All These Posts May Have Saved Me
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Hello fellow peri-meno suffers. Until rescently I admit its naive, but I didnt know this part of life, condition or what ever label it has even existed.
I have been 'suffering' pretty much every symptom for over a year now. In 5 days it will be 1yr since I lost someone I was very cloes to ; to cancer. My dad, in my dads last 10 days before he past I only then realized my mother had full blown dementia alot more has happend since. One being Peri mno.(I did think alot of my symptoms were due to grief)
Reading the 'symptom' list they sound like life things women experience. Actually living through each symptom is almost like child birth you cant really explain the worst of it to someone who hasnt been there. Why is this part of life not openly discussed, & seems to be 'hidden away in cyber space' like a dirty little secret?
I am I the verge of divorce as I suffer in my home in silence. I have a financially supportive husband but I am left alone to suffer.
I did turn to my GP who was keen to throw some antidepressants my way, but what about the nausea, migraines, aching muscles, weight gain...I did end up in a counsellors office as I need to get back to work. How can you be a productive member of society when you forget simple things who will hire someone who may want to cry at the drop of a hat?
Anyone who may read this thank you for taking the time, because it has helped putting it out there & reading of others 'secret' or private hell.
PS Im use to be a happy,life loving ...mum & wife I feel suddenly & unexpectedly 47 ,old miserable , over weight, hopeless....
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christine70191 manda16171
manda16171 christine70191
annieschaefer manda16171
Please know you aren't hopeless and while it will feel like eternity, these things pass. A lot of what helps you will be by trial and error. Maybe the antidepressants will work and in your case, I would think for now, is not a bad choice. They helped me during a similar trying time.
I am so sorry for your loss, we are never old enough to lose our parents really, let alone, be faced with worry of caring for your mother at this time as well. Yes, this time period is incredibly hard on a marriage, grateful mine's still intact. There were many days that was in's not easy on them either. We feel out of control and they aren't sure whats going on nor what to do to help.
You have a lot on your plate right now.....but do look over the many posts and check out some brillant older ones of what others have found to help them as well. There are no 1 remedy fits all open to try the various options like different supplements, yoga, meditation, exercise if you are up to it, perhaps hormonal supplementation be it bioidentical or not may help.....but most importantly, be gentle with yourself. It's going to be ok, promise.
What you are experiencing is yet another phase in life....and you have come here to this forum and believe me, I was just like you not long ago when I thought I'd be stuck there forever.
Thanks to the many lovely women who pop in and out of here, I do see the light at the end of the tunnel now and many here have helped me navigate through this time and made this journey much more tolerable.
Sending you big hugs.
manda16171 annieschaefer
annieschaefer manda16171
When this first hit me, I used to cry thinking about how she must have felt and here I was lucky enough to find help via the internet because at first there didn't seem to be many of my friends that understood (now some do as they go through this) and wow, I had a rough time finding a good doctor to help me sort much of this out.
No doubt you have come to the right place. I hope you and your husband can ride through this time without too much commotion.....honestly I thought for sure we'd be divorced by now. It's not an easy time for many.
Annie xx
ruth23103 manda16171
I know that the person I look at in the mirror is someone I don't recognise or want to be.
I'm 53 and this has been going on for over two years.
Reading your post made me feel not quite so alone. Xxxx thank you x
manda16171 ruth23103
ruth23103 manda16171
At last I have made an appointment with my GP. Feel so anxious about going so much so that I'm petrified that when I start to talk I'll not be able to stop crying. I don't wat to take HRT but neither do I want this life of misery! I want to feel well again and sleep and have a day when I don't cry. This forum has help me so much, knowing I'm having some support from ladies going through this very dark long tunnel! Xxxxx
michelle50768 ruth23103
I too am now considering hrt.
Would love to hear how you get on.
Please let us know x
manda16171 ruth23103
bobbysgirl manda16171
But now you have us! We need to talk about it and be more open. To add to the miseries, I have a frozen shoulder. I was chatting to a friend who works in our newsagents. A lady next to me heard me talking about my shoulder and joined in the conversation. She told me that acupuncture had helped her. I now have a new friend in town. I am also more open about the menopause and I am finding there is a 'sisterhood' out there who are willing to moan AND laugh about it.
I am lucky in having an understanding husband. He is going through his own health problems and has spent a lot of time doing research (rather than take what the doctors tell him at face value) on the Internet.
We have changed our diet and he has reduced his cholesterol WITHOUT statins!
Perhaps you can show your OH that it is not just you and remind him that his vows were 'for better, for worse, in sickness and in health'!
Fudgeybear1 manda16171
manda16171 Fudgeybear1
Fudgeybear1 manda16171
manda16171 Fudgeybear1
Fudgeybear1 manda16171