After 10 long years suffering today I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia advise needed.
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after 10 years being told it's nothing but at same time putting me on tramadol for what I was saying so contradicting there selfs , then couple years ago telling me it was restless leg syndrome,today was a big relive to finally get the answer I knew all along by a great Dr who gave me one important thing his time and he listened today at the hospital I'm being referred to physiotherapy for help also to go in hydra pool and also acupuncture just wish it was sooner at times you just feel so alone .
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Boqer dean150481
dean150481 Boqer
Boqer dean150481
sharon53053 dean150481
dean150481 sharon53053
leona18728 dean150481
I'm about to start another couple of weeks soon and can't wait,
I'd recommend it to every fibro sufferer,
Keep us informed on how you get on.
dean150481 leona18728
thanks for taking the time to read and reply to my post , the hydra pool I hope and believe will help I've read up on the acupuncture they have offered and all the notes I've read up on is all positive and is meant to be a get relive for fibromyalgia I will keep you informed take care .
leona18728 dean150481
I paid for acupuncture myself I went every fortnight for a year I loved it I felt very little pain in my joints or muscles and felt more energised generally, but unfortunately I couldn't keep up the expense,
Apparently I can have acupuncture here in my local hospital where I have hydrotherapy so I'm going to ask about it,
Diet for me makes a huge difference to my daily living
Ive given up gluten and only eat fresh home made food it's more expensive but worth every penny now I understand the benefits of how it makes me feel,
I also take magnesium every day I find this a big help to although there are no medical evidence that magnesium helps fibro it's trial and error, on a really bad day I use magnesium spray oil on my joints this really works for me and it's not another chemical tablet into my body with other side effects,
Hope you have some ideas on here that helps you,
I've hade fibro for ever I think 😏 well over 16 years and SLE for over 20 years and I'm still learning
But I find keeping active even on my worse days help me recover from flare ups quicker than going to my bed even if it means dragging myself to work I still go I function on auto pilot most days and have learned to laugh at myself for the stupid things I do and say, it can be embarrassing especially I'm the middle of a ward round with consultants, I just say o well it's my fibro fog day and we all laugh together
It gives me a sense of achievement after I've done something when I really feel I can't
We are all different and I know I have a very strong mind
But I hope you find a way to start living a good life with fibro, Fibro is not your life,
Have a good positive day.
kaz_40 dean150481
dean150481 kaz_40
thanks for taking time to talk , I saw the pain clinic two years ago even thou my dr didn't thing I had anything in particular so he contradicted hisself by sending me there when there they said I had restless leg syndrome and put me on lidocaine patch and gababentin which didn't touch me , I've been on mst tablets for about 6 months and also oramorph which today the rymatolagy Dr wasn't happy I was on so has put me on new mess so will see the main thing I find helps me is heat ie a really hot bath I have a bed with built in massarge and heat pad , I'll let you know how my treatment goes take care of yourself thanks again .
kaz_40 dean150481
derek1979 dean150481
dean150481 derek1979
thanks for the message tbh at times it's hard very hard I've been put on antidepressants a few times as my dr sees me struggling, my wife helps a lot but it's hard at times to explain to her how bad I'm feeling at times crying today has been a long time coming over 10 years struggling with no diagnosis until today the hydra pool I'm looking forward too has heat is the one thing that does help me my wife can run me a bath at 3 in the morning if I'm really bad and it does help at the minute I'm on 60mg mst and oramorph I worry being on them as I'm only 34 so worry how going forward with men's is going to be its good to know their is other men out there as it seems women is the main affected take care Derek .
shirl21730 dean150481
christine26761 dean150481
the hospital...I do it in the local Resorts warm swimming pool, I had to join their health club-(gym) but I have access all the time..I sometimes only can slowly walk up and down but it has great effects...:-) xxx
dean150481 shirl21730
thank you for your advice it is most welcomed I will look into what is available I believe the hydra pool will be great help , and aqua aerobics as well , will let you no how I get on take care .
kaz_40 derek1979
derek1979 kaz_40