A question
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Hello Lovlies, last few days since an awful anxiety attack I'm still not feeling too good. My head feels swimmy/woozy, horrid waves of strange sensations go through my body & I feel as though I'm going to faint, collapse or pass out....something đ„ also feels like my blood sugar is low so I'm constantly eating in the hope it will make me feel a bit better...sometimes yes & if I get busy, away goes these waves of horrid body sensations. After talking to a lady I know, she's post meno, (not on a close friend basis)don't think she fully understood what I meant, frustrating, she asked whether I was diabetic...I'm not. Am I the one with this? my husband tells me to get over it & get on with it đ Ladies, have any of you experienced/have or had this happen? will it go away? how do you manage this, it's frightening & debilitating. Thankyou for your listening ear. Be well everyone xo
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VauxhallGirl NuttyNan
I had a full hysto in July, and for the last couple of months my heartbeat has been all over the place...missing beats...getting that "Oh God I left The Iron On!" Feeling...heart slowing, then speeding up...feeling a little dizzy and breathless. Have had an Odd heartbeat before, and had it investigated. Cardiologist said all fine, just my heart being "different". Is this anything like your symptoms? Does meno upset the heart rhythym?
NuttyNan VauxhallGirl
Keep Well, look after yourself. Â
MrsMerm NuttyNan
just wanted to talk to you really, anyone who calls themselves Nuttynan has to have a great sense of humourÂ
yes it's so awful, if it's not one thing it's another with the !!! menopause/peri
what next, yes I've felt anxiuos too (well hyper-anxious) for no real reason, and then there's the exhaustion (I feel so guilty because I rest so much)Â
Luckily I live alone and only have my little cat who looks at me as though "oh it's one of those days again Big Sleepy One"
Going to ZZZZZZ again now because after nights last night I'm bushedÂ
                       Mrs M
PS:- keep smiling NNÂ
NuttyNan MrsMerm
Keep WellÂ
madcow1964 NuttyNan
Your sleep pattern sounds like mine - although any time of day I sit with my laptop I can drop off! Afternoon onwards is the worst (dark days and energy-saving lightbulbs definitely contribute to my overwhelming sleepiness) and I frequently miss programmes I really want to watch. Intending to get a reasonably early night I invariably doze off and come-to near midnight - or later - and by the time I have prepared for bed and hauled myself upstairs I am more awake! Lately, since taking on a part-time job that is stressing me out, I seem to have a knack of frightening myself wide awake at the point of falling asleep - convinced I have made some awful mistake at work (running a village post office with huge financial responsibilities). On the mornings my alarm is set for 7.15 for work I wake about 5.30, stressing out already. On my mornings off I wake about 6.30, and Sundays seem to be about 7-ish. I always need more sleep but if I wake early and my worrying kicks in I know I will feel horrendous if I eventually fall asleep and manage a lie-in.
I'm just so tired all the time. I was away from home last night but had to be up relatively early to drive an unfamiliar route back home to give blood. Of course I had a restless night and slept very badly, waking with bad period pain. I made it ok to the donor session but completely forgot where I lived when asked to verify my address! Only lived here 15 years!!
I feel almost constantly stressed and keep getting migraines towards the end of my working days. At the start of my period (still regular as clockwork at 51) the other day I felt sick and shaky as soon as I got up. At work I felt really awful then I suddenly felt overwhelmingly dizzy, and as I clutched at a cupboard I felt a tide of heat wash over me. My hot flushes are lasting for hours, at any time of the month. Though the drenching night sweats seem to be related to my periods.
I have now completely forgotten where I was going with this reply - I am SO forgetful!
Sorry for rambling on - I think it's way past my bedtime again!