A Big Oops!

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What is wrong with me?  I try to be careful with my fake hips, but this evening, while in a great hurry, I RAN!  I ran!  I am not even a runner! Now I am hurting to the point that I am limping and feel as though I may have to use my cane again.  It seems like lately I am trying to ruin my surgeries.  First I slip on snow slush and nearly fell and caused myself pain and problems, and now I ran!  

I just need to tell fellow hippies.  

Dumb Dawn, USA

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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear delicious dawn



    Rest as Renee would say and next week:

    A gentle planned jog of 60 sec....walk 60 sec...and a jog for 60 sec. No more!

    Rest and repeat the next week

    One step back and two to go forward.

    Onwards and upwards



    • Posted

      Thanks Mic.  Delicious Dawn sounds better than Dumb Dawn.  I felt so dumb last night.  Less pain this morning, but I think I will hold off becoming more athletic until my one year post op check in a couple of weeks.  I have done so well protecting this revision, until the lately. I cannot fully rest because I work a physically demanding job each day.  A job I have decided to quit but not before I can replace it with a different job.  I will guard this hip especially now.  It had extensive bone grafting and I am on the brink of Osteo Penia, brittle bones.  I feel fragile.
  • Posted

    I had an oops moment last night : ( one of my cats brought me a present , a very much alive fat frog ! Without thinking I bent down and rescued it , needless to say my hip is letting me know that it is unimpressed by my rescue mission lol !
    • Posted

      It is so easy to return to normal movements, and that is what we want to be able to do, and I was feeling great until I slipped and now jogged.  All within a few weeks.  I go to my one year check up in a couple of weeks and the thought of another revision makes me feel sick.  My revision was rougher than my first replacement in that hip.  There is less pain this morning and I am waiting to see how it feels at work.
    • Posted

      Hi Hill

      Hope pussy cat knows you appreciate the present

      Get well soon


    • Posted

      I have asked puss to bring me choccies next time ; )

      Just rested my leg today and it has settled down thanks .

    • Posted

      Hope it settles down quickly for you but I agree that it is so easy to stop concentrating all the time . I think this has been hardest thing for me , I just want to get back to doing things automatically.

      All the best


  • Posted

    Dawn: How long since your surgery. Mine is 4 months. I still use a cane and can only walk for 20 minutes. I started out great and in 4 weeks I was doing very light work in the shop. I think I over did it and now I do nothing and trying to recover to where I was. I am worried I may never get back to where I was. Is there hope? Bill 
    • Posted

      Hi Bill, it has been one year since my left hip revision.  I have had three surgeries, RTHR and LTHR.  I required extensive bone grafting for the revision and could not bear weight upon it for 8 weeks.  Yes it does get better.  Mine felt so normal that I forgot and ran last night.  I recommend that you keep moving in a calculated careful way.  Movement is life.  Just don't jog like I did!  Are you doing your exercises?  We have to fight to get back to normal movements.  I was scared because of how fragile bone grafting seems.  You have come to the right place for information and advice.  I see my surgeon in a couple of weeks and I will learn then the condition my hip is in.
  • Posted

    Hi Dawn

    please don't beat yourself up about it. Some times we just forget. 

    Youjust need to take a break. Yes I know it is hard to do so. Just sit down and relax. Break your day up between sitting down and relaxing and just taking a short walk so you don't stiffen up. But your body needs time to repair what ever you have strained or pulled. Maybe you could have a hot bath and just soak to help with the pain. Heat relaxes the muscles. 

    As for snow and slipping. You can buy grips that fit on the bottom of your shoes to prevent slipping. There called yak trax or something like that. You should be able to get them on e bay. I have used them for years since I used to race my huskies in the winter and they are the best thing to prevent slipping accidents. 

    I hope olé you are pain free again soon 

    Hailea X

    • Posted

      Thanks Hailea,  I am good at beating myself up.  I have protected this hip because the extensive bone grafting makes it feel fragile. And add being on the brink of Osteopenia causes some panic. There is less pain this morning.  I see my surgeon for my one year check in a couple of weeks, so I will know if I have blown it.  I like the idea of the yak trax, but we get so little snow here that I just do not think about being the extra aid and I slipped indoors.  I knew I could come here for support and I so appreciate it!
    • Posted

      That's ok Dawn. 

      Maybe be you could invest in some yak Trax any way and just keep them in case. You never know with the weather theses days 

      I hope all goes well at your year check up. Please becareful. wink

  • Posted


    Don't beat yourself up, I have done that, and I take it as a good sign that we are on the mend.

    Hugs from UK.

    Graham - 🚀💃 

    • Posted

      Thanks Graham.  I am just haunted by the extensive bone grafting they had to do for this revision and I am on the brink of Osteopenia and all of this makes me feel fragile.  But yes, it is a good sign that I felt so normal that I broke into a run.  Less pain this morning so I take that as a good sign.  Hugs back.

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