Adult Glue Ear
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I have had a problem with my right ear for two months and have yet to see an ENT specialist. I have little or no pain. What I have is a hissing noise. Sometimes it is very loud, but if I stay still and do not move it quietens down. Luckily at night it is quiet if I keep still and put my right ear against the pillow. Does any one else have these symptoms?
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whether this had proved successful or not.
lesile Guest
Over the years I have had a lot of ear infections but I have been lucky that I have a good GP and i go for yearly check ups at hospital. Anybody out there with long term glue ear condition.
Fran4567 lesile
lesile Fran4567
I never knew that adults could get glue ear when I was diagnosed. Luckily I had a good GP who referred me to a consultant. It is a shame you cannot have grommits as they did work. Good luck with the hearing aids. I think I will be on that route soon as my hearing is decreasing on one side.
christophe67505 Guest
lesile christophe67505
i still have problems 15years later but not to the degree I did . My advice is to ask for second opinion. There is no harm in asking. It is very isolating when you get the muffled hearing as you cannot pitch the tone of yr voice.
good luck
kimpy lesile
sardine Guest
bjhogg sardine
Problems with my ears. Im also a trained diver so was always used to clearing my ears to
Equalise the pressure. Now my gp has given me a nasal spray and a balloon !? Dont know wether to laugh or cry.
The muffled hearing and noise comes and goes but i dread it getting worse. Im an actor by profession so it makes my work
Harder. I do hope your symptoms abate soon
Regards from Northern Ireland
BJ Hogg
sardine bjhogg
Northern Ireland! Wow that sounds nice. I'm from Arizona and can you believe it's still hot here. I have found the balloons push more junk in the ears. This has crushed my dreams of being an underwater archaeologists. I went to Rome a few years back and my ear problem made it impossible to equalize the pressure, not to mention I had a cold too. My ears didn't pop the whole way down to land! It was so painful and I didn't equalize pressure for two days!
Best of luck to you
leila29439 Guest
Hi guest
I had a really bad flu that ended in an ear infection. 2 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of penicilin didn't help the deathness, popping, crackling etc.
Yesterday I went to the doc and he tested my hearing with a musical tuning fork I could barely hear it with my death ear and mostly hear it with my "good" ear. Then he put the tuning fork in the centre of my forehead and I could hear it clear as a bell in my death ear (first thing I had heard in weeks) and could barely hear it in my "good" ear, Within seconds I was swallowing yucky stuff.
My ears continued to drain for 8 hours with 2 major mouthfulls and 2 very significant dizzy spells.
Today my ears aren't completely better but there is a 80% improvement.
I have ordered my own tuning fork and will treat myself again when it turns up next week.
I looked online for sound waves draining ear fluid but couldn't find anything.
I hope this helps and wish my doc had tried it weeks ago.
sardine leila29439
That is so interesting! I'm going to try it.
lorraine15646 Guest
Hello, i have had this most of my life,, its inner ear congestion and Sudafed or Inhaling Vicks is the best way to treat it... the doctors will onlysend you for dozens of try this first..then see a doctor..use a bowl and pour hot water in to it then a big glob of Vicks then inhale till the ear works for me.
I still get it due to having small inner ear tubes.
jody1991 Guest
I'm 25 and suffered with adult glue ear for over 3years. Iv used antihistamines, decongestant tablets, nasel sprays and anything else the gphone has recommended and they still won't refer me to ENT specialist. The gp told me it's definitely adult glue ear and was going to refer me. She went and got anot her opinion and that doctor said not to refer me. I'm in absolute agony in both my ears and pain killers and anti inflammatorys aren't touching it. How do I go about being referred?
And another not anot her
Sorry for mistakes