Alcohol injections as BPH treatment
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This is from the Dailymail :
Hope for millions of men with enlarged prostates as scientists discover the gland can be shrunk with direct injections of alcohol
Injecting ethanol directly into the prostate could shrink it by more than a third
And it reduces how often men need to get up in the night to urinate
One expert said the pioneering treatment is 'excellent news'
'Ethanol injection can be an effective, non-surgical alternative in treatment of patients with [an enlarged prostate].'
The scientists tested the therapy on 60 middle-aged men by injecting nine shots of pure alcohol – ethanol – directly into their prostates through the rectum.
Their prostates were around 35 per cent smaller on average.
Doctors suggest this reduction is caused by the alcohol killing off unwanted cells, shrinking any swelling.
And the men suffered from 48 per cent fewer symptoms, which can include difficulty urinating and needing the toilet frequently.
There were no severe side-effects of the jab, whereas some currently-used drugs can reduce men's sex drives.'
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Motto hank1953
The "rare but serious side effects" article is on
If you google:
alcohol injections into prostate serious rare side effects
It's the third result.
lester90053 Motto
Why all the panacea? This has not been reported in medical Journals. Many long years ago there was a quack in Los Angeles who advertised that he can cure hernias with an injection. No one ever heard of it again.