80 degree bend six weeks no improvement

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Hi all i  am six  weeks  tkr today, my bend  is   only 80 degrees and has been this  for last   three  weeks  my physo been  upped  to twice weekly, the  pain is hard  to bear sometimes  still taken medication , feel so  depressed  as  dont feel like im getting anywere, dont get much sleep through the  night so that  doesnt help, i   doing exercises  daily i  go  for  walks daily using one crutch, please tell me things  get  better  as   feeeling  so low

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57 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi carol, its so hard this op and its difficult to get to grip with the pain. I haven't had a problem with my bends in fact I had a bend of 117when I left hospital after 8days. I walked without crutches from my first day home. Never the less the pain  ans sleepless nights were debilertating, I was only on paracetomal and at 6weeks had to have a low dose sleeping tablet, this was a god send and something you could perhaps think about. At 22 weeks I can walk ok, I still have pain and the tears, but I'm sure it will go eventually, you are early days and going through the most difficult stage I'm afraid, but with some good nights sleep you will begin to feel better. We all heal at different paces, but things will get better. This op is such a huge truama for the body to deal with, and I know exactly how you are feeling. Just tell yourself at the end of the day, tomorrow will be better.take care
    • Posted

      thanks  tucks  thats  exactly what im  going to do feel so much better  today and thank goodness  for  this site  as it does help x


  • Posted

    Hi Carol, you are only six weeks out and you are healing.  My bend didn't improve until much later.  Physical therapist said it takes time.  Doing exercises they give.  Taking pain meds will help with the doing of the exercises.  It will get better, but takes time to heal.  Considering what took place during surgery, it will take longer than I think we expect it to.  Google healing time after surgery and see all that has to heal in there.  Everyone is different too I've found after reading this blog.  

    I had my TKR on July 21, 2014 and physical therapy finished in November.  My bend upon completion was 107.  They said that it would improve with normal everyday activities and the exercises they gave me to do at home.  I do not know what my bend is now, but I am able to do normal activities.  Still hurts when walking up or down stairs.  I'm 67, so I'm just happy to be where I am at.  

    I got exercise peddling machine, just the peddles not the entire bike.  Can do while watching TV.  Seems to be helping.  Only have had it about a week.  Hurts, but I guess no pain no gain.  

    You will get better and after time passes you will look back and say, well I am better, thank God.  

    Reading this blog helps.  We are all different.  

  • Posted

    My bend was stuck also at about 85 but after they changed the pain meds I was able to get it to 95, and just this week (at 8 weeks) the physio forced it to 105. He thinks that I am on the right track now and we will get the bend eventually. I'm convinced now that it's all in the pain meds.
    • Posted

      Can I ask what you are taking Joan? I am on co codamol which makes life easier but makes me feel sick and gives me headaches.  I am going back to go Monday to discuss this with her. I agree with you though, get pain under control and you can do more.  I would welcome any suggestions from anyone as I can't tolerate tramadol either.  I want to be forearmed when I go there on Monday.  Any help appreciated.  My Ben is around 80 now I think after six weeks. 
    • Posted

      Hi joan, Im 3 weeks post op and at 85 bend right now. It may not be much but I have been consistantly improving. A force from 95 to 105 sounds like way more pain than I could handle. My surgeon wants to go from 85 to 120! Theres not enough pain meds on the planet to do that. Either these people Im dealing with have some sick sense of humor, or they are truely nuts. I wll find out in a few days I suppose. 


    • Posted

      hi  joan  doc has changed my meds and physio did more physio and has given me ones to do at home  which my hubby can help with so hopefully i  will get there x
    • Posted

      I started off on tramadol and that did no good at all. Then I went to Norco and that wasn't much better. Then they started me on oxycodone and prednisone as a 3 week course. I just finished the prednisone today but I'm still taking the oxycodone. I didn't get any euphoria from the oxycodone but I will say I felt more cheerful, which helps a lot.
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      It was a lot of pain. He bent that knee and held it for 20 secs while I whimpered and moaned. Then he did it twice more....
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      Hi Joan I have been to gp today and she has kept me on co codamol, despite the sicky feeling and headaches but has added naproxen and lansoprazole plus cyclazine for sickness.  I feel like a walking pharmacy at the moment, I hope something works, lol
  • Posted

    Are you able to get to a pool Carol .

    I did some bends and stretches in the water and has really helped.

    It's a tough old recovery, with an emotional roller coaster. Keep strong you'll bet through it and then you'll feel the benefits.  It hurst it's painful you have to push yourself but it will be worth it. Xx

  • Posted

    hi carol

    things really do get better ..I know it's hard at the moment and it's taken me a long time to feel I've at last started to turn the corner(18 weeks)

    just carry on as you are doing with the exercises icing etc.....

    hang in there 


    • Posted

      It has done me the power of good to read your post Jean. I'm at 11 weeks now, & struggling with the dratted "bend" - for the 1st time yesterday my physio suggested I get in touch with the hospital with a view to MUA. As I suffer from very high blood pressure, the last thing I want is another anesthetic (it reached 220/140 on the day of my TKR). I actually feel I have improved week by week - I have a horrible "elastic band" feeling which seems to hinder the bend, but I walk without a crutch now (albeit stiffly), have very little pain (compared to those 1st 8 weeks) & I feel I will get there. I'm not going to contact the hospital - just persevere! - Veronica
    • Posted

      I was worried about the anesthesia too, but Britta has told me that you are only out for 10-15 minutes so it is a very light dose. I have decided to go ahead. I can't face weeks more of this pain every day. Three people (that I know of) on this forum have had MUA and all reported doing well after it.

      I'm surprised that you have very little pain. Everytime I hit the limit of my bend and try to go further the pain is intense. I guess if you don't have that pain and feel that you are improving then waiting might be better. My surgeon said the optimal time for MUA is 3-6 months, so think seriously about it when you approach 6 months.

  • Posted

    Hi. Sorry new to this so not sure how this works! I'm 6 days post tkr. And I know it's very early days. But nothing prepared me for this terrible pain! I had what I thought a reasonable day yesterday. Only to get up this morning in agony on the knee cap itself. Constant pain and swelling. Also noticed I have a huge area behind my knee that is black and blue. Persume a bleed. Is it anything to worry about? Should I just rest it today with ice and pain relief! Excel case is almost impossible this morning. I'm not a wimp I'm a 57 year old widow who lives alone and I'm finding this all very scarey. Been crying all morning. Want to be positive so any advise very welcome. Thankyou
    • Posted

      Hello jayne

      i completely relate to what you are saying. My first few weeks were absolute hell and i cried most of the time. Dont worry about the bruising i was purple for weeks its normal. I was straight on the phone to my gp to check for better pain relief. Nights were impossible with the pain. Believe me it does get better. Do you have any help? Take it slow and rest and ice and meds. We have all been there. I was lucky i dont live alone i am 6 weeks now and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. It is scary nothing prepares you for it. Keep in touch with your gp, my surgery were brilliant i was so needy but there is so much you dont know! This forum was a great help there is always someone around at all hours!

    • Posted

      Hi Jane. Welcome to the club. You have got over the first hurdle of surgery. Post op rehab takes time and patience. We all recover at different rates. There are no rules. The bruising is common and expected. I was bruised the whole back of my kegs. It has just gone after 4 weeks. Keep icing and taking your painkillers. Do your exercises. Ensure you have physio booked. Nights are so difficult. Everyone will say the same. I am now sleeping better with pillow between legs. You will have highs and lows. We all have. But it does get better . Keep positive. Yes it's hard but there us light at the end. Take care. We are all here to support each other 24/7


    • Posted

      I woke up on day 6 with a huge (& I mean HUGE) black/purple area, from the top of my operated leg, down to the knee (as well as the other brusing associated with a TKR on the lower leg). I couldn't sit without severe pain, so rang the hospital that evening in tears, they called me back in for 24 hours to monitor the hematoma, & decide what to do. The pain was the worst I have ever experienced. I have been on tablet morphone since, to start 8 per day, now down to 3 - but instead of draining, they decided I should have bed rest for 7 days. I was seen again at 6 weeks, & discharged from the hospital care, with a flexion of just 62 (due to bed rest). I'm now at 12 weeks today, & still struggling, & still have slight bruising - but don't have that awful pain anymore. You will get there! One of the nurses at the hospital had never seen a large hematoma, looked it up, & it only happens rarely. Ice on the knee & heat above the knee was my salvation (hot water bottle). I do think you should inform your hospital, as treatment will differ from place to place.
    • Posted

      Hello Jayne. I am 7.5 weeks post Tkr and can assure you things do improve. First six works are worst what with not sleeping and pain which seems unbearable. After this time things improve fom day to day I think. Today is the first day I have felt like the old me. Been out shopping for first time.  All I can say is get your knee checked regarding the bruising first to put your mind at ease.  I also have not gone mad exercising.  These first six weeks I think you need to rest and heal.  Other people have religiously exercised all the time but I haven't and according to consultant am doing very well,.  The bend in my leg has all of a sudden happened too.  Sleep has just improved.   It is very scarey for you on your own.  Carry on icing, resting and taking meds.  I tried Nytol at first which did help with sleep a bit.  Look after your scar too.   Hope your knee is better once you get it checked out xx

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