Advice on dla being reduced by pip

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Hi all I've been in dla high mobility indefinite and middle care since 2007 I've just had pip assessment and my care has been stopped and mobility reduced to lower , I have copd but asseder says I'm getting better, I know have to make £22 last me per week for running a car and going to lots of appointments, any advice on what I should do

Oh my award will be reveiwed in 2026

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Chris

    You have 1 month from the date on the decision letter to request a Mandatory Reconsideration which is the first stage of the appeal process. Miss this date and you can't appeal although there is nothing stopping you from making a fresh application for PIP providing you can prove your condition has got worse.

    First thing is to obtain a copy of your assessment report pick up the phone first thing on Monday morning and request one. That should arrive within a week. Read it and remember it is only the 'opinion' of the assessor it is not actually fact.

    Your task is to challenge that opinion using any evidence you might have. This evidence may include statements from anyone who provides you with personal care, a care diary as well as medical evidence. If you have any reports from occupational therapists then that is the gold standard but a letter from your GP will carry a lot of weight.

    It is all about the balance of probabilities. The more you can show that the opinion is wrong the more chance you have of changing the decision.

    I admit is not an easy task and help is in short supply. You can try your CAB or any disability or welfare rights organisations but the simple truth is nothing will change unless you are proactive. I have known plenty of people who have achieved success doing things themselves. Good luck.

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      Hi Anthony thank you for reply I will take on board and follow your instructions, the report about her opinions is that what's written on your award letter

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      What's written on the decision (award) letter is actually the opinion of the DWP decision maker not the ATOS assessor.

      However, the DM is heavily influenced by what the assessor writes in their report so for all intent and purposes it is the assessors words.

      As I said the only way to change your circumstances is to challenge the opinion of the HCP/Decision Maker. Keep away from refering about lying as it will do you no favours. Instead state you believe the opinion is wrong or mistaken.

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      I wish some one could read the report and give me bullet points to each remark as my head is upside down at the moment
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      I could help if you live near me Newport South Wales. Problem is to advise properly I would need to see your report and evidence.
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      I could photo them and send you email or messanger or WhatsApp , then you could bullet answers as per question in report, I really am so stressed it's making me ill

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      OK do that then use the Private Message to exchange email address. What is the deadline for the MR? It is one month after the date on the decision letter.
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    Call and ask to talk to someone.I did.they will ring you within 3 hours. tell them you are stressed out.also you must put this in writing ASAP. Don't delay it.send in more evidence? Check your original form you sent in? I've just got MR and got higher rate on both components.I was upset when I phoned as I knew I was due more points.don't give up OK. I pray you get a good outcome

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      Hi what do you mean phone then write in, is this for a mandatory reconsideration,
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      I am really stressed out , everything in the report is lies, what I said on the form was glorified more in interview, but she put opersite to what I said, she agreed I need a walking aid and got 10 points for mobility but said I can cook and prepare foods with aid if a stick and got 4 I'm really stressed out, £22 aweek can't afford to run a car get taxis in £22 pluss lost road tax

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      you need to send an MR right away when you write it use bullet points state why you dont agree with the decion for each point also send any supporting evidence you can get  your hands on i must warn you that sending an MR  will force then to look at the whole claim again and you could lose any entitlement but if you feel you are genuinly entitled to higher rates then dont be afraid to take it to tribunal as the vast majority of decisions are overturned at tribunal
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      An award of Standard mobility PIP gets you 50% reduction in your road tax. Not free road tax i know but it all helps. You've had some great advice from Anthony, good luck with the MR.

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      Thank you for advice am taking it all onboard and will put all to paper when I get over initial shock, the worst thing is I was planning to marry my fiancée from Phillipines my dla was enough to spinner her , , but not now, two hurting ppl, , fingers crossed

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear this. I have never had DLA. I only went on pip 2 years ago

      My assessor lied so much. It's taken since July for my decision but I have only just got my decision. Ive been awarded standard care and lost mobility. My car is supposed to go back Jan 5th

      I have been told what my letter says but it hasn't arrived yet. So after almost a week I can't reply to it for my MR.

      Its disgusting what they are doing

    • Posted

      first things first you dont need the report to send your MR off i would advise you send it now and not risk it arriving after the deadline phone the dwp and ask for the address for you to send your MR to.

      next thing is make sure you return the car before the dead line otherwise you wont get you one off transitional payment of £250.

      now chances are your MR  will fail the majority do but you will still get the chance to prove your case at tribunal and have a far better chance of getting the award that you are entitled to

    • Posted

      Thanks John.

      I know about the 250 but I have been putting things in place to buy the car.

      I have my report already I was just waiting for the letter so I can get a few bits of info from it. I've already told them I want a MR and I'm posting more evidence.

      I'm willing to.go to tribunal

      Thank you though for the advise

    • Posted

      Thanks Clare I will ring tomorrow and say I want a mr and I'm also willing to go for tribunal

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