Advise please :-(

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I was diagnosed with panic disorder when I was 23. I went on

citalopram and xanax for the actually attacks. It got better over the years and last year I was off everything with no panic attacks for over 12months.

Unfortunately this year it's bubbled up again. I'm back on meds and struggle with this disorder AGAIN. It's like I'm gone back 5 years.I'm really getting sick of feeling anxious all the time, feeling scared and feeling like I'm losing control. I run, I do yoga, I go to therapy, I meditate and some times it doesn't even touch the sides off my anxiety.

The attacks present themselves in many forms -burning sensation all over my body, a sickly feeling in my stomach, palpitations, tingling in my hands and feet, choking, tunnel vision and night terrors. The list goes on.

I went to see a psychiatrist who was not helpful. He basically told me that I had 'mild' anxiety. He felt so angry that he could determine my mental state in less then 20mins . Needles to say i bet that he has never actually have a panic attack.

I felt completely rejected and alone because I've been through hell with his disorder it's ruining my life and for someone to tell me I'm.not that bad was just horrible.

When I'm having a panic attack I fear for my life and I'm afraid one day I'll do something silly and impulsive . When I was younger the attacks presented themselves completely different to they are now. I'd get a little indication I was getting one but now they hit me hard it's actually like I'm being attacked. After an attack it leaves me depressed for days, worrying about my next one, over sensitive to every pain and twinge worrying there is something seriously wrong with me. Then there is the involutray twitching that is constant and driving me insane.

Sometimes I'm actually afraid to take a xanax incase of what I don't know?? All sounds crazy I know.

I dont sleep as sometimes I fear of attacks at night which have happened before so I walk around like a zombie at work which makes me more anxious.

Anyway I've joined this forum to seek more support I have a very understanding husband but I know I'm hard to deal with so I feel it's unfair on him.I feel like I've explored every option and done as much as I can I'm hoping advise from you guys will help :-) x


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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Trisha you don't have to live with this anxiety for years. I was recently added mirtazapine at night and fluoxetine which is Prozac in the morning. I also take zopiclone 7.5mg and 1 5mg dizapem with the mirtazapine an hour before taking zopiclone. I have only been on mirtazapine four 4 days and have slept very well not woke with anxiety. But yesterday afternoon I had a complete break down out of the blue I was at my friends she soon reassured me. Give it time it's and speak with your. Doctor to see if you can get anything to help you sleep. Sleep is the best medicine because at the moment it's working for me feeling great in the morning it won't take away the anxiety but as long as you get enough sleep you can learn to cope with it better. I too feel it's unfair to share things with my husband he too is very understanding and has seen a difference since having 3 good nights sleep. Stay positive keep busy don't let the dark thoughts take over kick their butt out of you mind.

    from Shelley hope you sort this cos it's not nice daily.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply.

      God it sounds like your doing well. I'm jealous lol the doctor refuses to give me sleeping tablets they just tell me to do more CBT. I'm fed up with them.

      I also worry about taking too much meds as we will be trying to have a baby in the coming years. Or at least that's the plan which means I'll have to come off everything. Do you have any advise on this?

      Have you had any side effects yet? I'd love a good night sleep!

      Glad you have a supportive husband they really are the best!

  • Posted

    sounds like everything i deal with, i have anxiety so bad. i tjink the medicine is going to give me worst panic its strange

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