Alice in meno -land!
Posted , 14 users are following.
Welcome to the wonderful wierd world of menopause where anything goes anytime, anywhere!.. Where shall I begin? Symptoms start and then they stop only to begin again!
my menopause so far: Nausea, gastitis, period changes, weight loss, tearfulness, hot flushes, sleep changes, health anxiety, anxiety, panic attacks, acne, nose and gum bleeds, dry limp hair, migraine auras, headaches, eye twitches, brittle nails, weight gain round middle, muscle aches and cramps, bone clicking, shoulser and back aches, eyesight detoriating, intolerence to bright lights, breathlessness (especially in mornings) funny taste in mouth (again in mornings due to reflux), stiffness in legs when getting up...the list continues ladies?...
3 likes, 39 replies
traci78291 pinkcatfairy
Hi all, I know exactly how you feel and it's horrible! ! Some days I feel like I can take it anymore!
My mood is so up and down. I just want to feel like me again. It's been so long I'm forgetting what it feels like to just be free and happy.
My thoughts, my mind, anxiety, panic, depression.
It's like mother nature is playing a bad joke on me.
I still get my period every month faithfully.
Please tell me it will get better. I just joined this group because I felt all alone like I'm going crazy or something. My doctor claims it's not peri menapause which made me feel worse.
Please anyone who has gone through this please let me know im not crazy and it will get better.
becky53379 traci78291
elizabeth38734 traci78291
You are for sure not crazy and you are most surely not alone! This has been such a bad couple of years for me so I know how you feel. I'm 52 and have been in perimenopause for about 5 years now. I am currently on day 14 of flooding bleeding with large clots and debilitating cramps, moodiness, tearfulness, etc. I very much feel like "How can I possibly go to work tomorrow (teacher), come home and take care of daughter and elderly mother and deal with everything else?" I would pay any price to have even just 12 hours of relief!
traci78291 elizabeth38734
Hi Elizabeth,
thank you for replying. It really helps to know
this is something real and I'm not alone.
It must be really tough for you with the bleeding and cramps. I don't have that, but to have that in addition to everything else must really stinks. I hope you find some relief soon but please try to keep positive because they say this will go away. I don't when or how long but I live on that hope and I pray.
I feel the same way and wonder myself how I'm going to make it through the day.
it seems lately I have more bad days than good. Forget what it's like to be happy.
This certainly is a silent hell, but I feel a better I have other people on this site yo talk too. I truly hope you get some relief. Keep strong I truly believe it will get better. It has to!
traci78291 becky53379
Thanks Becky, you are so right, a hormonal roller coaster! ! That is exactly what I am on.
just saying the words made me feel a little better.
I'm in the process of getting a new doctor and that's exactly how I'm going to describe it to her. Hopefully she understands.
thank you again for your kind, positive words.
I hope things get better for you too and I am sure they will.
pinkcatfairy traci78291
Dear Traci
Do you take magnesium for your anxiety? I have found this helps greatly, I had terrible anxiety and panic. Some of the symptoms have subsided or gone, I have just summarised my meno and said how symptoms come and go. I do have good days now, so it's not all bad. I know if I cut out things like caffeine /alcohol I wouldn't get as many symptoms. I like swimming and this helps alot! I know alot of doctors will say it isn't menopause but I say, you know your own body and will know when it is. X
Maestra traci78291
Traci, you and I must have the same doctor! Mine says it isn't peri because my cycle is still regular. I do have a fibroid which adds to the problems, but, like you, the other emotional stuff is definitely there. I had a pretty good day yesterday and was out with a friend. All I could think of was that I wanted my old self back on a regular basis.
traci78291 pinkcatfairy
Hi pink cat fairy, I don't take magnesium, but I am hearing alot about it on this site.
I'm definitely going to try it. I will try anything at this point.
I went to a new GYN today for another issue and she acknowledged this could be peri and told me it would make me feel this bad.
Finally some one to listen. She said we are not going crazy and one day it will end.....but when! I don't care what my PCP says, I know my body and I know this isn't normal.
But thank you for listening and I hope you feel better. Just know we are all here for each other!
traci78291 Maestra
Hi Maestra,
Isn't it lovely how doctors just dismiss it and don't give it any thought.
It really sickens me that they can do that after telling them all the symptoms. I really wish they would become more educated on the subject since so many women go through it.
Today I've gone to a new GYN and she acknowledged my symptoms and acknowledged I'm probably going through peri. she was very caring. Made me feel a little better.
I feel for you because I too feel the same way....I just want to be me again.
Today was actually a good day, and I'm so happy you had a good day as well!!
gives us hope.
I truly hope things get better for you.
I really believe in time things will get better for all of us.
colleen90305 Maestra
Maestra, I was told I'm peri by my gyno at the VA, and by my other gyno, and my periods come every 26-28 days. They are much lighter and shorter, but the PMS is brutal these days. I don't know why some of these doc's don't know that women can still have their periods while in peri??
pinkcatfairy traci78291
Yes we know our own bodies and I would recommend magnesium, yes it is great that we can come on this site and help eachother
metamorphed colleen90305
maureen12052 pinkcatfairy
Hi Pinkcatfairy!
I've had every single one of these symptoms at one time
or the other!!!! I feel your pain! I've been in peri menopause for about 5years now. Looking back on it
now I didn't know what was wrong with me but wow
how my eyes have been opened!
pinkcatfairy maureen12052
Dear Maureen
Yes knowledge is power and if we knew what it is and why we feel like this way, then it would make everything easier. I knew menopause would cause symptoms but it hasn't really been well documented I don't think. This form has helped me greatly x
colleen90305 maureen12052
Hi Maureen, you say you've HAD these symtoms. Are you still suffering? What has helped you?