almost 3 months post removal, yellow stool, pain and nausea
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Hello I had my gallbladder removal on 1st Oct minor complication of a bile leak which was washed out in theatre during operation. Since the operation I've had lots of different problems in not sure if all related to removal.
1. Hot flashes now and then (I'm 33)
2. Temp elevation my temp with tympanic is always 37.4-38 degrees Celsius I don't know if this is only after op as I never really checked before.
3. Yellow stool, now and then sometimes loose bit mainly normal form but always with urgency now if I need a bm I need it now I cannot wait. Is this normal I knownirgency is bit the yellow stool? Today half was brown half yellow. Sorry if tmi!
4. Last 2 weeks experienced nausea and a burning pain in stomach not extremely painful bit annoying and stops me enjoying life.
5. Since I woke up from the surgery I have had intermittent hoarseness and throat clearing gp thinks its laryngeal pharyngeal reflux but I think its odd it only started right after sigery isn't it more likely my throat was damaged by the anaesthetist?
Dr has prescribed ppis he thinks pain is gastritis but I haven't taken them yet as I read I could be h.pylori bacteria and if you tale ppi gje test wont be accurate so I want to see Dr again and ask for that test.
I'm so lost and fed up and very scared all these symptoms are something like cancer.
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cheeky87 michelle_34992
michelle_34992 cheeky87
LittleMissDolly michelle_34992
You are obviously very poorly and your mind is working overtime.
It is still very early days for you. Your body is adapting and recoverying from the operation.
I think you should discuss your concerns with your GP. I too have had gastrisis after my removal op and had problems with my throat. I take acid suppressants. I also take anti nausea medication and I find that really works for me.
Drinking lots of water might help with your stomach and throat.
You will still be watching what you eat in terms of fat content I'm assuming with reintroducing fats as you.
Good luck to you.
michelle_34992 LittleMissDolly
I'm wary of taking drugs based on a diagnosis without any testing. Did you have any tests to diagnose anything?
Since the op I also seem to catch anything going around have had 2 ear infections a wound infection and about 3 different viral bugs all since October I just feel pretty much constantly ill which is why I worry about something serious going on.
I've moved over across the country a month after the op andive already been to the new Drs 4 times with various symptoms as they say you can only discuss one thing each time but I just need a Dr to listen to all my symptoms and they might be able to figure something out.
LittleMissDolly michelle_34992
But around a year later I started to feel a lump where my gallbladder had been. I went to the GP who said it was psychosomatic. All very well until January of this year when I became unwell and just put it down to stomach flu. In March I went to the GP and since then it has been an endless stream of Hospitals and all sorts of tests and scans.
It was last year that I had problems with my throat. It didn't necessarily hurt, I had a constant cough and kept losing my voice. I saw an ENT Specialist who said there was nothing wrong with my throat itself. I had to do 5 days without speaking at all. So effectively, resting my voice. I was told never to whisper as this puts too much strain on the voice.
Gastritis was diagnosed after I'd been taking lansoprazole for 3 months. I've been taking Cyclizine for about 3 months to stop the permanent nausea I had and they work brilliantly.
I have some sort of post operative mass in the gallbladder region. They don't know what it is. It may or may not be causing all my issues in my stomach and upper and lower abdomen. It may be a gallbladder remnant but they are not sure. I'm going to have surgery in the next couple of months to remove it and see what effect that has. But I have such pain in that gallbladder area that goes up and round. I'm on morphine and everything and the pain is still there. The other meds I mentioned control the vomiting and stomach issues. I'm incredibly bloated and for most of the time am very tired with flu like symptoms.
I was very lucky. I moved a year ago. The first time I saw my GP in March he knew exactly was was going on with me. A shame different hospitals didn't. To add into the mix the inital ct scan showed cysts in my ovaries which for a while they thought might be cancerous. So, it's been a big roller coaster ride and I'm still stuck right at the top not knowing if I'll get to the bottom or how. So, lots of different things going on all of which are unusual with no one knowing whether they account for all or any of my symptoms.
In all of this and with all the research I've done, lots of people have simple operations and recover well. But when it can go wrong it can be spectacular for folk and life changing. People can have all sorts of different symptoms and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. It is trial and error for most.
I wish you good luck in getting sorted.
michelle_34992 LittleMissDolly
I'm actually wondering if I might have a cyst as I've been getting a pain in my left groin usually a few days before my period I also get a bit of brown spotting at the same time. I haven't told the gp as I've got so many different symptoms in scared they will think I'm making it all up.
Do you know if it is normal to have yellow stools sometimes after gallbladder is removed it isn't diarrhoea though sometimes a bit soft.
LittleMissDolly michelle_34992
Thank you for your kind words. Much appreciated and gratefully received.
That does sound like a possible cyst. Ah, bless you, but best to get it sorted. That might be explaining your yellow stools too. I think that is normal after your surgery. It is still early days for you. But it is annoying isn't it and you just want to be well and able to enjoy life.
Take care
cheeky87 michelle_34992
elizabeth0612 michelle_34992
rachel58640 elizabeth0612
elizabeth0612 rachel58640
hannah051085 michelle_34992
I think we had ours out the same week. Ive had the same with the toilet but its clearing up now it tends to be after chocolate and coffee so im steering clear. I too have been scared to go to drs as had terrible stomach cramps but i went he took a stool sample to look for that h pilori bacteria luckily results back today saying all clear. He said give it time to settle down it will get easier.
i hope you find ease soon, big hugs, hannah xxx
michelle_34992 hannah051085
Its so annoying I had this belief that this op would be the end of my problems.
Over Christmas this burning was a bit better but it's back tonight. I've made a gp appt for next week will ask for tests.
How are you feeling now?
hannah051085 michelle_34992
Moonday michelle_34992
michelle_34992 Moonday
I'm starting to think my hormones are all over the place! As for a long time my skin was clear but I've got lots of spots at the moment. Teenage style spots! My temp and hot flushes are worst at the time from ovulation until my period. I wonder if going on the pill would help.
Moonday michelle_34992
(PS: my husband has been cancer free since 2008 - I believe his diet went a long way to achieving this).