeks+, & I'm only measured at 80 degrees too. However - the pain started to get better about a week ago, although at night it feels like the leg is made of lead, & I physically have to pull it into the position I'd like to try & sleep in! My physio has been my salvation - I go weekly, but I'm on a cancellation list where she rings me at short notice to go in if anyone cancels, which has happened twice so far. I too felt very, very low - but on the 30th Dec, a friend died of cancer, which has put this whole thing into perspective, so I'm trying to look for positives, as I am alive! My best advice has been from someone who has been through this too, she told me to sit in a rocking chair (we nearly threw it our years ago!) & slowly rock back & forth - it REALLY hurt to start with, but now I can sit & watch a programme on TV without pain. Keep your operated foot on the ground, it really does stretch it. The other thing is to do ice - but heat also. All those muscles, ligaments & tendons have been frigged around with, since my physio told me use a wrapped up hot water bottle above the knee, massaging it every few minutes, that pain has also diminished to an acceptable level. Try it. I take the bottle to bed, place it above the knee, & actually sleep now! Hope this helps you. I despaired until I found this forum, & realised not everybody is text book!
    • Posted

      hi veronica, i get  u  on the  worse thing, i used to think i had a high  pain threshold  until i  had this, will try the  water bottle this evening thanks for advice xx


  • Posted

    Hi Carol

    i know its hard at your stage and you wonder why you bothered.

    i know I cried my eyes out most nights with the pain 

    but please believe me it does get better ...you will notice a little improvement every day 

    the exercises are sometimes so painful but really neccessary

    before you know it you will be on here encouraging others just like I am with you

    please don't despair

    sleep/ exercise/ Ice / medication are the things to concentrate on right now and the bend will come.

    be kind to yourself 

    take care 


    • Posted

      hi jean have  been icing and taking meds just been  docs and meds been changed so hopefully these wil help i know its   time and i wil get there  thank god  for  this  forum as it helps  x
    • Posted

      Yes I found this forum a godsend 

      it makes you realise how differently everyone recovers 

      I haven't had a great time of it but  I'm probably the odd one out 

      I sleep most nights with no pain meds...but I still exercise every day 

      I bought a little Pedal exerciser from Amazon and found it invaluable 

      I can't use a static bike due to other problems 

      don't forget to concentrate on the straightening too ..that's just as important to stop you being left with a limp 

      take care 


  • Posted

    Hi Carol

    Can you get into the water.... a hydrotherapy pool, have the physio give you some exercises or just walk and squat in the water.    It will help so much..... but your wound must be completely healed no scabs..... good luck!   I am 10 weeks and got into the water at 6 weeks, thankfully.... so good.... relief immediate!

    Cheers Carol


  • Posted

    Yesterday, went to see my consultant for my follow up eight weeks after TKR.  He said I am making a text book recovery.  I have 120 degree bend but am still 3 degrees off straighening it.  I walk without sticks and have come off all medication although I do feel uncomfortable at night.  I still feel my good progress is down to cycling in the gym for twenty mins, three times a weeks.  I also use gym machines to exercise my hamstrings and quads.  I complained to my consultant that if I walk the dog over five miles I do get some discomfort the next day to which he said dismissed as most people do not walk a mile at my stage.  I also asked him if I was over doing it and he said emphatically no and said just continue as you are.  What I did not know was that he said he felt it necessary to smooth the underside of my knee cap that was badly roughed with arthritis.   I cannot recomend sitting on a bike in the gym enough.  It not only exercises the joint, it increases the blood flow speeding the healing and your bend will improve considerably. 
  • Posted

    I am with you carol, six weeks and still can't get anywhere near the bend others have. I have Physio Monday and dreading it.  But then I have never had what others have had regards physio.   It gets me down too?  I have been to supermarket this morning and my leg was so stiff. The co codamol make me feel sick at times with headache all day so I have gone back to paracetamol which don't touch the  pain. I am seeing gp on Monday too to discuss this.  I get really panicked when I hear about others with the bend they have achieved.😔
    • Posted

      hi  susan,  went to physio  this  morning and he did a few massages m on my patella and  a few more  leg  exercises  actually got it to  just  over 80, a big step for me  will be  doing teh  exercises he has  given me,  and will  keep u  posted,  doc upped my  dehydrcodiene so hopefully that will help, just need to get that  good night sleep  now x


  • Posted

    You're lucky carol, all I get when I go to physio is being told how to walk, few leg raises and told to come back in a week or maybe two. It's bad really when you see the amount of physio that goes on in other countries. I feel that I have been left to my own devices.   I am thinking of private hydrotherapy which is going to cost a fortune
    • Posted

      susan i  boughta hot  water bottle  yesterday and last night used  it i had  a better nights  sleep  than i have had since  op, i have been  getting my hubby to help with my physio  which is lying  down on my  tummy on bed  and  him  bending my  bad  leg as  far  as it can  and hold  for ten seconds seems to be helping

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