Advice please
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Hi Ladies, I am in need of help and advice.
I think I am in the early stages of Perimenopause and I am really struggling with it all. I am having real trouble sleeping and just feel overwhelmed by it all. I do suffer with mild depression and anxiety but this has knocked me for 6. I find myself crying at silly things and unable to motivate myself to move forward. I am 49 and none of my friends have gone through this yet. Please help!!!
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rcharris8 Screwloose97
Screwloose97 rcharris8
rcharris8 Screwloose97
jayneejay Screwloose97
sounds like peri type symptoms..
get some supplements to help you..
B6 and B12 we lack those during this time..
treat yourself to a Mega B 100 complex with at least 100mg B6 in it ..
also when i was in peri i took rain forest Maca Capsules too, these help symptoms..
jay xx
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay rcharris8
i am fine thanks, never felt better .. 😊 all good..
Root canal aches a little, had that done at lunch time today, but can live with that for a coupla days 😃
Other than that i havent felt this good in years.. all good 😊
hope your ok too
jay xx
jayneejay rcharris8
mine is the rainforest maca 5.1 capsules.. Off amazon uk..
also i started taking Vit E capsules a few weeks ago too ..
wow ... They are so good for you
jay xx
jayneejay rcharris8
Vitamin E
This is an important vitamin to consider at the menopause.
Over many years clinical studies have shown its effect on reducing hot flushes.
Vitamin E is also helpful for vaginal dryness and one study showed that just 400iu taken daily for between 1 and 4 months helped 50 percent of the women given supplemental vitamin E.
Although most women fear breast cancer, our biggest killer is heart disease. There is now such a wealth of information on the beneficial effects of nutrition on heart disease and unfortunately HRT has been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
A study published in the Lancet showed that 2000 patients with arteriosclerosis (fatty deposits in the arteries) had a 75 percent reduction in their risk of heart attack when given vitamin E.
At the time, researchers claimed that vitamin E was even more effective than aspirin in reducing heart attacks.
rcharris8 jayneejay
jayneejay rcharris8
one day at a time, go with the symptoms, remember its not an illness, or depression, just a transition ... A journey ... We all deal with it different, mine was a long journey of almost 10 years. But i feel liberated and proud of it .. Supplemented with the Vits etc and seemed to find the right ones for me..
still 50 and just post menopause ...
hang in there Jay xx
Trevis jayneejay
jayneejay Trevis
Re: B12 .. yes there are a few out there..
get the highest mcg ... ( 5000mcg) one a day..
they can be chewable / dissolve in mouth this are the best type as absorbed easily ... what you dont need in B12 is passed out body...
Jarrows B12 5000 mcg ( red label cherry flavour) for example ..
jay xx
Kingliz jayneejay
jayneejay Kingliz
yes theres different sorts ... magnesium citrate has laxative properties so may upset your stomach / loose stools..
i have the magnesium oil spray.
and solgar chaleted magnesium
jay xx
i take Solgar Chaleted ( Bisglycinate) Magnesium
Magnesium bisglycinate is an essential mineral needed for more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.
This mineral is required for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, protein and fatty acid formation, activating B vitamins, supporting muscle activity, nerve transmission, relaxing blood vessels, clotting blood, temperature regulation and ensuring intestinal mobility also called bowel movements.
Magnesium bisglycinate is magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine. This binding makes the magnesium highly absorbable.
For example you would have to take 4 times the amount of magnesium citrate to get the equivalent amount of magnesium bisglycinate.
The bisglycinate form of magnesium does not require stomach acid for absorption as it passes into the cell via its amino acid transport which means even those with poor digestion or absorption get the benefits.
Magnesium bisglycinate is the only magnesium shown to cross the blood brain barrier which makes it an excellent choice for aiding those with depression and/or anxiety, or migraine headaches.
Stress of all types including chemical, emotional, hormonal or physical stress depletes magnesium from the body.
Since magnesium relaxes muscles and nerves, more magnesium is needed when you are under stress.
When we are under stress our adrenal glands produce cortisol which further increases acidity in the body thereby increasing the need for even more magnesium.
Because magnesium is required in the metabolism of estrogen in the body, low levels of magnesium increases estrogen leading to estrogen dominance. Symptoms of too much estrogen include premenstrual breast and uterine pain, headaches, backaches, premenstrual depression and mood swings. Women on the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy also become deficient in magnesium as the drugs deplete magnesium.
Anyone with an estrogen dominant condition like endometriosis, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, period problems or breast cysts need magnesium bisglycinate.
Interestingly, many women crave chocolate during their premenstrual and menstrual period. Chocolate is high in magnesium!
Magnesium deficiency is common due to our consumption of processed foods and the depletion of magnesium from agricultural soils and water.
Magnesium supplementation can help with many conditions from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations, to insomnia, anxiety and depression to fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and leg cramps at night or following exercise.
Always make sure when you are purchasing minerals that the label states whether or not the dosage is in its elemental value. This tells you if you are getting exactly what you are paying for.
Which Magnesium Is Best?
Magnesium oxide and citrates are laxatives causing diarrhea and they are poorly absorbed.
Magnesium bisglycinate is much better absorbed and it does not cause diarrhea.
Magnesium bisglycinate is four times more effective than citrate forms of magnesium
Kingliz jayneejay
maria73432 jayneejay
jayneejay maria73432
i had a 9-10 year natural menopause .. i am age 50 now and post menopause..
i take the supplements that are known that in peri/menopause we lack ..
ie.. Rain forest Maca 5.1 very good in the beginning of peri for me it was.
Vit E.. mentioned above
Solgar Chaleted Magnesium .. mentioned above..
Magnesium Oil Spray..
B6 150mg - a good mega B100 with 100mg of B6 in it is very beneficial
we lack B6 during this phase..
Natecal.. ( Calcium and Vit D) in one for bone health
Acidophilus probiotic for digestive health
Menapol Plus x 2 daily for peri / meno
Kelp for thyroid health
B12 - for energy .. ' jarrows B12 5000mcg ' cherry ( red label)
these have worked well for me personally..
i have tried them for months and months - years..
heres some helpful menopause info off the web .. for new ladies ..
Menopause The menopause is not an illness.
If you subscribe to the standpoint currently held by the conventional medical profession, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was.
Women in many other cultures do not experience the menopause as a crisis demanding medical intervention.
Many of them simply do not suffer the physical and emotional symptoms that women in the West are programmed to accept as inevitable.
In our society the focus of the menopause is one of loss.
Women are programmed to dwell on loss – the loss of periods, the loss of the ability to create life, the loss of hormones, the problems of the ‘empty-nest’ syndrome.
In other societies, this time in a woman’s life is seen as one of gain, a time of great wisdom.
A time when the emphasis shifts away from doing the chores, working in the fields, to the role of lawmaker and counsellor to younger couples, where maturity and experience make a significant and valuable contribution to the family and society.
What happens at the menopause?
At the menopause women literally run out of eggs.
Each woman has a supply of eggs (approximately 2 million) from the moment she is born and over the years they are used up and die off.
She finally reaches a certain age when there simply aren’t any more.
What the body does then to try to get that woman to ovulate is to release the hormone FSH.
This hormone is released every month in a normal cycle but during the menopause, a woman’s body registered that ovulation is not taking place, so even more FSH is pumped out.
The interesting thing is that as the ovaries decline their production of oestrogen, nature has something else up her sleeve.
We are also able to produce a form of oestrogen (called oestrone) from our adrenal glands in order to compensate for the decline from the ovaries.
We also produce oestrogen from fat cells, so being ultra-slim will not have health benefits in the long run, particularly if you are going through menopause.
Overweight isn’t the answer, either, but from an oestrogen-production point of view, you are better off being slightly overweight than slim.
What are the symptoms?
These vary from woman to woman.
Some women sail though the menopause without any symptoms and the only thing they notice is that their periods have stopped.
Some of the women I have seen in my clinic report being completely drenched in sweat day and night, and getting up to change their night clothes two or three times a night, or even taking a shower in the middle of the night.
Symptoms of the menopause can include hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, declining libido, osteoporosis, ageing skin, lack of energy, joint pains, weight gain, headaches and changes in hair quality. Interestingly, men also experience a lot of these symptoms, with irritability, a declining libido, changes in weight, ageing skin and hair, depression and anxiety.
These symptoms are apparently part of the Western ageing process for both men and women, so it’s important not to blame every symptom that you experience on the menopause.
jay xx
maria73432 jayneejay
Lara66 jayneejay
jayneejay Lara66
Mine is Vit E 400iu 😀
Simply supplements
Jay x
Menopause and Vit E
One of the most important factors to consider is vitamin E. Research has shown that for 50 to 75 percent of women, vitamin E is the most practical and effective treatment for uncomfortable signs of menopause, especially hot flashes, but including nervousness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness and insomnia. Vitamin E contains small amounts of estrogen and is essential for the proper functioning of the blood and for the production of estrogen, which may explain why it helps decrease or eliminate hot flashes.
Vitamin E has the ability to relieve vaginal dryness and painful intercourse. It also enhances oxygen utilization in the body and stimulates immunity against cancer of the cervix, breasts, lungs, skin, digestive tract and rectum, which alone are sufficient reasons to use it.
The preferable formulation is the natural form of vitamin E, the d'alpha-tocopherol type, as this is at least 36 per cent more biologically potent than synthetic E (called dl-alpha). Dr Leslie Packer, a professor of molecular biology at the University of California, states that synthetic E contains only one-eighth the amount of alpha-toco-pherol as natural vitamin E.
When taking vitamin E, start with 200 to 400 IU daily and then gradually increase the dosage to 800 IU; 1,200 IU or 1,600 IU daily. It may take two to six weeks before you notice a difference, so give it time to work.
Many doctors now recommend eliminating caffeine from your diet and taking 800 IU of vitamin E daily to reduce the condition known as fibrocystic breasts. Taking selenium, 200 meg daily, along with the vitamin E may enhance its effect on decreasing breast lumpiness. Another study stated that vitamin E, taken in doses of 100 IU or more a day, reduced heart disease by up to 66 percent.
Lara66 jayneejay
Lara66 jayneejay
jayneejay Lara66
I read a few things that women find menopause as a loss of reproductivity,
These are not my words, just stuff i read what others have said.
I also dont find it like that, i just accept it, expected it, ( didnt think mine would begin at age 40 and last ten years) but still accepted it and now aged 50 feel quite liberated 😃
Have a great day
Jay x