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Hi folks long time away june was a bad month all new stack of meds.went to see my heart nurse found out my cardioversions on the 7th,of august meds have got rate down from in the 170 to 61 beats.blah blah also putting me down for angia gram she could not believe i have not had one yet.i was here last year going for cardioversion when it went back into sinus rhytm i dont think thers much chance of that hope they dont put me on a treadmill i will explode after 10.seconds on it
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mike78443 popeye62
derek76 mike78443
simon56380 mike78443
Going on what I'm reading in these forums, I suspect that this is more of a 'when', rather than'if'!
My cardiologist told me that only 60% of ablations are successful on the first attempt! and given that this is an emerging area of medicine, when they are still making improvements and perfecting various techniques, I'm in no rush to have one ATM, but suspect it may be inevitable.
My older brother had an ablation a decade ago after being cardioverted several times and was found dead six months later (autopsy was inconclusive, but was probably a fatal heart rhythm). This adds to my reluctance to rush out and get an ablation at this point in time.
I guess my cardiologist and I both seem to be working on the same principle, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!".
Hopefully by the time I need one, there'll be a better than 60% success rate.
mike78443 simon56380
lankylass derek76
derek76 lankylass
My seven day ECG monitor in May did not have me in AF all the time but it showed that I had tachy bradycardia and up to three second pauses between heart beats and needed a pacemaker.
Look for my recent long post, My pacemaker experience.
For some reason my heart rate went from a recent average of 72 up to 100 after the pacemaker was fitted. The cardiologist was happy to leave it like that untreated until I go back on a blood thinner and get another new health problem sorted out and see him in six months to discuss ablation or another CV. I spoke to another doctor beforte lreaving the hospital and she has prescribed Diltiazem that I am rather wary of but over this week it has brought my heart rate mainly into the 60's and 70's and only about half of my BP readings are showing the irregular symbol.
simon56380 mike78443
My cardiologist has already told me that if I go into AF again, that he would refer to to an electro-physiologist for an ablation. As I said before, this is probably just a matter of time until this happens for me as most cardioversions tend not to last.
lankylass popeye62
lankylass popeye62