Advice please after physio post hip op 5 months

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Hello Hippies. I have been off this site for a while but now would like to know if others have been I have today by physio at Salisbury Dist Hospital... that I will NEVER be able to do the things I did before the hip replacement due to the threat of dislocation.  I was under the impression that once at 6 months or at worst 12 month stage was over I would beable to garden/ zumba and swim as before....I was disheatened to say the least!

​Will catch up with old hippes friends on this site like Rocketman and Renee and Rose.


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60 Replies

  • Posted

    I am also 6 months post op and was told of no restrictions. I was just told by my surgeon not to twist myself into a pretzel if I did yoga! I did have the Anterior Approach and have heard there are restriction with the Posterior approach.
  • Posted

    Sandra..thank you nice to hear you saying you are at same stage as me.

    I have come to the conclusion that my latest ( in a long line) of physios is a scaremonger!!

    keep writing so I can see how you are getting on.


  • Posted

    Alice, I understand what your physio said but don't think he explained it well - this is how is has been for me.

    Up until last year I had worked with children aged 2 - 4 for 34 years. After my first hip op I went for my 6 week check and my consultant said that my restrictions had been lifted but lifetime restrictions included twisting, no sky diving and no crouching, or running - a slightly stiff joint will preserve it for longer but walking is the best thing you can do. He asked what job I did and I explained how physical it was. He said this...

    "If you go back to this job, and all your other activities I'll see you back in this office in about five years for a revision. This is all about preserving your new hip and having dancers and such doing the splits on TV doesn't help us at all. What you have to think about is what getting up and down off the floor will do to the new joint day after day. It is not that you can't do any of these things, you can, but the life of the joint is 20+ years if you look after it".

     Alice, I was devastated at first but life has a funny way of throwig you in a new direction and you didn't even know you wanted to go there.

    I have been 'retired' from my job on ill health and have now built a new career doing something I love. I will not see this as restrictions but enhancement. I had got rid of the OA in my hips and the trade is actually really good.

    I think this is maybe what your PT was trying to say and it's up to you how much or how little you do.


    • Posted

      Dear Kate..lost my first post so you might get this twice.  Thank you for a sensible, explanatory and supportive post.  I have my lasy hydrotherapy seesion on Friday but will carry on to our local spinal pool.  I would love to still garden and return to my Zumba Class as have piled on weight since my op..but seems I can but carefully!  what your surgeon has told you makes so much sense...its reading others ( I KONW we are all differant) but they are swimming, playing golf ( which is a twisting movement)  and so much...How long agao was your op??

      Thank you again.  I feel sure your post to me will help many others.



    • Posted

      Hello again, Alice,

      I really think it's all about being sensible but I also think there is some correlation to age as well. I made a lovely friend in hospital and she's just had her first hip at 31. She was also advised to rethink her career (same as mine) and think about preserving her hips for as long as possible.

      I am definitely going back to zumba at some point and I'll just adjust myself to the routines.

      My first hip was done June 30th 2015and had the second 12 days ago. The joy of now being free of the terrible OA pain is almost enough for me to say that I would give up everything but I really don't think I need to.

      I have utter faith in my hip wizard surgeon. He is slightly different in his thinking (no physio apart from walking slowly and properly but I can swim as soon as the scar is sealed completely - it's glued). I spent the first two weeks resting and walking, used my crutches until I could walk without a limp, drove at 5 weeks and set up a new company at 7 weeks. My newbie hip is following the same routine and apart from a bit of a sore bum from sitting I am walking well inbetween sleeps!

      I was so glad to find this forum and I have been warmed by the people on here - I think only lovely people have new hips!!!


    • Posted

      Hello Kate.  Yes is a good site..friendly supportive and funny. It became my 24 hr friend pre op and when I came home.

      ​You have been amazing two hips??  I nknow there are many double hippies on here  who are doing so very well.

      ​I am off for physio tomorrow..wish I could swim but can only do breaststroke and been told it is a no no because of the leg movements.

      Glad your recovery is going so well.


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