Ahhhh! My brain hurts!
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Hi ladies! I just had a crying fit 😭. Woke up with a migraine. Dizzy all day. Face on fire...no fever. Just dropped and broke my cell phone outside because my stupid rooster got out of his coop and I was getting him back ...he attack. I want to cry, throw up and scream at the same time. Already did a fetal position cry in my bed. Kids coming home soon...🤮🤕😭
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mauiblue Guest
im sorry you had to deal with that
THanks mauiblue...I feel like chicken tonight 🤔
juanita93228 Guest
I'm sorry you feel so bad. It will pass. I had a great weekend. Woke up Monday and couldn't out of bed!
"I feel like chicken tonight" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No matter how low you are Lou, you always make me laugh!
My mood has lifted just being able to get back on the forum.???🙏😁😁😁
brendababy Guest
I also suffer from these symptoms and although they are not pleasant I’ve learned to just go with them, do what you can. I had a migraine from Saturday before it subsided this morning, what a relief. Try not to panic it just prolongs all of the symptoms
You will look back on all of this very soon
Lots of love to you xx
Guest brendababy
Thank you so much Brenda! I am glad it lifted for you...hate when they go on for days. Love back to you...I hope your post migraine recovery is speedy 🙏??🤗
brendababy Guest
Thanks Lou 🙋🏻???😍??
Sassyr12a Guest
Hi Lou
Poor you.... Don't eat the rooster
sounds like a bad day all round. Hope you're feeling a bit better now. If not, eat the chicken tomorrow
Guest Sassyr12a
Thanks Sassy! I won’t eat him...he is pure evil...probably tastes bad anyways! 😁
karen10682 Guest
I feel for you. I also have those days. Migraines for 3 or 4 days in a row. Only thing that works is tylenol and a strong coffee. I read that online and it worked. Tylenol by itself doesn't touch it. Hope you have some relief soon. Sending hugs
Guest karen10682
Thanks Karen, took excedrin tension first thing ( acetaminophen and caffeine). Makes me super jittery... I barely drink caffeine. I agree migraines laugh at Tylenol. I just started amitripyline for the migraines the other day. The weather is heavy and cloudy...trigger for me...hugs right back at ya! 🤗🤗
Guest Guest
Dann Girl,
When my migraines attack it's murder. It will start from one side to the other, along with a lump in the back of my head. They usually last 4 or more days. Tightening of the head, tender to the touch. Some days it feels as though if I vomit I'll vomit my whole inside out. I haven't reached the crying stage as of yet.
The only thing that makes me feel better is when I know I'm not alone dealing with this private hell.
Hang😰 on for the ride.
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou, I hope you're feeling better tonight! Your day sounds awful like mine! Bad time with the new gp and fluorescent lights I was under for hours are triggering a migraine attack for me... Not fun , I know where I will be for the next few days , and that's the bed, probably in that same fetal position... That rooster of yours sounds like a handful wow! My brother has a bunch of hens and he says they're super friendly, and needy and they all gather around him and wait to be petand scratched by him everyday.. I didn't realize the rooster gets mean, better have a stern conversation with him and let him know who's boss lol...
juanita93228 Gypsy014
Roosters are all male(there's your answer)if I'm not mistaken. They are very mean! They are the @$$holes of the chicken world.
Gypsy014 juanita93228
Lol ..too funny😀😀😀
Guest juanita93228
Oh yes Juanita! He is a “c**k” alright! That’s his job though...to make a fuss if predators come around. However, I am not sure what is so threatening about little me and a bag of bread! His name is baby huey...he was nice long ago. Hope you feel better today! 🤗
Guest Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy! I read your other post. I have never been shushed by a doctor. Wow, real professional. Definitely just keep her rude ass for referrals and sore throats only. It really makes you wonder how they treat seniors who really do not stand up for themselves. I have the same issue at the drs...the lights, horrible patterns on the waiting room floors, and my god the receptionists with their dreadful perfumes at check in... They really need to be more migraine friendly. I had to leave a physical therapy appointment once because the girl at check in was wearing some horrendous perfume and eating a caesar salad...instantly was nauseous. I have wear sunglasses now too. I hope you are able to rest today and ease your head. Yes, I will give baby Huey a talkin too 🤗
Gypsy014 Guest
Oh Lou you make me laugh! You are my twin indeed right down to all the lights and smelly perfumes omg how I relate!!!!!! Our symptoms are truly identical... Well no I can't relax today because I'm going to see doctor wonderful for myself today,,, yesterday was for my husband and today is for me yay!!! But I need referrals for my migraines and my rheumatoid arthritis, I didn't even tell her I'm coming to her today and that I'm her new patient too! We shall see how this one goes, and yes for sure I'm only keeping her for my referrals😁
juanita93228 Guest
Maybe he's getting old and grouchy and going through male roosterpause! Lmao!!!. Thanks for asking. I'm a teeny bit better today.
Guest juanita93228