A bit concerned re bleeding
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I am peri and since I found out my periods are all over the place, been 2 years now. However the one thing for sure is I have signs of blood everyday. I can go all day long with no blood but then all of a sudden there will be a slight jelly like discharge with blood stain in my knickers. I guess it's like a bloody mucus. I've always put this down to the menopause but I stupidly decided to google it as it's just annoying and everything comes back with cervical cancer symptoms!! I had a smear beginning of the year and all was fine but getting myself a bit worked up about it and as we know ladies anxiety is even worse during menopause! Does anyone else suffer with this type of discharge/blood/mucus? Thank you all x
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delilah82600 Tracky
Tracky delilah82600
jennifer01077 Tracky
I have a mucus discharge, often with a bit of blood, all the time. I wear a tampon everyday. I have never even worried about it!! It's been going on for years, and I have had PAPs regularly.
Tracky jennifer01077
michele60777 Tracky
I`m 51 and my periods have been irratic for a while now. I know that over the past couple of years I have become more anxious. Hope things sort them selves out for you. Best wishes. x
Tracky michele60777
karen65125 Tracky
Tracky karen65125