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Hi everyone

Can any of you with ME tolerate alcohol - I know that most of you can't.

Have just been to ME self-management group and three of us stated that we could toletate alcohol and it didn't seem to make any difference to our condition. The person taking the course then said that if we were able to tolerate it we should question whether we actually have the illness or not :shock:

So the three of us are now wondering what it is we are suffering from if it's not ME.

How come I have ever single symptom in the book other than alcohol intolerance.

Katie sad

And what HAVE I got then???

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    I can drink a tiny amount of alcohol sometimes but it makes me ill for days most of the time.
  • Posted

    Hi Katie

    I've found that i get drunk really quickly now , have blackouts & it takes me days to recover . Saying that however , i still do drink on the odd occasion as i feel enough of my life has been taken from me & can enjoy myself the odd time if im having one of my better days . I only drink with friends in the house though as won't risk going out to a pub .


  • Posted

    Hi LouLou, Lian and everybody else

    Thank you for your input on this subject - most helpful.

    Well, it does seem that I am one of the lucky ones and can imbibe (is that the right word - it doesn't look it, but then nothing does these days :roll: ), in the odd drinky or three.

    And as most of you unfortunately can't join me I will have a drink on all your behalfs :lol:

    :bubbly: :guinness: :redwine: :ale: :bubbly: (champers is my most fav.):bubbly: (I'm a LUSH!)

    I'M H.A.P.P.Y, I'M H.A.P.P.Y. .......................... :bubbly:

  • Posted

    Katie K, i wish I could say the same....I am now wanting a drink really badly. :oops: :cry:
  • Posted

    Oh poor Tiny Tears - what can I say? :hug: I'll give you a hug instead!

    Katie xx

  • Posted

    Is that you had your fill Katie :bubbly: :bubbly:

    How many bottles did you have :lol:

    we're all just jealous - you've got the sun and the alcohol but i'll stick to my only vice :sorry: ha ha! :lol: :wink:



  • Posted

    :wah: But thanks Katie K, i dont suffer from ME ( well I dont think i do ) Just having a bout of depression.

    Gawdy, (Schhhhh, hush ) about this one. But I think I have some odd feelings for my boss at work. hees a sound chappie, then think hed not be interested i am too ugly for him and have too much baggage to bear. But Ill keep it quiet , like I do....i think eberyone likes him anyhow.

    Katie K, i cant get these despeate thoughts out my head right now, nightmares after trying to get some sleep . drained me. And Now as i have slept I am being very naughty so i can sleep tonight, and I aint going to take my pill, but shhh, hushh ......dont tell the doctor. Ill have an apple tomorrow :lol: to fix me. :oops:

  • Posted

    Tiny Tears - can you not even have one glass of wine or something or does that affect you badly? :cry:

    Hope you are ok - have some :love: and a :hug:

    Take care!



  • Posted

    Tiny Tears - do you have someone you can talk to? Don't put yourself down too much.

    You sound as though you are having a rough time right now :cry:

    Try not to mess about with your medication :? it will not be good for you.

    Please take care.


    xxx smile

  • Posted

    Hey there Tiny Tears smile

    As Teedie says, don't mess with your medication (we are nurses so we know these things smile It's still very early days with your new tablets - please don't give up on it yet, and anyway you mustn't just stop suddenly. Please just give it a chance.

    There's no harm in having a 'crush' on your boss either - but just be very careful (especially if he is married!) - crushes are harmless and great fun - it almost makes you WANT to go to work!! And as Teedie also says, please don't put yourself down - you sound a lovely person to me (and can write great poetry).

    Take care and don't forget your medication.

    Katie xx:hug:

  • Posted

    i have been trying to look for information on why alcohol makes me feel better. I'm self diagnosed with me/cfs. Have had a myriad of me/cfs symptoms for about 4 years. On my bad days having 2-3 glasses of wine really helps. In fact it seems to be the only thing that helps.

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