advice needed
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Hello ladies
I'm after some advice
I have been on 5 different hrt pills since July 2015 after suddenly getting severe not flushes out of the blue
All the hrt pills caused me severe headaches so the doctor gave me a anti depressant called venlaflaxine I took 1 and felt so bad with every side effect you could think of so I stopped
The doctor recommended I break the poll ion half
But I'm really dubous about taking them as I've read they're very addictive
I'm so fed up with flushes now I've been taking flaxseed, vit D and a herbal pill for menopsuse but nothing helping
Is any one taking anti dep for menopause ?
Have they helped?
What are your views ?
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Sochima822 rose33977
rose33977 Sochima822
I'm taking the flaxseed capsules 4 100mg a day
Sochima822 rose33977
rose33977 Sochima822
Sorry they are 1000mg each and I'm taking 4
michelle50768 rose33977
A lot of women on here recommend high strength sage pills for hot flushes.
Might be worth a try x
Sochima822 rose33977
rose33977 Sochima822
Desperate for something instant thinking about trying hrt again im starting a new job soon don't want these any more x
metamorphed rose33977
rose, having been going round in circles with this whole thing, the supplements the herbs, trying this and that, I have finally come to the conclusion that nothing except hormone replacement will get me through. I will be starting the patches, because unless you are able to sit this out at home, i'm finding that I can only function some days and other days just can't. You said you've tried different hrt in pill form, maybe patches will suit you?
rose33977 metamorphed
Yep I feel the same as you going round in circles I'm going to ask about the patches
bobbysgirl rose33977
That's the first thing my GP offered! I told him, 'if you felt as physically wrecked as this YOU'D BE DEPRESSED! Cure the problem, not it's side effects.
A good quality sage supplement does it for me. But I think you have to change around sometimes as things become less effective. Vits D3, K2 and magnesium are very good too, as is flax. I take it as flax seed, freshly ground, on my porridge every morning. I don't over-do the grinding, that way some seed goes 'straight through' and helps keep you 'regular'. It must be fresh - the last thing you want is rancid oil - of ANY description.
wendy36287 rose33977
CCinCal wendy36287
What is your dose of diazepam? I'm taking it now for cervical dystonia that I got trying out various ads. But I didn't know it could help with hot flashes.
Guest rose33977
Hi I have just been put on Cilift anti depressant for peri menopause symptoms but it takes 3-4 weeks to work I started on a 1/4 pill for first week now on half to lesson side effects which are nt so nice.... going to push through cause all say it'll make a huge difference...
They nt addicted but you can never just stop them need to wean yourself off slowly after 6 or 12 months.... I'm seeing gynae mondy to hear what else I can use.... good luck
looloo43 rose33977
Hi Rose. many ladies on here say fluoxetine is a good ad for helping to soften the symptoms of meno. I also have a friend in her 50's who says it really helps her meno symptoms. much less harsh than venlafaxine. i took it years ago - it made me sweat profusely but was good for anxiety. I was taken off it as some bad reports came out about it causing strokes & heart attacks & was switched to another ad. i am currently on escitalopram which controls my anxiety & depression on the whole well, but didnt help my peri symptoms when they came & i have been on hrt since april (which has helped greatly.) if i ever needed to change ad's for whatever reason in the future, i would have no hesitation trying fluoxetine. xx
rose33977 looloo43
looloo43 rose33977
i am on oestrogel 1 pump nightly rubbed into inner/mid thighs or mid/outer upper arms nightly & utrogestan micronised progesterone capsules days 15-26 of a 28day cycle 2 x 100mg capsules. micronised progesterone is a pure form of progesterone (not synthetic) that is more effective at helping with peri/meno symptoms than synthetic versions. (my specialist meno/gynae gp told me this). things started to improve 2 - 3 wks in, & have got better as time goes on. xx
wendy36287 looloo43
colleen90305 looloo43
By the time we figure out what helps us, we will be in full menopause. I'm reading so many recommendations and don't know what herb, med to try. This is a disease, and wasn't even aware of it until it hit me almost 3 yrs ago. I missed a pap in 2014, then told in April 2015 I was Perimenopausal via phone but all they said. I never but 2 and 2 together that this is could even be the reason for my depressive moods, anxiety et. A bit of education would have been helpful because I just thought menopause was when women got hot flashes, that's all! I educated myself and recently figured it out myself. Ive seen two counslors, two psychiatrists and they never questioned it could be hormonal??? I've never sought mental help ever and one would think, based on my age that maybe I may be going through the change! I stopped counseling but still see the psychiatrist to adjust my meds. Serotonin isn't the issue here, its hormones
colleen90305 wendy36287
looloo43 wendy36287
colleen90305 looloo43
metamorphed colleen90305
yes colleen by the time we figure out what helps, we WILL be in full menopause. its awful isn't it. But if we knew about it beforehand I still don't think it would have prepared us. That's why I think, nobody spoke about it at all, they didn't want to frighten the living daylights out of us
the word 'change' is to mild for what it is.
MoodyNoire metamorphed
Yes, metamorphed, the word "change" is the greatest understatement of all time for some women. (me) "Explosion" is a word that is closer to the truth!
bobbysgirl MoodyNoire
metamorphed MoodyNoire
ha, yes, since this 'change' hit (not a gentle change, like the word would make you believe, but overnight and fierce
), I have been tested for every illness known to man, serious stuff like heart disease, dvt, and all the other illnesses that I don't even want to think about now, as I am sure most on here have, so 'change'? that word should be thrown in the bin, maybe 'exchange', changed into something completely different!
that's why i called myself 'metamorphed' when i first joined this forum.
looloo43 metamorphed
Great name for it! before i went on hrt i felt like an evil alien had invaded me & taken me over! The power of hormones is frightening particularly with the mental effects it can have on us without medical intervention. I felt so out of control & like my personality had changed with it. thank god the hrt i take corrected the mental symptoms, & i am now back in control, not the hormone alien. xxx
metamorphed looloo43
looloo, would you remind me again of what hrt you take. I am on a mission again with stupid doctors to get the right type for me. They are blood testing and testing me again before prescribing! Usual stuff from them. I had been a migraine sufferer (but I have told them that I know it was all hormonal as they only started in my 40's, but not listening!) so they have concerns about hrt, but I really need something and I am being delayed and suffering in the meantime. They actually caused most of my health anxiety, the stuff they have made me believe I had.
I know you mentioned your hrt on here before but I can't see that post? and yep, aliens landed in june last year and 'exchanged' me for their mad version.!
metamorphed looloo43
looloo, would you remind me again of what hrt you take. I am on a mission again with stupid doctors to get the right type for me. They are blood testing and testing me again before prescribing! Usual stuff from them. I had been a migraine sufferer (but I have told them that I know it was all hormonal as they only started in my 40's, but not listening!) so they have concerns about hrt, but I really need something and I am being delayed and suffering in the meantime. They actually caused most of my health anxiety, the stuff they have made me believe I had.
I know you mentioned your hrt on here before but I can't see that post? and yep, aliens landed in june last year and 'exchanged' me for their mad version.!
metamorphed looloo43
looloo, would you remind me again of what hrt you take. I am on a mission again with stupid doctors to get the right type for me. They are blood testing and testing me again before prescribing! Usual stuff from them. I had been a migraine sufferer (but I have told them that I know it was all hormonal as they only started in my 40's, but not listening!) so they have concerns about hrt, but I really need something and I am being delayed and suffering in the meantime. They actually caused most of my health anxiety, the stuff they have made me believe I had.
I know you mentioned your hrt on here before but I can't see that post? and yep, aliens landed in june last year and 'exchanged' me for their mad version.!
looloo43 metamorphed
Hi metamorphed. i take oestrogel 1pump nightly rubbed into my mid inner thighs (can also be rubbed into upper outer arms - but if no body lotions/perfumes on only-thats why i do thighs). & utrogestan micronised progesterone capsules 2 x 100mg nightly days 15-26 of every 28day cycle (which i had to create on my calendar as i had no cycle!!). this is a low risk low dose regimen i was put on by my specialist gynae/meno gp who is now also on the same as me! the utrogestan capsules are micronised progesterone which is pure (not synthetic) & more effective in helping with peri/meno than synthetic versions. I noticed improvement in my mental symptoms & intense stubborn headaches within 2-3wks of starting, & have continued to improve with time on it. You could consider a low dose/low risk regimen & monitor your headaches(mine have been eliminated) but of course talk to your doc or a more helpful doc 1st. many doc surgeries now have a specialist meno gp or nurse - you could maybe try & see them if your own doc is unhelpful. xxx