Abnormal Abdominal pain in upper quadrant of chest
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i have suffered from reflux for some time and in January this year pain got severe in Setember I had a operation (Nissen fundoplication) .
I still have severe pain in right hand side of chest consultant says it is nothing to do with gastro , a respiratory specialist says lungs are fine , I have had a ct scan nothing shows . I have also had spirometry test and lungs come back fine yet I still have severe pain which gets worse when I eat the slightest bit of food . I have seen specialist who thinks that the wrap could be too tight that he did . BUT the pain is so debilitating . I am on morphine now but the pain is coming over the top of the drug, Any suggestions because I am running out of ideas and no one it seems can help
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noppie david45409
just wanted to pass it on..
Claud1 david45409
david45409 Claud1
Im seeing dr in the morning , I have had ct scam, mri, scan had breath test etc etc. We think that since the oesphagus wrap that the wrap is too tight the specialist agrees and has agreed to insert balloon into wrap to open it a bit seemingly food is lodging in windpipe and is fermenting which is causing a pain very similiar to stomach acid . It all makes sense in a way as sure enoug pain gets worse a few hours after eating when food has had a chance to ferment , add sugar into the equation and the fermenting goes crazy and pain increases and morphine intake goes up. I cannot go on taking morphine and been in pain all day . I am going to take wife with me to see my dr tomorrow