Ahhhh! My brain hurts!

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Hi ladies! I just had a crying fit 😭. Woke up with a migraine.  Dizzy all day.  Face on fire...no fever. Just dropped and broke my cell phone outside because my stupid rooster got out of his coop and I was getting him back ...he attack.  I want to cry, throw up and scream at the same time.  Already did a fetal position cry in my bed.  Kids coming home soon...🤮🤕😭

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Good evening Lou,

    Last night I couldn't  sleep at all.. Are you experiencing severe  insomnia before period starts?


    • Posted

      OMG! Evi, we are totally channeling each other.  I could not sleep at all last night!  I kept having little weird dreams.   My fan kept blowing my hair in my face and I was wicked itchy and paranoid all night ... I think I dreamt of bugs or something.  need to up the amitripyline tonight...or finally just admit myself to the booby hatch!  My period is still not here...day 31.  I sent a message to my obgyn asking if it doesn’t come by Sunday...can I just start my pills!  I do not know if this is going to be a no show month for my period.  Symptoms real bad the last few days...this either happens when a flood is coming or nothing!  Thank god for this forum... I would never tell anyone this!  🙏🤗

    • Posted

      I am on 31 day, too

      Yesterday after my bowel movement I saw blood spotting but then nothing...only brown discharges ..I hope that within the day it comes.

      I feel my calves swollen, weird sensations on my belly so it must be coming soon!

      I have noticed that when the season changes, my period usually comes on day 31 otherwise I am cycling on 27-28 day. And when this delay happens, I am terribly anxious.

      We have to stay calm to see our periods. Don't get nervous

      I had a difficult night as I said. You had your fan disrupting your sleep. In my country, we are in a rare weather phenomenon, according to the news it is  Mediterranean cyclone!

      During whole night it was blowing incredibly, Beaufort scale 12...creepy atmosphere

      Back to our hormonal "waves and cyclones", without this forum I will be in a mental hospital!

      Have courage, dear Lou!


    • Posted

      Thanks Evi! Oh, yeah you’re period will be in full swing soon!  I know mine will come soon too!  Just annoying.  At least I know I am not pregnant...hubbie was snipped years ago.  Crazy peri!  I actually do believe that the atmosphere affects us.  It is no coincidence that animals adapt and react to changes.  🤗

    • Posted

      Hello Lou,

      what are you doing?

      My period started last night, what about you?

      Today my flow is heavy and I feel that sth is biting my uterus and like my waistline and everything is falling down.


    • Posted

      Hi Evi!  Just got my little one off to school and fed all my animals.  No period yet ??  I know it’s coming though...I had a ripping migraine the other day and yesterday evening more of a tension headache.  I even did a ton of laundry, vacuuming...thought maybe that would get things going!  I normally wouldn’t care, but I just want to start these pills!  I sent a message to my dr and she told me to wait and see if it comes by next week.  However, it is a Sunday start pill, so if I get my period on Sunday...I can start it then!  Slept pretty well last night, no bug dreams!  I think I am going to increase the amitripyline tonight to 10mg.  I hope you have a great night or morning wherever you are!  I’ll keep you posted...🤗

    • Posted

      I have noticed that every time before my period starts I am experiencing a weird hypertension- super power and doing all the housework like you vacuuming, laundry,  mopping up the house for 2-3 times( haha) cleaning the verandas.etc Maybe subconsciously, I want to keep myself busy and feel useful and vigorous

      Oh, vivid dreams is another peri symptom.

      I slept well too. Just a feeling of nausea before lying down

      Keep posted about your progress with the pills!


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