Alice in meno -land!
Posted , 14 users are following.
Welcome to the wonderful wierd world of menopause where anything goes anytime, anywhere!.. Where shall I begin? Symptoms start and then they stop only to begin again!
my menopause so far: Nausea, gastitis, period changes, weight loss, tearfulness, hot flushes, sleep changes, health anxiety, anxiety, panic attacks, acne, nose and gum bleeds, dry limp hair, migraine auras, headaches, eye twitches, brittle nails, weight gain round middle, muscle aches and cramps, bone clicking, shoulser and back aches, eyesight detoriating, intolerence to bright lights, breathlessness (especially in mornings) funny taste in mouth (again in mornings due to reflux), stiffness in legs when getting up...the list continues ladies?...
3 likes, 39 replies
maria101 pinkcatfairy
Hi Pinkcatfairy, tell me about it I had most of your exciting symptoms not fun at all....I often wonder if it all stops in the end but for older people experience I was told it does there is light at the of the tunnel we just have to put through it get through it....there were times I wonder how I'm going to make it, I'm still going through it but not as bad, so you hang on there.
pinkcatfairy maria101
Dear Maria
Yes, hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel isn't too far away! X
kim74983 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy kim74983
Yes thankfully I haven't had the dizziness too much, perhaps the odd lightheadness xx
Lorene51 pinkcatfairy
elizabeth38734 Lorene51
Lorene51 elizabeth38734
Elizabeth. Flooding and clots! Have you had an ultrasound to check for fibroids? I have quite a few small ones that are most likely contributing to my insane cycles. I'm sorry you are going through this! I'm praying for actual menopause everyday!! Did the flooding just start for you this cycle or has it been going on for a while? Stay strong and let me know how you are doing.
elizabeth38734 Lorene51
Thanks for your concern. Yes, this is the first flooding type bleeding I've experienced. I just had nearly 3 months with only minor spotting. I really thought that would taper off too and that would be that! You could be right about fibroid although some of the latest stuff I've read has been saying now that they don't think the fibroids are what causes this! I just want it to end! I so appreciate your message. Thanks again.
colleen90305 Lorene51
Me too! 2016 was the worst year of my life. I've refrained from social activities, nothing accomplished and sat around lacking total ambition. Not the way I want to live!
pinkcatfairy Lorene51
Dear Loren
Yes here's to hopefullyva better year next year, do you take magnesium?, since taking it, it has helped my anxiety x
Lorene51 colleen90305
I'm so with you! 2017 has to get better. I have to say, it feels good to know that other women are going through the same and we are all going to get better.
pinkcatfairy elizabeth38734
Marnee313 pinkcatfairy
So, so sorry you are having so many issues - have you been to your primary care doctor - I have had so many things crop up - I have been sent to a variety of doctors and my symptoms have been real and all are being taken care of - lots of dr's and lots of appointments, but soon I'll be all fixed up like new again - so hang in there - it takes a lot of faith and prayer and believing for the best - good healthy food, not a lot but I totally changed what I was eating, vitamins, minerals, light exercise, and a positive attitude
pinkcatfairy Marnee313
Dear Marnee
Yes I believe change of diet helps, I still drink caffeine and I know this doesn't help with anxiety but I do take magnesium which has helped greatly with the anxiety and panic. I do swim when I can which I think also helps greatly, alot of these symptoms have gone, or for now they have and I just wanted to tell others about my menopause, to hopefully help others who might be experiencing similar things. From experience I find it helpful to read about other ladies experience in this transition as it helps to feel we are not alone x
metamorphed pinkcatfairy
i've had all of these. feel like I'm caught up in a tornado for the past year and a half, all sorts of rubbish being thrown at me. Stops for a while, then starts spinning again. no fun at all
pinkcatfairy metamorphed