A bit concerned re bleeding

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I am peri and since I found out my periods are all over the place, been 2 years now. However the one thing for sure is I have signs of blood everyday. I can go all day long with no blood but then all of a sudden there will be a slight jelly like discharge with blood stain in my knickers. I guess it's like a bloody mucus. I've always put this down to the menopause but I stupidly decided to google it as it's just annoying and everything comes back with cervical cancer symptoms!! I had a smear beginning of the year and all was fine but getting myself a bit worked up about it and as we know ladies anxiety is even worse during menopause! Does anyone else suffer with this type of discharge/blood/mucus? Thank you all x

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Tracky, All prolonged bleeding should be investigated even if to find out that it's nothing to worry about. 
    • Posted

      Thank you TeresaJS ....I best book a doctors appointment as it takes about 2 weeks for one! x
    • Posted

      So besides of the pap smear  you would benefit from beeing seem by a gynecologist and he/she will probably have have a scan. Then it may be that you're just having oestrogen dominance and that you'll need to compensate it with some progesterone.

      When the bleeding is prolongued there's, sometimes, a phenomenon of low ferritin which carries more bleeding.

      What to to?

      Take iron+folate tablets for a few months.

      Other strategies for bleeding of unspecified causes: bioflavonoids as a supplement. 

      I hope this is useful to you. Teresa.

    • Posted

      I agree with this. ^ See a doctor. It is PROBABLY just hormonal and not worry-worthy...BUT if it's every single day, even if it is hormonal with no illness present, you'll still want to deal with it. Peri is a pain, so sorry. smile
  • Posted

    Tracky, during perimenopause, almost anything can happen regarding bleeding.  But definitely have it checked out.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.  It's bleeding after menopause that should be worrisome.

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      Oh, by the way, when I had prolonged bleeding, it turned out to be hypothyroidism. Not saying that's what it is for you, but it's one possiblity. I didn't have daily bleeding, but I had my period very heavily for about 7 days, then spotting for up to about Day 15. So, about half my cycle I had something. It was my OB who said it might be my thyroid, and it was.
    • Posted

      I have an under active thyroid so that's interesting, thanks x
  • Posted

    Hi Tracky , sounds a bit like my symptoms which I would describe in a similar way. I like you Have regular smears and worried about that, but as it has been going on through 2 smears I don't worry so much about that now. I was diagnosed with cervical erosion and treated, now have been told I have fibroids so on it goes ! Try not to worry as I reckon it's all part and parcel of the peri menapuse .but I'd have a chat with your GP as there is help out there ! I don't have any pain and it sounds like you don't either . Also it's not really heavy bleeds , so from that point of view I think we are lucky !!
    • Posted

      Thank you Goosie, no pain as you say. This forum is fab just knowing we are not alone when symptoms get too much and having you ladies reply so quickly is wonderful, thank you all x
  • Posted

    Hi Tracky, I bled for 49 days none stop! It was always very heavy and was really getting me down.I was scared to go out of the house incase i got caught short. I went to see a doctor and was told it was "Normal" Maybe so, but it was me having to put up with it and i'd been told on this forum that although normal for a lot of women, there is treatment out there. I decided to see my usual GP and he gave me a prescription for Norethisterone. The bleeding stopped within 3 days I was ecstatic! Go and see your GP, they'll be able to help you out. I hope you get it sorted out very soon :-)

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