After H Pylori
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Hi everyone,I have posted here before,I have been treated for h pylori,antibiotics and lansoprazole.Prior to treatment I had complete loss of appetite and loss of weight.Although by force feeding I am keeping my weight between 117 pounds and 118.I still have no appetite,most worrying is I am losing body fat,I am so skinny,weak,tired of fighting this,feel like giving up at times.I have a appt to see specialist but that is nearly two months away,I do not think I will make it that long.I was a size 14 now size skin is wrinkled,I am now just getting over vaginal thrush,but now have soreness around that area and itchy rear end.I just wonder if I might have a different infection caused by h pylori,or it has damaged my tummy so badly.I am small framed so it is very obvious of my fat loss,now wear big jumpers etc as people ask what is wrong with me all the time,has anyone ever experienced this? I would be so greatfull for any advice .Thank you.
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donclaudio tasha156
difficult to know exactly where to start...your in the forest
and don't know your way out...many on this forum are in
the same forest.
The suggestons posted I deem "worthy" and point you in a good direction.
You've had HP...we don't know how it was diagnosed and what prompted
the diagnossis....
You've probably have had tests....what? and results?
Exactly what was your hpylori therapy...? meds, mg/s developed a yeast infection most likely antibiotic caused..what meds were used to treat your "thrush"?
I'll start at the bottom: rear end...this itch could be from several first "guess" would be fungal...there are antifungal suppositoriesantifungl that are effective without needing dr prescriptions,
they contain small amount of the effecive antifungals,(a zole) usualy 1%.
In the US, and Mexico the local pharmacist can direct us to the
best product, Give it a go..increase your intake of natural yogurt,
plain wtihout fruits/sugar but not other milk product for now...let us know.
If you can, start taking daily a small amount of bismuth before bedtime.
(125mg to 250mg)
Water: force yourself to drink filtered water...its ph is about 7, if
you can obtain 8 would be better.
Nothing hot or cold should you put into your stomach
Nothing raw
Nothing difficult to diagest
Plan your small meals around what your body needs not what you want.
If your gut controls your good intellect..healing is either blocked or thwarted.
Your intestinal flora is probably ineffective for proper absorption of
needed nutrition...once you've followed the above for a week......can offer some
detailed suggestions, and I'm confident others on this forum will chip in and
give you what helps their similar condition.
An alternative medical practioner could be your best very selective.
audrey97605 donclaudio
I totally agree with your suggestions...
If the flora and inflammation are out if whack along with stress makes it difficult to absorb healthy nutrients.. Be very selective as what your eating ...
I would be truly interested in your further suggestions ??
tasha156 donclaudio
lomon1810 tasha156
tasha156 lomon1810
vas0131 donclaudio
I replayed Tasha
with all my symptoms I shared as a info.
would you be so kind reading them and reply me please...
Thanks you
donclaudio tasha156
The 3 anti inflammatories that have worked for some are:
Sub lingual B12
HP, inflammation, antibiotics and PPI's.
If, you've completed the tripple therapy for the first time
and meds were: Amoxicillin (mg?_____), Clarithomycin (mg?_____) and PPI (20mg x 2 or ?_____)
for a period of 7 to 10 a continuation of the ppi mg?______ for how long?_______
Any other conditons?
disorders? diagnosed or not?
Because Gastritis has many "probable and possible" causes, if you know what may have caused it would be helpful.
Audrey came back from Cuba .. .......most likely "food toxin" but a few others as
A tip: good bacteria vs bad....this is a war in all living things....the biggest army wins.
Probiotics are "good bacteria" to get them thru the stomach without being destroyed by stomach acids? Regardless of the muber advertised like billions and billinons...the same question
Long term use of any PPI is "not good" over 50% of patients lose magnesium, iron, and B 12
High powered Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria,
kill too many good guys...fungals have been sitting back
waiiting for some help, and they are "in charge".
Now another med must be introduced into your system to fight
the yeasts...
Summary....supplement with Magnesium...sublingual B12 (several times daily)
....not iron...iron rich foods only...If you can get zinc gluconate...25mg daily with meal
Many with digestive troubles, plus antibiotics become deficient in Vit D....D plus K2
only (K2 is the copper that directs Calcium to the bone...and not elsewhere.)
Again about GAP diet....while its a very very difficult process (not really a diet) but if one is devoted to gettng back to a normal person///may be good for some...not for all.
bone soup...this is good stuff provided the bone has NOT BEEN GROUND..very
important due to BMAA. We use a stainless pressure cooker to make bone soup...use the bones
over several times extracting minerals..
Balance balance and more balance...protein/carbs/oils.....turkey/chicken breast (preverablly ground)
cooked vegetables puree first week....oils olive or avocado...nothing fried...poach everything first week
or so.
Audrey also mentioned "slippery elm"...this is good stuff pre meal.
Sip somthing like pomegranate juice during
the more than 2oz blended 5050 filtered 4oz meal only...preferably 2nd or 3rd...not forth.
No food 3 to 4 hours pre bedtime....slighly elevated head and shoulders
DGL....get the chewables....when your stomach feels a tad "uncomoftable".....take one. (it has anti HP properties but is used mostly for soothing...
For tea: chamomile is good stuff...better is "marshmallo" provided it is not imported from Inda nor China...
a good organic mix can be used a 2nd time for a more mild taste. No mixing....just water, to room temp or 37/38C max. Maybe althernate between the two teas?
For those of you who have GERD....the "link" abstract would be extremely important to you and your GP, GI, or ENT
....take the time to read it...the ref dr J Kaufman is a New Yorker MD/ENT with all kinds of credentials..who has recently suggested a homeremedy while waiting for a better therapy.
audrey97605 donclaudio
Do you do the GAPS diet ?? Beneficial ...
I just started making bone broth how often do you drink it daily ? With food ? Empty stomach ??
Did your gastritis heal ? This is what I am still trying to do ... I have a holistic nutrition coming to see me Saturday ... Hope she gives me clear instructions for diet!!
tasha156 donclaudio
donclaudio audrey97605
There is no GERD..bloating, pains, no big discomforts immediately after nor 2 to 3 hours post a meal. She is a "non compliant" patient...and when she reverts to "her kind of food" as she puts it...she has "flare ups" that can last a day or two but then it resolves with proper food....she tries DGL during these flareups and it helps...nothing else seems to help her...only proper food. She does mild exercise post meals with deep breathing (compliant).since we differ, what works for her may not work for others and vv. The basics yet make good sense...stomach is inflammed...don't insult it with small meals..easy digestive foods..especially in the beginning...and one can always "re boot". Wife was 124lbs...dropped to 96lbs...and is now at 104lbs....we had her at 114lbs but she had to have "her food" not once but twice...and since then its been a big struggle and slow improvements....if she can remain compliant, she will recover 100%...I would guess she is presently somewhere between 70 and 100% at this time.....and hope she can refrain from allowing her tummy to dictate what's best vs her intellect. She eats 4 small meals..and a snack. I will be increasing amount of
1 of her meals once she reaches 106 lbs would be her main meal which is her 2nd meal of the day. I still do not use garlic, onion, nor ginger...the only raw is papaya but at 106lbs will suggest fresh apple (small) amount.she does sip 50 50 pomegranate juice/filtered water during her 2nd meal....we did use digestive enzymes initially but have weened replacing with pomegranate juice...seems to work ..for her.
A good alternative medical practioner can be of excellent help...and I'm hoping the one you've chosen can get you to normal...this isn't a fast healing process...takes a lot of time..even when one feels great for one month...may not be enough...I haven't a firm understanding of When?
audrey97605 donclaudio
I was diagnosed with mild gastritis after last endoscopy .. Damages caused from hpylori infection ... I have been frustrated with trying to heal and given so much misguided information!!
I think I need to try to keep it simple ... I have never tries the DGL licorice and going to give that a try ... And go back to simple eating ... Steamed veggies , soups and definetly going to make bone broth ...I was taking way to many supplements making my stomach so painful !! Totally wipes me out .. No energy!
Your right it's a slow healing process ...
Hope she stays on track to healing ... Many thanks !!
donclaudio audrey97605
Keep us confident your on the right track. Claudio
donclaudio audrey97605
It's been a tad over a week..I am hoping you've some good improvements...and is the DGL helping?
our best...Claudio
audrey97605 donclaudio
Nice of you to check on me . YES- it does make a big difference .. I use it 20 minutes before I eat .. The other biggest difference is I have purée all meals and everything has to be warmed .. Nothing cold...
Many thanks ,
donclaudio audrey97605
20 minutes pre meals....Hope others "pay attention" to this and to your puree plus "not too hot...not too cold....excellent IMO
I looked back over my notes from some 10 years ago when had several discussions with a 95 year old Chinese Traditional Medicine of his requirements was Not too hot..not too cold..nothing raw for a period of time.(I think? because each patient responded differently and he adjusted foods based on observations)...his cure time was different for nearly all of his patients...some fast and some very from 6 months to 18 months...our continued best to you...Claudio
donclaudio tasha156
have you been able to see the "specialist"? regardless hope you are makeing some improvements....claudio
tasha156 donclaudio
donclaudio tasha156
I can only suggest what worked for us..and I would hope you could start immediately while waiting for appointment.
1. DGL 15 minutes before any puree meal (you can alternate between
DGL and Slippery Elm.whichever makes you feel better...I assume the
same..both do the same within your stomach (linning) but have
different pathwas.
2. Between meals sip 9+ PH water
3. DO not eat anything within 4 hours of bed time (changed from 3) and
as always elevate your head and shoulders...and SLEEP on your Left
4. Take 500 mg of Milk Thistle pre bed time..1 hour before 250mg of
Note: While Bismuth by itself has not shown but 60 to 70% efficacy against might reduce the volume....keeping an alkaline stomach between meals will also help.
We cooked everything..put it thru a blender..80% alkaline foods..vegetables..leafy greens (spinach, chard, dandylion greens, limited broccoli and brussel sprouts, asparagus big time, carrots,
minced gobo (asian market) no mushrooms, some parsley, used
both soupbone broth and chicken breast..ocassional turkey breast.
No sea salt but used soy or iodized salt.
If you suspect thyroid Hypo vs the asian market get seaweed from either Korea or Japan ONLY...if food store for KELP,
double the suggested dosage...Take during your lunch meal.
Get back in touch once youve started so we will have a bench mark and hopefully others can help based on your initial results..Keeping my hopes up for you...Claudio
tasha156 donclaudio
lomon1810 donclaudio
wiz12147 tasha156
Fibromyalgia in many cases is undiagnosed food allergies. Remove food groups for 4 weeks and reintroduce. I have food allergy list almost as long as my arm! Lol.
My food allergies & Fibro got worse everytime I was given a injection with egg - yes the yearly flu shot they still insist I have because 'it's better as you are asthmatic' but sends why whole system haywire esp digestive system & makes asthma worse.
Fibro & asthma much more stable, living on a diet of beef (unprocessed), fries, salad and red berries are the only things that stop Digestive flairs, gas (pain that comes with it) and Fibro - is not just physical it effects your brain "fibro fog".
Autoimmune can and does include food allergies, I eat the unhealthiest diet I ever have but it works!
I know my 2 morning coffees irritate my digestive system but they help my asthma, drink bottled mineral water the rest of the day.
My local hospital have been hopeless. My GP/Dr listens to me though more than the hospital, because my experience of my body is better. I used to be bedridden most of the time sick, now I'm getting somewhere and lost stones of weight in two + years.
Remove food groups and reintroduce is the best advice - my last ones were soya & poultry and I ended up sent to A&E by GP after 5 days in horrendous pain where even water hurt my digestive system, my intestines were in a ultrasonic spasm for 5 days on reintroducing them food groups.
Recently I discovered Palm Oil in my dairy free spread was making my digestive system go to hell - but I didn't notice as I had never withdrawn and reintroduced .
Now my limited unhealthy diet (of my life) has me getting better, I am walking everyday versus 18 hours sleep and rest a day.
A text book teaches no Dr about your individual DNA and responses to food, skin prick or blood tests may not is up to the individual to do a food removal/introduction.
I also take D3 and Calcium - many ingredients in supplements can cause digestive problems too! Assuming it is doing good is nonsense - research the ingredients, if you can't handle normal food groups then the additional ingredients in supplements sure are not going to help.
Trialling Thisle Milk tablets just now which I think is helping, raspberries and strawberries daily is definitely helping.
Trust yourself over any medical expert, food should nourish you, if it is not doing that withdraw, I can't even have one glass of wine or beer now
but I can walk a mile daily (even if it does exhaust me).
Fibro is horrific.