A Big Oops!
Posted , 12 users are following.
What is wrong with me? I try to be careful with my fake hips, but this evening, while in a great hurry, I RAN! I ran! I am not even a runner! Now I am hurting to the point that I am limping and feel as though I may have to use my cane again. It seems like lately I am trying to ruin my surgeries. First I slip on snow slush and nearly fell and caused myself pain and problems, and now I ran!
I just need to tell fellow hippies.
Dumb Dawn, USA
3 likes, 31 replies
mic71403 DawnDedee
Rest as Renee would say and next week:
A gentle planned jog of 60 sec....walk 60 sec...and a jog for 60 sec. No more!
Rest and repeat the next week
One step back and two to go forward.
Onwards and upwards
DawnDedee mic71403
hil123 DawnDedee
DawnDedee hil123
mic71403 hil123
Hope pussy cat knows you appreciate the present
Get well soon
hil123 mic71403
Just rested my leg today and it has settled down thanks .
hil123 DawnDedee
All the best
bill30384 DawnDedee
DawnDedee bill30384
Hailea DawnDedee
please don't beat yourself up about it. Some times we just forget.
Youjust need to take a break. Yes I know it is hard to do so. Just sit down and relax. Break your day up between sitting down and relaxing and just taking a short walk so you don't stiffen up. But your body needs time to repair what ever you have strained or pulled. Maybe you could have a hot bath and just soak to help with the pain. Heat relaxes the muscles.
As for snow and slipping. You can buy grips that fit on the bottom of your shoes to prevent slipping. There called yak trax or something like that. You should be able to get them on e bay. I have used them for years since I used to race my huskies in the winter and they are the best thing to prevent slipping accidents.
I hope olé you are pain free again soon
Hailea X
DawnDedee Hailea
Hailea DawnDedee
Maybe be you could invest in some yak Trax any way and just keep them in case. You never know with the weather theses days
I hope all goes well at your year check up. Please becareful.
Rocketman_SG6UK DawnDedee
Don't beat yourself up, I have done that, and I take it as a good sign that we are on the mend.
Hugs from UK.
Graham - 🚀💃
DawnDedee Rocketman_SG6UK