Abdominal pain that goes away after laying down

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Im an overweight diabetic to start. I wake up in the morning and I feel fine. About an hour later my stomach starts to hurt, right side under ribs (few times on left). My stomach starts to bloat at some points and become very hard especially at the top. The bloating will cause me to labor at breathing a small bit. The bloating will not go down until i lay down for a couple of hours. I get heart burn when this happens. My whole abdomen will be sore to the touch. It will make me feel like puking.

Other symptoms that accompany it are (thinking to be transferred pain?) : ribs sore, intense pain in the center of my shoulder blades to my shoulder to my neck and so forth.

Things that make it better and/or worse other than laying down :

Eating, if I don't/do eat for a while it hurts less then will start hurting really bad. Empty stomach pain is worse when it occurs and is accompanied with lots of gas. Also is caused or causes anxiety.

Had liver, pancreas, gallbladder and hernia (ultrasound ) test. Nothing negative had came back. Doctor has no idea.

So far I take proton pump inhibitors and drink peppermint tea to help, there than laying down... Anyone else have the same issue or found out definitely what it is? Ibs syndrome seems to be a catch all for stomach issues doctors can explain.

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    Me too! They told me I have inflamed ribs/ribcage they say nothing is wrong with me, I am so nauseous dizzy migraine pain on my right abdomen.  My boss even took me to the Hospital but they say nothing is found 😢

    • Posted

      Yes they told me I have inflamed ribs too. There are spots on my ribs that feel like bruise. When I massage the the shoulder pain loosens up
    • Posted

      No the doctors will not do anymore tests they do not find anything it’s so frustrating 
    • Posted

      Another cause of ribcage pain is costochondritis which can be diagnosed by a simple physical examination.  Ask your doctor about this.
    • Posted

      Yes I was told to take Aleeve for the Pain nothing else was prescribed as nothing else shows in the tests 
    • Posted

      Try finding the spots that are like bruise on your ribs and massage them. It could help with headache. Do you have any pain shoot down your arms, chest or your shoulder blades?
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      Did Aleeve work?  I was told to take Nurofen for costichondritis.  In the end, I didn’t have to because as soon as I had been to the doctor, the oain began to gradually ease off.

    • Posted

      Oh yes Aleeve worked wonders @ the time although I ended up taking 4-5 capsules a day 
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      Since it worked, maybe this is the best way to manage your pain.
  • Posted

    Sometimes the reason for abdominal pain is junk food or drink less water. If you stop eating the junk food or street food and drink more water then I am sure that you are not suffering from stomach pain in future


  • Posted

    Ask for a HIDA scan to check gallbladder function.  An ultrasound will only detect gallstones.  Shoulder blade pain is assiciated with gallbladder problems but it can also be associated with gastritis which often causes rib cage pain.  

    Ask for an endoscopy to see if you have ulcers which can cause more pain when you have an empty stomach.  During the endiscopy they will also look for h pylori.  If you are getting heartburn, I would avoid peppermint tea which can make heartburn far worse.

    • Posted

      Is hida the test when they look and see how much bile it being dumped into the intestines? If so I had that test also. I had an endoscopy, I have no stomach ulcers.i had test for h. Pylori, I do not have it
    • Posted

      The HIDA scan measures the rate at which bile is released from your gallbladder.  Have you had your diabetes checked to see if it is related to your symptoms?  Have your bowel habits changed?  Has IBS been mentioned?
    • Posted

      My diabetes is fine. Bowel movement is according to how I eat.
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      Was gastritis mentioned? If it was negative too, you will need to keep going back to your doctor until you get a diagnosis. If you still can’t get help, change your doctor.  I went to several doctors eight times before getting an IBS diagnosis.


    • Posted

      Yes gastritis was mentioned and proton pump inhibitors we're prescribed. Then my pain changed to what it is now. Before I had only minor stomach pains but major shoulder and arm pain. It was like lighting threw my shoulder and arms and stomach was very bloated. After proton pump inhibitors only tightness in shoulder, neck and ribs but major stomach pains and bloating

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      Have you tried a food diary to see if any particular food sets it off?
    • Posted

      I have started taking gas medicine every time before I eat. That has seemed to help alot. I will start a food diary to see if it is a specific food. I thought it might had been dairy but with gas medicine it doesn't matter. Have eaten just meat and seemed better,but only slightly

    • Posted

      I found Dairy food does not cause it to hurt worse for sure. I have stopped taking the PPI and I only take the gas medicine and it seems to not hurt as much and not bloat as much
    • Posted

      That’s good something is working.  Kerping going back to your doctor for diagnosis.

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