After 10 long years suffering today I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia advise needed.
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after 10 years being told it's nothing but at same time putting me on tramadol for what I was saying so contradicting there selfs , then couple years ago telling me it was restless leg syndrome,today was a big relive to finally get the answer I knew all along by a great Dr who gave me one important thing his time and he listened today at the hospital I'm being referred to physiotherapy for help also to go in hydra pool and also acupuncture just wish it was sooner at times you just feel so alone .
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TeresaJS dean150481
dean150481 TeresaJS
hope your well thanks for your advice , I will try that in my bath as its one time that does help very hot bath , I do worry about the medication situation as I'm on oramorph and mst , but there wanting to now change me to duloxetine and mirtazepine with oramorph I no in bad bad days it's there . What is naltrexone and how is it helping you take care
christine26761 dean150481
dean150481 christine26761
i tottaly agree over 10 years I've seen Drs another Drs but no diagnosis but then in another hand they are ploughing me with tramadol since I was 22 I was taking tramadol and they stopped when I was 30 I started on one a day ending up nearly 8 a day but nothing wrong with me didn't make sense all I ever wanted is what I got yesterday a Dr at the hospital to sit down and take time he examined me head to toe talked to me I was in there nearly a hour and 100% new straight away what it was I cried as he told me with relive . I just wish I had also found this site sooner as well as only be on here hours and the surport and advise is amazing with people who are going thru the same it's great to know your not alone .
take care Christine , dean
christine26761 dean150481
deborah07681 dean150481
kaz_40 deborah07681
dean150481 deborah07681
im pleased your now enjoying your crafting , my goal if possible is to get bk out on my kayak I loved that , since being on here only hours I've had such great messages of advice , more importantly what is needed more then anything is people who just listen , that's all I've ever wanted , I'm looking forward to the hydra pool asheat is the main thing that helps me they have gave me to try a topical capsaicin cream which heat the painful area and numbs it will let you know how it works take care Deborah
leona18728 deborah07681
You can lay down or fight I really like the new me now I've adapted to it
Positivity at all times is a good healer
Gentle hugs.
deborah07681 dean150481
kaz_40 dean150481