Age Ranges??
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Hi I would be really interested to find out what the age ranges are on here for you with peri/menopausal symptoms? I am just turned 40years old and would like to see if there are women my age? Thanks
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susan21149 becky61264
becky61264 susan21149
susan21149 becky61264
annieschaefer becky61264
Good luck! This is a great site for info and the ladies are lovely!
Annie xx
Sandy07 becky61264
lenie95046 becky61264
annieschaefer lenie95046
Funny you mentioned that you thought you were lucky. I did too, until last year. As I mentioned above, back when I was 47, I had a few night sweats, even managed to learn how to sleep right through them and some PMS. No biggie, I thought about this Peri business.
Until eight years later (year ago January). Holy smokes-it's like someone flipped a switch here. Yowza! I still can't believe it and really feel for anyone else that is unfortunate to have a bumpy ride through this. I can only hope that this now rough time is signaling the END, soon.
lenie95046 annieschaefer
annieschaefer lenie95046
Lenie-hopefully we are nearing the end of this. I keep telling myself since things really went wild that surely it must mean the END is near for this nutness. I want myself back......and I am certain so does my family-soon!
Sending you big hugs and hoping that things ease up for you quickly.
Annie xxxx
lenie95046 annieschaefer
annieschaefer lenie95046
What is the menopausal complex that you are on? I take various supplements and have enlisted the help of a Naturopath most recently, but I am open to any suggestions that may work. Right now, for whatever reason, (perhaps wonky hormonal swing) I'm all over the map emotionally. Used to get this way for a day or two prior to cycle, now it's a blip that hits whenever! haaha! (I laugh and cry at same time!) So unpredictable.
Please let me know what you are using. It may be something I haven't tried that may help.
Annie xx
Crochetm becky61264
I feel really stupid to say that I haven't got a clue what the different stages are called! I've just joined these discussions this week as I've been told that when my hormone levels were checked 2 years ago ( 47) already showed I was in menopause. I can't really remember symptoms much before then but I started getting bimonthly periods and then six month and then they stopped. I was given antidepressants as I thought I was, due to family problems and I've now found out that this is an alternative prescription for peri menopause!
I went back this week and saw another GP as my hot flushes have increased, just to check at what stage I was at and he very matter of factly announced that I had been two years ago!
I've done a lot of reading and will take myself back to discuss medication! Xx
shaznay96184 Crochetm
You're testimony that ADs in Peri: they're just not for me.
Don't you find it amazing how dismissive GPs are about sharing really important Peri-Postmenopausal info with us?! You're not the first I've read on here. Bet it was a male GP: Tossers!
nixnix becky61264
becky61264 nixnix
nixnix becky61264