Alice in meno -land!

Posted , 14 users are following.

Welcome to the wonderful wierd world of menopause where anything goes anytime, anywhere!.. Where shall I begin? Symptoms start and then they stop only to begin again!

my menopause so far: Nausea, gastitis, period changes, weight loss, tearfulness, hot flushes, sleep changes, health anxiety, anxiety, panic attacks, acne, nose and gum bleeds, dry limp hair, migraine auras, headaches, eye twitches, brittle nails, weight gain round middle, muscle aches and cramps, bone clicking, shoulser and back aches, eyesight detoriating, intolerence to bright lights, breathlessness (especially in mornings) funny taste in mouth (again in mornings due to reflux), stiffness in legs when getting up...the list continues ladies?...

3 likes, 39 replies

39 Replies

  • Posted

    I could have written your post myself! That's just how closely I can identify with your symptoms. I love your title, by the way, "Alice in Meno-land!" That is pure comedy! 😂

    • Posted

      Dear Sharcerv

      Can you? Yes I thought it helps to list our symptoms if only if it helps one or two people who can identify with some of them. From my experience any new symptom can be so worrying for someone and it helps to know we are not alone! Yes Alice in meno land! A strange and wierd place we can find ourselves!! Xx

  • Posted

    I have many symtoms too. I was looking forward to meno, but I'm reading those in meno are suffering too! I don't know how many more years I can take it??? I'm never happy, anxious, depressed....

    • Posted

      Dear Colleen

      Yes unfortunately it can continue into meno, like I said previously alot of these symptoms have subsided but I wanted to pen my experience. Unfortunately some do rear their head again. Do you take magnesium for your anxiety? This has helped me greatly and avoid caffeine (which I still have) and I know that I shouldn't. X

    • Posted

      Yes I would recommend it especially for anxiety it has helped me and I was feeling pretty anxious at one stage! X

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