Adult Glue Ear
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I have had a problem with my right ear for two months and have yet to see an ENT specialist. I have little or no pain. What I have is a hissing noise. Sometimes it is very loud, but if I stay still and do not move it quietens down. Luckily at night it is quiet if I keep still and put my right ear against the pillow. Does any one else have these symptoms?
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there aren't many adult posts, I thought I'd share my experience:
As I write I'm experiencing a 'relapse' and yes there's a bit of a high pitched hiss.....look on the bright side at least I know the blood is still circulating!
It's not uncommon to 'hear' noises from the circulation in and around the ear along with pops etc as the fluid moves.
I'm 50 have had a grommit in my left ear for a number of years and periodically get my symptoms back. DON'T PANIC (ok a bit dramatic) if you're pinning your hopes on the ENT surgeon and a grommit. I'm told my eustation tube is damaged and blocked after a bought of flu so drainage is near impossible for me.
Things you might want to know:
drainage ops are not uncomfortable nor are grommet ops.
You'll have a number of injections inside your ear .....sounds scary... don't be it's fine and pretty painless similar to an injection the dentist might give.
After that the surgeon gets on with it, 'vacuumes' excess liquid from behind the ear drum (having first made an incision) then inserts the grommit,
Aftercare: the most tedious side of being a grommet wearer is the woolly advise about a proud owner of a hole in your ear drum there's now a route for water to enter your inner ear. Water can carry bacteria.
I was advised to plug my ear when washing hair etc and then there's swimming do you or don't you? ask your medical team, I was told to avoid getting my head underwater which is quite a challenge in a swimming baths!
Hope my comments will prove of help.javascript:emoticon('
susan16743 Guest
kimpy Guest
You're not the only one who suffers. I'm in my mid 30s and woke up one morning with no hearing in my right ear. I haven't had a cold, am fairly healthy, don't work in a noisy environment, haven't had anything explode near me and don't swim. I just can't hear !
I've got the continual hissing noise - which doesn't alter at all, night or day. I sometimes get a sloshing noise in my left ear which goes away if I rub it.
The hearing seems to be getting worse as time goes on.
I'm due to see ENT in a few weeks. I'm hoping its nothing more than adult glue ear as the other options look a bit more worrying !
samar3 Guest
kelly19092 Guest
kelly19092 Guest
Fortunately I have never suffered with the hissing noises but I am almost completely deaf in my left ear. I was treated with a grommit when I was about 18, the operation was 'successful' and I left hospital the same day with complete restoration of my hearing which was great.
The warning I would give however is that I was informed grommits are around 25% successful in permanently getting rid of glue ear. After around 9 months the grommit falls out naturally, within 3 months of this the glue ear had returned as before. The warning hear being do not assume grommits will fix you for life because clearly they do not always work and although the operation is completely painless general anaesthetic is something I would rather avoid unless certain it is worthwhile.
Frustrated that the grommit didn't work I have just put up with it since and have just found/purchased Otovent to see if that will work - my feelings are it may not be powerful enough as a treatment for long term adult glue ear (seems to be advertised for children mostly) but fingers crossed.
sardine anthony5
kellyzboyz anthony5
leila29439 anthony5
Hi Anthony
I just had a really bad flu that ended with an inner ear infection. 2 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of penicilin didn't help with the deathness, popping, crackling, etc.
Yesterday I went to the doc and he tested my ears with a musical tuning fork. I could barely hear it with my death ear and could mostly hear it with my "good' ha ha ear. Then he put the tuning fork in the centre of my forehead and I could hear it clear as a bell with my death ear ( first thing I had heard in weeks) and could barely hear it with my "good" ear. Within seconds I was swallowing yucky stuff.
My ears continued to drain for 8 hours with 2 major mouthfulls and 2 very significant dizzy spells.
I have ordered a tuning fork and will treat myself when it turns up next week.
I looked for info about sound waves draining ear fluid but couldn't find anything.
I hope this helps and wish my doc had tried it weeks ago.
sarah_75980 leila29439
Hi Leila
I'm really interested in getting this tunning fork but I don't know what I'm looking for not am I sure or how to use it.
Would you be able to send me a picture and a link to where I can buy it please?
Also if you are aware of any link on YouTube or web page that can help me see how it should be used, I'd be really grateful.
Thank you in advance
rb8163 leila29439
My Son has the sever hearing problem. Doctor said that, he may have infection in inner ear. Very much appreciated if you let me konw the solution to solve inner ear infection.
ali15609 leila29439
Thank you.