9 months of dealing with the DWP.

Posted , 5 users are following.

?I've had a severe anxiety disorder since 2010 but was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia in december 2015 which hit me all of a sudden & without warning. So I applied for esa support group and pip and finally after dealing with the DWP for 9 months i have been sucsessfull in my claims. i did get esa support group and standard living & mobility for pip.

?It has been a very long and stressful 9 months and although it wasn't straight forward with mandatory recons and such, getting there in the end has made it all worth while.

I just hope i get left alone now for at least a year when it will start all over again with new assessments.

If anyone else is going through the same process hang in there and keep fighting.


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20 Replies

  • Posted

    I don't know if they realise how distressing all this is to claimants, or maybe they do, but just couldn't care less.

    Fibromyalgia is so debilitating and drains a person completely, so to add extra stress from PIP assessments, especially when it takes 9 months, is not funny.   I'm glad that you had a  positive outcome and like you, hope that they leave you alone for a while. x

  • Posted

    I think it is a disgrace to everyone trying to claim, they keep you hanging on for months, it makes you ill and usually gets declined I think this is all wrong why keep people waiting for such a long time when they know what this is doing to people, I have had a text saying mine has gone to the decision makers I haven't been to an assessment do you think that means I may need to go  they say they have everything they need I am worried sick and have Bi polar so I never go out, I as well suffer with anxiety  

    • Posted

      As you have received a text saying that your claim has gone to a decision maker, then hopefully that is a good sign and you can avoid the assessment altogether - Fingers crossed for you.   There are a lot of experienced people on here, so maybe they can put your mind at rest.

      They received my completed forms on the 20th June, I received a letter from them on 29th June with a date for my face to face.  The original venue was too far away so we manged to get it changed to somewhere local and it's for the 19th July and I'm dreading it, especially after reading about the lies that the assessors tell. 

    • Posted

      To sfarrell38 if it's gone to a decision maker then unless they sent the txt in error then you won't have an assessment face to face & they will do a paper based decision..

      ?and to sukes, you're so right about assessors lying, my pip assessor mostely made it up from scratch, fortunately for me i have a good GP who wrote a letter to the decision maker confirming that what the assessor wrote wasn't true and i won my pip at mandtory reconsideration and didn't have to appeal but i shouldn't have had to get the gp to write that letter the assessor should have told the truth. it's a disgrace.. and what's more of a disgrace is that in the 9 months it took for the DWP to sort my claim out i could have produced a human being. They should be ashamed.

      ?Good luck with you decision sfarrell38 and with your assessment & decision sukes.


  • Posted

    thank you for your kind comments I really hope I get this I have had it for the past 2 years and you shouldn't have to go through all this again, do you think it will take long to get the decision to be honist I only put the form in 2 weeks ago and it has gone to decision makers already, just a waiting game now 

    • Posted

      i don't think it will be any longer than a couple of weeks from getting the txt message.


  • Posted

    Thanks for you post Gill, comforting to know it's worth while in the end. And congrats about your award x

    I reported to DWP that my condition had got worse and also applied for ESA as my SSP had ended. I went to my ESA assessment which lasted 15 mins with a physio who worked for Maximus and was knowledgdeable about my condition, got into the support group

    Two weeks later was re-assessed for PIP by an ATOS nurse who knew nothing about my condition and my PIP was taken away! Waiting on MR decision but have already started preparing my appeal as not confident DWP will do the right thing

    Like you say, as soon as you finally get sorted they will be requesting you go back for another assessment - If only they used competent HCPs we could all have a few stress free months

    Erykah x

    • Posted

      Hi erykah71, it seems that esa seem to do a more compitant job than the pip assessors do, it'sa shame it's not all done by the same people and that 1 assessment covered both esa & pip. it would save a lot of stress for us and work & money for them.. but what do we know ay..

      Good luck with your pip MR.. i hope they do the right thing for you too.

      but if not, go give em hell at appeal.


    • Posted

      Thanks Gill.

      I had a text from them 2 weeks ago saying that they were 'looking at it now' but have heard nothing since - Lets hope no news is good news, but yes I will stand up for myself at tribunal if it gets that far - (well stand up for myself sitting down lol)

    • Posted

      well hopefully it wont be long, let me know when you get your answer.


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      Thanks Sukes, I would cross everything but it hurts too much lol x
    • Posted

      Oh believe me sweetheart I know how you feel. xx
    • Posted

      Maybe that is because PIP assessments are carried out by ATOS in most areas - the same company that used to do the ESA assessments but got booted off. ATOS do seem to have the continued poor reputation. ESA's gain is PIP's loss!

    • Posted

      my pip assessment was done by capita.. they did a home visit. my esa assessment was by the medical assement services in nottingham. personally i don't think the companys are the problem, it's what they are told to do by the DWP that's the problem,its the training they are given and the peramiters they are told to work within. They publish their guidlines  to the public as the caring trying  help would never lie service but the reality is very different.

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