Addicted to online shopping during menopause!!!

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Hi ladies.. Anyone else find themselves addicted to online shopping while going thru all this ?? I'm always dizzy or have a migraine or joints hurt , or vision blurry, or legs and arms weak weak weak.. Or nauseous ... Can't think straight to save my life.. All the busy stores and omg the lights make me physically sicker than I already am, its just not worth the time or effort anymore!!! So I find myself doing all my shopping online these days, for a while there when this first all started I use to push on thru the stores but the weakness and migraines and all the anxiety made me stop.. Anyone else feel like they're addicted to all the online shopping now and its all just too easy, I find myself buying things I do not need at all or that I cant afford, and end up returning a bunch of stuff which is another headache, I don't know, retail therapy maybe? Who knows.. Or maybe its just a way of coping and keeping my mind off all my nasty symptoms.. Anyone else????

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  • Posted

    I had to double check to see if i was the one who wrote this!

    I have leg weakness, lightheaded, dizziness, blurry vision but also everytime i lay down i feel like i may faint. i then feel foggy and very spaced out . once i had severe involuntary muscle contractions like a seizure. i literally have to just let it pass like 5 minutes. i was diagnosed w/anxiety but i really think that's a bullsh*t doctor excuse for not being able to figure it out.

    Do you have any of that addition stuff?

    I'm going to see an endocrinologist and put this hormone s**t to bed.

    now on top of everything else i tested positive on my colonguard but i don't believe those things.

    Moderator comment: I have edited this post due to the swearing. These are open forums so as per the T&Cs please do not use offensive language in posts otherwise they may be deleted.

    • Posted

      Oh thats too bad hope you feel better soon, I too have been getting a lot of migraines with all this and feel a lot of it up in the head brain area that I believe hormones are responsible for... I read estrogen blocks the blood brain barrier to our brains, so when it crashes that can be a real problem bringing on many symptoms where the hypothalamus is up there, like the seizure type symptoms bothered by the lights and so forth, hit and cold flashes and the migraines dizziness all the awful symptoms we all get.. Well hopefully we can all get on with our lives once these hormones settle...

  • Posted

    A family member of mine suggested retail therapy. We laughed but, it does help on occasion. It keeps you busy and makes you feel some what normal for the moment. I don't shop on line because that's way too easy for me to do some real damage so, if I really feel like shopping. I will no lie head over to the dollar store and buy a few things here and there. I get it out of my system and I'm done. I've done that just to get out of the house. It was a way of coping for me. Don't get me wrong I could head over to the malls but, I don't especially since I'm having trouble thinking straight too. That's to much right now. I go and get my nails done. I can sit and relax for about an hour and that makes me feel good. On line games keep me busy too. Just started playing some word games on line with other players and Pogo has some fun games. I'm just waiting for this to pass also. Sounds like your doing the same. Don't break the bank though haha you will be feeling better soon and you will be like. Why did I buy this? Hugs

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      Yes can definitely break the bank doing the online shopping I always try not to .. Hugs to you too 😄

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    I do almost all of my shopping online these days, including groceries. I have zero patience to be in stores looking at stuff while lights and music are blaring and I'm either overheated and sweaty or freezing cold and feeling faint. Never mind other people there, too. Being home and cosy all the way for me.

    • Posted

      I also like many people have been bothered by the lights, but I thought I was the only person besides my husband that hates the music. It is good you meet another person that hates the music as well. Most everyone talks about the lights and I agree, but I say what about that horrible music blaring in the back ground it surely does bothers me.

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      Yes its much much better being home and cozy I agree 100% I too get hot and cold and feel faint and shaky while out its such a mess 😥

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    I used to like to shop but I hardly go anymore. I do online shopping but it's only stuff that I use because I hate go to store to store to store. Retail therapy is nice at the time but days later feel bad for buying something I don't need..

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      Me too buyers remorse after its all paid for , I wish I could buy what is only needed ha I tend to think I need it all..

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    One of my grandkids birthday was this weekend and youd think it was Christmas already with all his little trucks and toys.. I need a spot just for the Amazon truck that comes everyday lol!! I swear I'm keeping them in business...but I guess whatever makes it easier.

  • Posted

    I'm glad you posted this! YES! I do it ALL the time! The same as you said, I didn't realize it could be hormone driven or my super depression from all this and maybe shopping gives us a little temporary pleasure cause sure not getting it other wise! I am even doing the stupid top hatters auction it runs 90 sec and someone wins it good thing I make sure all bills are paid and food and such before I do any of it!

    • Posted

      Yes me as well its just so much more convenient I feel like I'm getting all my stuff done thats needed around the house without being among all the rush of people and lights and now cold icky snow arrg whats top hatters auction?? Love a good online auction 😄

  • Posted

    Don't feel bad. I do all my shopping online these days. I didn't really think about it until I read this post but when I started going through this horrendous mess that is also when I started shopping more online too. I buy clothes, supplements, food, gifts, etc all online. I am constantly on Amazon. I dread going shopping in the actual stores. The lights and long lines triggers frustration and sometimes my anxiety. I remember getting heat flashes under those lights and therefore feeling panicky. It's not worth it to me to be bothered with store-shopping. You are not alone.

    • Posted

      I do too buy mostly everything online now, its way better than feeling awful whike out and about!! But I can go overboard 😄

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